Are Washhington Establishment GOP Helping Sabotage Trump?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The ACA:
Ryan and McConnell promised they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA ready to go...they either lied or are completely incompetent. with 8 years to et ready, they have completely failed President trump and the American people.

Tax cuts:
Yeah, Congress is saying no time soon...Trump is hoping for August this year. Don't count on it.

Trump was ready to hit the ground running - the people elected him to do just that. His 1st month is office was very productive and promising, but the GOP Congress has done noting but push-back and fail since then.

It makes me wonder a little if the Washington Establishment GOP, who spewed so much hatred on Trump during the Nomination Process and election, aren't actually joining in with the snowflakes to undermine and sabotage President Trump's agenda / the people
s 'mandate' to Trump...
The ACA:
Ryan and McConnell promised they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA ready to go...they either lied or are completely incompetent. with 8 years to et ready, they have completely failed President trump and the American people.

Tax cuts:
Yeah, Congress is saying no time soon...Trump is hoping for August this year. Don't count on it.

Trump was ready to hit the ground running - the people elected him to do just that. His 1st month is office was very productive and promising, but the GOP Congress has done noting but push-back and fail since then.

It makes me wonder a little if the Washington Establishment GOP, who spewed so much hatred on Trump during the Nomination Process and election, aren't actually joining in with the snowflakes to undermine and sabotage President Trump's agenda / the people
s 'mandate' to Trump...[/QUOTE]

Herding RINOs Into the Tar Pits

Trump will retaliate with the same undisclosed methods he used to force the RNC to let him have the nomination.
YES----Trump is not a real repub. Lots of repubs hate him-----he is Besmirched
WITH democrat tendencies
The ACA:
Ryan and McConnell promised they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA ready to go...they either lied or are completely incompetent. with 8 years to et ready, they have completely failed President trump and the American people.

Tax cuts:
Yeah, Congress is saying no time soon...Trump is hoping for August this year. Don't count on it.

Trump was ready to hit the ground running - the people elected him to do just that. His 1st month is office was very productive and promising, but the GOP Congress has done noting but push-back and fail since then.

It makes me wonder a little if the Washington Establishment GOP, who spewed so much hatred on Trump during the Nomination Process and election, aren't actually joining in with the snowflakes to undermine and sabotage President Trump's agenda / the people
s 'mandate' to Trump...

Where was Trump's plan?

Trump said he had a plan to repeal Obamacare?

But then he found that 'healthcare is complicated'- something everyone else already knew.

Trump has no one to blame but himself- you know- the 'closer'
The ACA:
Ryan and McConnell promised they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA ready to go...they either lied or are completely incompetent. with 8 years to et ready, they have completely failed President trump and the American people.

Tax cuts:
Yeah, Congress is saying no time soon...Trump is hoping for August this year. Don't count on it.

Trump was ready to hit the ground running - the people elected him to do just that. His 1st month is office was very productive and promising, but the GOP Congress has done noting but push-back and fail since then.

It makes me wonder a little if the Washington Establishment GOP, who spewed so much hatred on Trump during the Nomination Process and election, aren't actually joining in with the snowflakes to undermine and sabotage President Trump's agenda / the people
s 'mandate' to Trump...

Where was Trump's plan?

Trump said he had a plan to repeal Obamacare?

But then he found that 'healthcare is complicated'- something everyone else already knew.

Trump has no one to blame but himself- you know- the 'closer'

yes-----his plan was not WELL-COOKED
Trump is now claiming that HE didn't want to do healthcare first but somehow got pushed into it by Preibus and some others.

It's Weaselmania at Trump Central.
Trump is now claiming that HE didn't want to do healthcare first but somehow got pushed into it by Preibus and some others.

It's Weaselmania at Trump Central.

yet another example of Trump -hoof in mouth disease
The ACA:
Ryan and McConnell promised they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA ready to go...they either lied or are completely incompetent. with 8 years to et ready, they have completely failed President trump and the American people.

Tax cuts:
Yeah, Congress is saying no time soon...Trump is hoping for August this year. Don't count on it.

Trump was ready to hit the ground running - the people elected him to do just that. His 1st month is office was very productive and promising, but the GOP Congress has done noting but push-back and fail since then.

It makes me wonder a little if the Washington Establishment GOP, who spewed so much hatred on Trump during the Nomination Process and election, aren't actually joining in with the snowflakes to undermine and sabotage President Trump's agenda / the people
s 'mandate' to Trump...
Funny. There's another thread about President Obama trying to sabotaged Trump.

Has anyone ever considered that Trump is sabotaging himself? Ridiculous claims from the size of the crowd at the inaugural to former President tapping his wires, his NSA chief gone within a month to his AG recusing himself from Russia collusion investigations. The best way to sabotage a political neophyte like Trump is to surround him with inexperienced sycophants then step aside. Give him enough rope, as it were.

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