Are There ANY Democrats That The USMB RWers Like?

Just to clarify - I'm not a right winger but am a conservative. I think Evan Bayh is okay and I really liked Joe Lieberman.

I'm with you there. There isn't ONE Democrat that I would ever support. Not one. The democrat party has changed dramatically since OBarry came into power. They have no intention of working with Republicans and, after this November, will find out EXACTLY what it feels like to be left out of policy making decisions.
Joe Manchin, Ron Wyden....and sometimes Dianne Feinstein. And Nancy Pelosi....not because of her politics...but because I think she's a freak in bed. :)

Joe Manchin, Ron Wyden....and sometimes Dianne Feinstein. And Nancy Pelosi....not because of her politics...but because I think she's a freak in bed. :)



Trust me, if that moronic idiot looked like THAT - she wouldn't be in Congress....she'd be working for Heff.

That picture is pretty sweet though....looks as though all of Pelosi's "brains" went to her chest...
Or at least believe are not "far LW nutjobs?"

If so, list them.

It not, then why not?

Are you talking about in Congress or Democrats in general?
Oh well here are some of each Joe Lieberman who filed under irony the Democrats turned on Dennis Kunnich who I don't agree with on much but who sticks by his principles even taking his own party to task and Evan Bayh and Joe Manchin on the non politician side Joe Trippi, Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers for all being willing to be critical of Democrats when warranted.
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The good ones are all dead: Humphrey, Muskie, McGovern, Moynihan.
Zell Miller. Lieberman was OK but sold out all his principles to Gore within 72 hours of being nominated. Manchin is a hypocrite anti gunner.
Bob Kerry. William Weld.
Of course they love Zell Miller, the conservative Southern Democrat.

You know what Zell Miller was doing in 1964 at the time of the Civil Rights Act legislative battle?

Running for Congress as a segregationist. That of course makes him one of those Democrats the Right loves to point to when they are spinning tales about the racist history of the Democratic Party.

Oddly, though, they never mention Zell Miller in any of those rants.
Of course they love Zell Miller, the conservative Southern Democrat.

You know what Zell Miller was doing in 1964 at the time of the Civil Rights Act legislative battle?

Running for Congress as a segregationist. That of course makes him one of those Democrats the Right loves to point to when they are spinning tales about the racist history of the Democratic Party.

Oddly, though, they never mention Zell Miller in any of those rants.

If you admit Miller ran as a segregationist (and they almost all were to some extent) then how is it spinning tales??
You can't keep your own contradictions straight!

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