Are we one event away from World War Three? Trouble brewing in the Far East.

MSN See how long this will last while DTMB can post "FART", in his OPs.

Joe Biden said "If Russia did a minor incursion into Ukraine, it would be bad" Russia invades Ukraine.
Joe Biden give Iran 6 billion dollars. Iran proxies send billions of dollars of rockets into Israel.
Iran attacks Israel with billions of dollars of cruise missiles.

Now Australia is feeling the heat of existential threats from China who has no "R-S-P-E-C-T (obama spelling not me) for Joe Biden. WWIII is just around the corner....
Globally we have two potential HOT SPOTS, one active(boots on ground) zone of conflict, & one zone engaged in both terrorist & aerial combat.

The Pakistan/India border conflict has been going on for decades between the muslims & hindus. Both sides have threatened each other with nukes. The Clinton administration barely managed to forestall a nuclear exchange between the two nations back in 1999 during the Kargil war. With Pakistan, China, India & Kashmir @ a loggerhead in such a congested area this could go full nuke in just minutes.

A Taiwan/China war would drag the major powers into a global conflict, with nukes a strong possibility due to conventional weapon depletion.

The Ukraine/Russia arena has already brewed up making a convenient spring board to propel Russia further into eastern Europe, 'IF' Russia possesses the logistical capability to do so.

Israel/Iran conflict which is looking to be heating up. It's push & shove @ current but could get out of control fairly quickly. A full bore conflict in this area could come with some unexpected & severe consequences for all of humanity, so this area of interest is where humanity wants to have plenty of fire extinguishers on hand to smother any aggressive conflict.

The below link I found to be interesting as it's very easy to follow as well as comprehend.

The Chinese are playing American politics hoping to get the U.S. people to back down - thanks to the MAGA idiots.

But Japan is building its military at an incredible rate, and already has the most sophisticated warships in the world.

There is no way the Chinese will risk a war with Japan and the U.S.
MAGA idiots are not in the White House you moron, Joe Bribem is, the most weak, ineffective, DONT, president ever. Even Jimmy Carter is smiling knowing that he no longer is the worst president.
The Trump cult losers have all been terrified into incontinence.

That's deliberate on the part of their masters. Keeping them hysterical keeps them obedient. Their masters like them to be obedient.

You can chill, Trump cultists. The grownups are in charge.

Biden told Iran, "Don't". They did anyway

Biden gave Putin the go ahead to move into Ukraine

Biden approved Iran's attack on Israel
MSN See how long this will last while DTMB can post "FART", in his OPs.

Joe Biden said "If Russia did a minor incursion into Ukraine, it would be bad" Russia invades Ukraine.
Joe Biden give Iran 6 billion dollars. Iran proxies send billions of dollars of rockets into Israel.
Iran attacks Israel with billions of dollars of cruise missiles.

Now Australia is feeling the heat of existential threats from China who has no "R-S-P-E-C-T (obama spelling not me) for Joe Biden. WWIII is just around the corner....
Once the foreign aid bills are passed & signed into law, Russia, China and Iran will realize that they've lost their grip on the Republican party and Congress.

They'll back down real quick.
Oh you....Just print up more fiat currency and more inflation for a corrupted money laundering nation that has many of our politicians compromised. Our own infrastructure is slowly failing, and we spend more money on some eastern European nation that has no effect on us.
The Chinese are playing American politics hoping to get the U.S. people to back down - thanks to the MAGA idiots.

But Japan is building its military at an incredible rate, and already has the most sophisticated warships in the world.

There is no way the Chinese will risk a war with Japan and the U.S.
Neo-Cons Go to the MIC Bar to Taiwan On
MAGA idiots are not in the White House you moron, Joe Bribem is, the most weak, ineffective, DONT, president ever. Even Jimmy Carter is smiling knowing that he no longer is the worst president.

Yes, we do not like Biden.

However, your reply was irrelevant to my post.

I said that the Chinese were playing with American politics. There's more to American politics than President Biden.
Oh you....Just print up more fiat currency and more inflation for a corrupted money laundering nation that has many of our politicians compromised. Our own infrastructure is slowly failing, and we spend more money on some eastern European nation that has no effect on us.

Obviously, you know nothing about economics.

Inflation is caused mainly by greedy businesspeople.

The money we're spending to support foreign countries goes mainly to the U.S. military Industrial complex, which gives jobs to millions of Americans. They in turn pay taxes and keep the economy going.

The notion of a 'fiat' currency is laughable. The value of all U.S. currency is created by the yield from the productive work of Americans. That is a whole lot more sensible than setting its value on a single commodity like gold.
Neo-cons and Marxists/Demofascists are the one and the same, to see the destruction of the United States while they obtain, extreme wealth by stealing our Tax Dollars. President Trump exposed this which is why the left and establishment Republicans hate him so much.
Liberals, unlike you MAGA idiots, know that those tax dollars are only worth anything if the U.S. Government exists. So, the destruction of the United States is the last thing we'd want.

Do you ever think before you post your MAGA BULLSHIT?

Are we one event away from World War Three?​

Strange thread....

From last December....

I guess you forgot that according to you, WWIII had already started.

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