Are these the faces of hate in America?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Protests vs. law come up short -

maybe the new face(S) of hate in America?


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I don't know, but I do think people are being hateful. I support throwing the illegals back across the border when caught, but I had said the same back when Irish illegals (and later Brazilian illegals) were swamping the labor trades back a few decades ago.

The difference was, I did sound all angry, or focus on how they spoke. I would not have been so angry as to come out to a rally with my children in tow. I would not have been upset enough to vote for or against politicians on the single issue of immigration reform.

Whether the hate is race based or more is an open question. I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

The only time this level of anger has been directed at immigrants and channeled towards drastic reform proposals at public rallies, was back in the good old days of racism against 'yellow' people, and the eye-talians, greeks, and others from Eastern Europe. .
Protests vs. law come up short -

maybe the new face(S) of hate in America?


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I don't know, but I do think people are being hateful. I support throwing the illegals back across the border when caught, but I had said the same back when Irish illegals (and later Brazilian illegals) were swamping the labor trades back a few decades ago.

The difference was, I did sound all angry, or focus on how they spoke. I would not have been so angry as to come out to a rally with my children in tow. I would not have been upset enough to vote for or against politicians on the single issue of immigration reform.

Whether the hate is race based or more is an open question. I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

The only time this level of anger has been directed at immigrants and channeled towards drastic reform proposals at public rallies, was back in the good old days of racism against 'yellow' people, and the eye-talians, greeks, and others from Eastern Europe. .

You don't hate the people who are taking over the United States and forcing you into their culture? You're the "Third Reichs" dream. The people who will believe the BIG LIE!
Protests vs. law come up short -

maybe the new face(S) of hate in America?


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I don't know, but I do think people are being hateful. I support throwing the illegals back across the border when caught, but I had said the same back when Irish illegals (and later Brazilian illegals) were swamping the labor trades back a few decades ago.

The difference was, I did sound all angry, or focus on how they spoke. I would not have been so angry as to come out to a rally with my children in tow. I would not have been upset enough to vote for or against politicians on the single issue of immigration reform.

Whether the hate is race based or more is an open question. I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

The only time this level of anger has been directed at immigrants and channeled towards drastic reform proposals at public rallies, was back in the good old days of racism against 'yellow' people, and the eye-talians, greeks, and others from Eastern Europe. .

I think these protesters are venting about this "Wont enforce the laws Govt" more than anything.
Protests vs. law come up short -

maybe the new face(S) of hate in America?


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I don't know, but I do think people are being hateful. I support throwing the illegals back across the border when caught, but I had said the same back when Irish illegals (and later Brazilian illegals) were swamping the labor trades back a few decades ago.

The difference was, I did sound all angry, or focus on how they spoke. I would not have been so angry as to come out to a rally with my children in tow. I would not have been upset enough to vote for or against politicians on the single issue of immigration reform.

Whether the hate is race based or more is an open question. I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

The only time this level of anger has been directed at immigrants and channeled towards drastic reform proposals at public rallies, was back in the good old days of racism against 'yellow' people, and the eye-talians, greeks, and others from Eastern Europe. .

You don't hate the people who are taking over the United States and forcing you into their culture? You're the "Third Reichs" dream. The people who will believe the BIG LIE!

admission of hate. thank you for your honesty.
Protests vs. law come up short -

maybe the new face(S) of hate in America?


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I don't know, but I do think people are being hateful. I support throwing the illegals back across the border when caught, but I had said the same back when Irish illegals (and later Brazilian illegals) were swamping the labor trades back a few decades ago.

The difference was, I did sound all angry, or focus on how they spoke. I would not have been so angry as to come out to a rally with my children in tow. I would not have been upset enough to vote for or against politicians on the single issue of immigration reform.

Whether the hate is race based or more is an open question. I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

The only time this level of anger has been directed at immigrants and channeled towards drastic reform proposals at public rallies, was back in the good old days of racism against 'yellow' people, and the eye-talians, greeks, and others from Eastern Europe. .

I think these protesters are venting about this "Wont enforce the laws Govt" more than anything.

fair enough.

thank you

Hi Dante:

Are these the faces of hate in America?

Protests vs. law come up short -

maybe the new face(S) of hate in America?

No sir. These are faces of concerned Americans watching their once-great country go down the tubes from the current Illegal Alien Invasion that is literally destroying America!!!!

I don't know, but I do think people are being hateful.

No sir. Perhaps Dante is unaware of the differences between 'legal' and "ILLEGAL"!!! Legal Immigrants enter the USA through the front door, but Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals come to the USA through the back door in the middle of the night to steal identities and JOBS from American Workers.

I support throwing the illegals back across the border when caught, but I had said the same back when Irish illegals (and later Brazilian illegals) were swamping the labor trades back a few decades ago.

I do not support throwing Illegal Aliens anywhere! I do support throwing every American 'hiring' Illegal Aliens into jail 'and' I support taking away their business license FOR LIFE. When nobody will 'hire' the Illegal Aliens, they will find their own way back home and real American Workers will be rehired.

The difference was, I did sound all angry, or focus on how they spoke. I would not have been so angry as to come out to a rally with my children in tow. I would not have been upset enough to vote for or against politicians on the single issue of immigration reform.

We are now talking about 20 to 30 MILLION Illegal Aliens running around loose EVERYWHERE and Millions of Americans suffering from lack of JOBS. The question is about whether you care more about Illegal Aliens and those 'hiring' them OR 'displaced' American Workers looking for a JOB.

Whether the hate is race based or more is an open question. I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

This is the kind of stupid rhetoric that gets law-abiding citizens all worked up. There is a HUGE difference between 'anti immigrant' and Anti Illegal Alien Foreign National!!!! These people are citizens of other countries that came here in the middle of the night in complete disregard for American Rule Of Law! They forge documentation and steal American Identities to steal American JOBS and take food out of the mouths of American Children! They break our laws that include:

1. Immigration Laws.
2. Employment Laws.
3. Document Fraud Laws.
4. Driving Laws.
5. Receiving Illegal Funds Laws.
6. Transferring Illegal Funds Across State Line Laws.
7. Transferring Illegal Funds Across Federal Line Laws.

Those Americans helping Illegal Aliens break all kinds of Laws that include:

1. Aiding and Abetting Laws.
2. Harboring Laws.
3. Assisting An Illegal Alien obtain the appearance of Legal Working Status Laws.
4. Document Fraud.
5. Illegal Hiring Laws.
6. Renting to Illegal Aliens.
7. Illegal Transmission of Funds.

The fact that these 20 MILLION Illegal Aliens are here "Illegally" only speaks to the "Illegal Immigration Laws," which is only one of many Laws being broken. Also, the fact that Illegal Amnesty is handed out to 20 Million goddamned Illegal Aliens does not excuse all of the Americans currently aiding and abetting and harboring and hiring them!!!

The only time this level of anger has been directed at immigrants and channeled towards drastic reform proposals at public rallies, was back in the good old days of racism against 'yellow' people, and the eye-talians, greeks, and others from Eastern Europe. .

Again, this is the kind of idiotic lingo that makes real Americans angry!!! America is a land of immigrants that come in through the FRONT DOOR. Yes! I will not even eat at a Taco Bell, because our corrupt politicians in Washington D.C. allow this Illegal Alien Invasion to continue. Then these same corrupt politicians look for ways to reward all of this Illegal Behavior by handing out Illegal Amnesty to 20 to 30 Million goddamned Illegal Aliens 'and' the unscrupulous American Employers HIRING THEM.

No sir. We do NOT need any 'Immigration Reform' :)cuckoo:). We need our perfectly good Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws ENFORCED to the full extent of the "Rule Of Law." THEN, the Illegal Aliens will go home 'and' real Americans can get their JOBS back ...


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Wanting illegal aliens to be sent back to their country of origin does not make one "anti immigrant".

didn't say it did.

thank you for making up an argument and winning it -- with yourself.


Actually, you did.
Dante said:
I suspect for most anti immigrant loud mouths, it is not only or all a matter of race, but the level of anger is exceptional.

Or maybe that was some other Dante that posted that.
Much of the nativism here is fueled by race and ethnic hate.

No denial of that carries any water.
Much of the nativism here is fueled by race and ethnic hate.

No denial of that carries any water.

Baloney!!! It's fueled by loss of jobs and a huge income gap caused by illegals reducing our wages and taking our jobs. Hispanics just happen to be targeted because they are the largest number of illegals due to geography. Guess what, many of them are as white as I am and I'm as white as you can be.

In fact, two Hispanics with 2 kids came in yesterday at the church to get free lunches and one of them was as white I was was with red hair. My friend knew they were immigrants but she thought they were Russian. I, however, could understand most of what they were saying in Spanish.
I said "much" is fueled by nativism. That has always been true in America.
How do you think the indians felt when we did it to them?

The Native American welcome the newcomers in the beginning becasue the country and resources were enough for all and they traded with each other. But things changed, the wite man got greedy and you know the rest.

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