Are You on The New America’s Hate List?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Are You on The New America’s Hate List? (You probably are-Check and see)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 by Ralph Barker

You are on the current Hate List if you are:

White Male




Chick-fil-A customer (New on the list)



Tea Party Member (God forbid!)


Love the founding fathers

Believe in free enterprise

Believe in guns

Believe in freedom of speech (non liberal, of course)

(If you said yes to any of the above, you are in danger of being singled out as an enemy of modern American society. You are at risk. If you checked two or more update your passport. If you checked three or more you don’t want to know)

This is a new America. It is not the country I was born in. It is not the country it was four years ago. Almost none of the currently accepted principles of life, mores, or ethics, are the ones that built the country. This is tragic.


Are You on The New America
Are You on The New America’s Hate List? (You probably are-Check and see)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 by Ralph Barker

You are on the current Hate List if you are:

White Male




Chick-fil-A customer (New on the list)



Tea Party Member (God forbid!)


Love the founding fathers

Believe in free enterprise

Believe in guns

Believe in freedom of speech (non liberal, of course)

(If you said yes to any of the above, you are in danger of being singled out as an enemy of modern American society. You are at risk. If you checked two or more update your passport. If you checked three or more you don’t want to know)

This is a new America. It is not the country I was born in. It is not the country it was four years ago. Almost none of the currently accepted principles of life, mores, or ethics, are the ones that built the country. This is tragic.


Are You on The New America

It started with Teddy Kennedy, the Senator renown for his swimming prowess and his stamina during an all night rental of an entire Mexican bordello, when the Senator, looking to increase the share, hold, and scope of the Democratic Party over the American Electorate, decided that the current make up of the electorate was too white, too Caucasian, too independent, and too self reliant to accept the then Democratic Party's evolving principals of almost complete dependence on Government and persuaded the Congress to restrict immigration from the former customary sources and instead seek an infusion of different immigrants, ones who who would hopefully be more receptive to the Democratic party's principals of total reliance on Government, and therefore the Democratic Party.
Among them were the Islamic immigrants who brought with them their Mosques and their Madrassas, and the current Islamic beliefs promulgated in the Madrassas that Islam's only goal was to infiltrate and destroy America and all its works and subordinate the American people to the Caliphate.
Meanwhile the African American community devolved into the status of a permanent government dependent underclass as an unfortunate result of LBJ's Great Society. The hoped for assimilation into American Society of this group of Americans was stopped dead in its tracks. Building resentment of their newfound permanent underclass situation lead the community to accept the Islamic Madrassa style as its community center model bringing forth the Jeremiah Wright model of teacher and community leader who continuously preaches hatred, contempt and resentment for America and its culture.
The Democratic party cannot possibly think of undermining these philosophies, since to do so would undermine its own base and political power, but must instead continually support these groups hatred, intolerance, and contempt for America and its culture. The Party has itself become an enemy of America and with friends like that, who needs enemies? Maybe its time for America to weed out its enemies at home with a little housecleaning and provide them with their own reverse St Louis.

Islamic extremism, infiltration must be taken seriously |

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield
The Geography of Hate

January 8, 2014 by Mark Tapson


Dr. Monica Stephens, an assistant professor at Humboldt State University whose current work “surrounds geographies of gender, hate, and censorship online,” has undertaken a project to identify the geographic origins of online hate speech. The result is the Geography of Hate map. Check it out, says a writer at the Fast Company website, “if you’ve wondered where the truly hate-filled people in America live.” Well, not exactly.

For the data used to construct the map, Stephens gathered every “geocoded” tweet in the United States from June 2012 through April 2013 that contained one or more “hate words” that she categorized as homophobic (“dyke,” “fag,” “homo,” “queer”), racist (“chink,” “gook,” “******,” “wetback,” and “spick”), and disability (“cripple”). Apparently she is saving hate words targeting whites (e.g., “cracker” and its variants), conservatives (“teabaggers”), and black conservatives (“Uncle Toms”) and straight people (“breeders”) for a future map, because they weren’t considered for this one.

The total from that time frame amounted to over 150,000 tweets. But because “computers are poor judges of sarcasm,” Stephens says, “and Twitter is often used in sarcastic ways, or used to quote somebody else,” three of her students first had to read the entirety of each tweet to identify only the ones in which the key words were used in a pejorative sense (they weren’t interested in phrases, for example, celebrating “dykes on bikes #SFPride,” or “nigga” as a very common term of endearment among blacks themselves).


The Geography of Hate map may be an interesting intellectual exercise for academics, but its narrow focus on ugly tweets renders it rather meaningless. Of course, the very concept of “hate speech” is questionable and flawed anyway, because who gets to define what constitutes “hate speech”? Why the left, naturally, which is why the left never finds itself guilty of said hate. That’s why Stephens’ research neglected to include conservative targets, a consideration that very likely never even occurred to her.

The Geography of Hate | FrontPage Magazine
Are You on The New America’s Hate List? (You probably are-Check and see)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 by Ralph Barker

You are on the current Hate List if you are:

White Male




Chick-fil-A customer (New on the list)



Tea Party Member (God forbid!)


Love the founding fathers

Believe in free enterprise

Believe in guns

Believe in freedom of speech (non liberal, of course)

(If you said yes to any of the above, you are in danger of being singled out as an enemy of modern American society. You are at risk. If you checked two or more update your passport. If you checked three or more you don’t want to know)

This is a new America. It is not the country I was born in. It is not the country it was four years ago. Almost none of the currently accepted principles of life, mores, or ethics, are the ones that built the country. This is tragic.


Are You on The New America
I'm all of these, except I don't really love the founding fathers. I highly regard them. Their thinking did not deviate from the Whiggish thinking of the general population, but they could articulate it well.
Are You on The New America’s Hate List? (You probably are-Check and see)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 by Ralph Barker

You are on the current Hate List if you are:

White Male




Chick-fil-A customer (New on the list)



Tea Party Member (God forbid!)


Love the founding fathers

Believe in free enterprise

Believe in guns

Believe in freedom of speech (non liberal, of course)

(If you said yes to any of the above, you are in danger of being singled out as an enemy of modern American society. You are at risk. If you checked two or more update your passport. If you checked three or more you don’t want to know)

This is a new America. It is not the country I was born in. It is not the country it was four years ago. Almost none of the currently accepted principles of life, mores, or ethics, are the ones that built the country. This is tragic.


Are You on The New America
One thing you said is certainly true. America "is not the country it was four years ago." THANK GOD!!!
--America is not involved in two wars. We are out of Iraq and soon will be out of Afghanistan (the longest war in American history).
--We are not losing 750,000 jobs a month as we were during bush's last months.
--We are not heading for the massive depression that virtually all economists were predicting.
--Millions of Americans who didn't have health insurance now have that insurance FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES.
--The DOW average has gone from 8,000 when bush left office to record highs and is hovering around 16,000.
--Finally some common sense regarding gay marriage and the use of marijuana is coming to America.
--More and more Americans are recognizing republicans for the greedy pricks they are and are leaving the republican party.
--The tea parties unwillingness to compromise and work with others is gradually killing the republican party which is a gift to all mankind.
I think all of the above is a great step forward and should be celebrated.

It started with Teddy Kennedy, the Senator renown for his swimming prowess and his stamina during an all night rental of an entire Mexican bordello, when the Senator, looking to increase the share, hold, and scope of the Democratic Party over the American Electorate, decided that the current make up of the electorate was too white, too Caucasian, too independent, and too self reliant to accept the then Democratic Party's evolving principals of almost complete dependence on Government and persuaded the Congress to restrict immigration from the former customary sources and instead seek an infusion of different immigrants, ones who who would hopefully be more receptive to the Democratic party's principals of total reliance on Government, and therefore the Democratic Party.
Among them were the Islamic immigrants who brought with them their Mosques and their Madrassas, and the current Islamic beliefs promulgated in the Madrassas that Islam's only goal was to infiltrate and destroy America and all its works and subordinate the American people to the Caliphate.
Meanwhile the African American community devolved into the status of a permanent government dependent underclass as an unfortunate result of LBJ's Great Society. The hoped for assimilation into American Society of this group of Americans was stopped dead in its tracks. Building resentment of their newfound permanent underclass situation lead the community to accept the Islamic Madrassa style as its community center model bringing forth the Jeremiah Wright model of teacher and community leader who continuously preaches hatred, contempt and resentment for America and its culture.
The Democratic party cannot possibly think of undermining these philosophies, since to do so would undermine its own base and political power, but must instead continually support these groups hatred, intolerance, and contempt for America and its culture. The Party has itself become an enemy of America and with friends like that, who needs enemies? Maybe its time for America to weed out its enemies at home with a little housecleaning and provide them with their own reverse St Louis.

Islamic extremism, infiltration must be taken seriously |

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield
Sounds pretty bad. Have you considered moving to another country? Think about it.
are you on the new america’s hate list? (you probably are-check and see)

tuesday, august 7, 2012 by ralph barker

you are on the current hate list if you are:

White male




chick-fil-a customer (new on the list)



tea party member (god forbid!)


love the founding fathers

believe in free enterprise

believe in guns

believe in freedom of speech (non liberal, of course)

(if you said yes to any of the above, you are in danger of being singled out as an enemy of modern american society. You are at risk. If you checked two or more update your passport. If you checked three or more you don’t want to know)

this is a new america. It is not the country i was born in. It is not the country it was four years ago. Almost none of the currently accepted principles of life, mores, or ethics, are the ones that built the country. This is tragic.


are you on the new america
one thing you said is certainly true. America "is not the country it was four years ago." thank god!!!
--america is not involved in two wars. We are out of iraq and soon will be out of afghanistan (the longest war in american history).
--we are not losing 750,000 jobs a month as we were during bush's last months.
--we are not heading for the massive depression that virtually all economists were predicting.
--millions of americans who didn't have health insurance now have that insurance for the first time in their lives.
--the dow average has gone from 8,000 when bush left office to record highs and is hovering around 16,000.
--finally some common sense regarding gay marriage and the use of marijuana is coming to america.
--more and more americans are recognizing republicans for the greedy pricks they are and are leaving the republican party.
--the tea parties unwillingness to compromise and work with others is gradually killing the republican party which is a gift to all mankind.
I think all of the above is a great step forward and should be celebrated.

Last edited:
The Geography of Hate

January 8, 2014 by Mark Tapson


Dr. Monica Stephens, an assistant professor at Humboldt State University whose current work “surrounds geographies of gender, hate, and censorship online,” has undertaken a project to identify the geographic origins of online hate speech. The result is the Geography of Hate map. Check it out, says a writer at the Fast Company website, “if you’ve wondered where the truly hate-filled people in America live.” Well, not exactly.

For the data used to construct the map, Stephens gathered every “geocoded” tweet in the United States from June 2012 through April 2013 that contained one or more “hate words” that she categorized as homophobic (“dyke,” “fag,” “homo,” “queer”), racist (“chink,” “gook,” “******,” “wetback,” and “spick”), and disability (“cripple”). Apparently she is saving hate words targeting whites (e.g., “cracker” and its variants), conservatives (“teabaggers”), and black conservatives (“Uncle Toms”) and straight people (“breeders”) for a future map, because they weren’t considered for this one.

The total from that time frame amounted to over 150,000 tweets. But because “computers are poor judges of sarcasm,” Stephens says, “and Twitter is often used in sarcastic ways, or used to quote somebody else,” three of her students first had to read the entirety of each tweet to identify only the ones in which the key words were used in a pejorative sense (they weren’t interested in phrases, for example, celebrating “dykes on bikes #SFPride,” or “nigga” as a very common term of endearment among blacks themselves).


The Geography of Hate map may be an interesting intellectual exercise for academics, but its narrow focus on ugly tweets renders it rather meaningless. Of course, the very concept of “hate speech” is questionable and flawed anyway, because who gets to define what constitutes “hate speech”? Why the left, naturally, which is why the left never finds itself guilty of said hate. That’s why Stephens’ research neglected to include conservative targets, a consideration that very likely never even occurred to her.

The Geography of Hate | FrontPage Magazine

I notice most of the hate tweets seem to originate in the Washington D.C. area.

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