Are the walls closing in on Joe Biden? Will he withdraw or lose the 2024 nomination? (Poll)

Will Biden be replaced, and if so, when will it happen?

  • Joe will be replced at the DNC convention

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Joe will hang tough and stay on the 2024 ballot

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Joe will lose the democrat primaries

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
When CNN is starts showing Biden sinking in the polls, with both Trump and Nikki Haley beating him in 2024, you know that Biden is being replaced by someone else. When will that happen? We know that Biden will cling to power to protect his crime family as long as possible.
Maybe he'll try to "wag the dog"?

So predict that if Biden is to be replaced, how and when will it happen?
I do not, of course, know the answer to the thread question.

But I was shocked when FOX reported a recent poll that indicates even Mr. Pence (!!!) would beat President Biden at the present moment!

And even CNN is now admitting that a lot of ordinary Dems want President Biden to retire when his term expires.

Why are his handlers still wearing him out by sending him on all these foreign trips, including to Vietnam?

Let the poor guy rest!
It has been fixed that a different Deep State faction will prevail for some time . Whether it is scripted for the Donald to serve another term and how far he will move some goal
posts ,if making a second Coming , is a matter for endless conjecture .
I do not, of course, know the answer to the thread question.

But I was shocked when FOX reported a recent poll that indicates even Mr. Pence (!!!) would beat President Biden at the present moment!

And even CNN is now admitting that a lot of ordinary Dems want President Biden to retire when his term expires.

Why are his handlers still wearing him out by sending him on all these foreign trips, including to Vietnam?

Let the poor guy rest!
My guess is they run with Joe until close to the election, then dump his ass and insert the establishment corporatist warmonger candidate. They’ll claim there is no time for primaries and D voters must accept the establishment’s chosen candidate.
The D's are going to renominate Sleepy Joe, I don't see where they have much of a choice here.

Whoever is nominated is going to have to defend the Biden Record, who better than the man himself.

Further, the alternative, Kamala, is a lot less palatable than Biden. They aren't going to alienate the Party's Black Chick base by putting someone over her now that she is next in line.

So the only choice they have is Biden.

Also, nominating a clown like Biden would really "stick it" to the Republicans and show a lot of disrespect.
My guess is they run with Joe until close to the election, then dump his ass and insert the establishment corporatist warmonger candidate. They’ll claim there is no time for primaries and D voters must accept the establishment’s chosen candidate.
Let's call that the "Politburo" option.
When CNN is starts showing Biden sinking in the polls, with both Trump and Nikki Haley beating him in 2024, you know that Biden is being replaced by someone else. When will that happen? We know that Biden will cling to power to protect his crime family as long as possible.
Maybe he'll try to "wag the dog"?

So predict that if Biden is to be replaced, how and when will it happen?

The MSM continues to prop him up.
The D's are going to renominate Sleepy Joe, I don't see where they have much of a choice here.
Whoever is nominated is going to have to defend the Biden Record, who better than the man himself.
Further, the alternative, Kamala, is a lot less palatable than Biden. They aren't going to alienate the Party's Black Chick base by putting someone over her now that she is next in line.
So the only choice they have is Biden.
Also, nominating a clown like Biden would really "stick it" to the Republicans and show a lot of disrespect.
1. The dems want Joe to be the nominee, until they don't.
2. Biden can't defend the Biden record. He can't even do a real press conference.
3. True, Kamala is on-deck or the black-chick wing of the democrat party stays home
4. True again, if the 2020 mail-in ballot stuffing works in 2024 and 83-86 year old Biden wins, that sticks it to EVERYONE.
The D's put the wrong Kamala up as VP, they should have gone for the Ugandan native, who would have made a better appearance.

When CNN is starts showing Biden sinking in the polls, with both Trump and Nikki Haley beating him in 2024, you know that Biden is being replaced by someone else. When will that happen? We know that Biden will cling to power to protect his crime family as long as possible.
Maybe he'll try to "wag the dog"?

So predict that if Biden is to be replaced, how and when will it happen?

I'll give Biden credit for one thing, he's not as bad as Jimmy Carter. But, he's trying.
The D's are going to renominate Sleepy Joe, I don't see where they have much of a choice here.

Whoever is nominated is going to have to defend the Biden Record, who better than the man himself.

Further, the alternative, Kamala, is a lot less palatable than Biden. They aren't going to alienate the Party's Black Chick base by putting someone over her now that she is next in line.

So the only choice they have is Biden.

Also, nominating a clown like Biden would really "stick it" to the Republicans and show a lot of disrespect.
Yeah, one thing Joe has going for him is that he isn't as bad as Kamala.
You’re missing an option: Joe will resign by the end of 2023.
If his impeachment doesn't look like things will go his way. I hope he pays back what he took from the people's tax payments to foreign aid packages. It runs into the hundreds of millions of dollars, in my estimation, and it will take selling 4 out of 5 of his personal mansions in Delaware if he doesn't come up with the money that came from the people's Treasury department. What he did with Ukraine and China in the past is really bad stuff, and
I'm sorry to say that the evidence is quite damning.. He owes the people's treasury more money than he has invested in all five of his multimillion dollar estates. I hope the next President has the strength to fix the problems he created with such bad outcomes on his unilateral decisions that put American citizens into harm's way in Afghanistan, and in harm's way in what's left of the national debt clock.
You’re missing an option: Joe will resign by the end of 2023.
I'm going with that. It's going to be President Harris come 2024.

I expect nothing to change for the better. And probably moar racism. Idk, it all depends on how her and Barry get along.

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