Are the bombers like the recent Manchester bombers "losers"??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So many young, beautiful, innocent people," said Mr. Trump, "murdered by evil losers in life. I won't call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think that's a great name," Mr. Trump repeated. "They're losers, just remember that."

The U.S. president said all "civilized nations" must to band together to drive terrorism "out from our society forever."
We agree with President Trump. All the terms used to describe these barbarians devolve to the really appropriate phrase "loser".
But what is really sad is the MSM/liberals/progressives that defend these "losers".
These defenders of the losers contend that these barbarians are poor, destitute uneducated.
And here in the USA we have tax payer funded colleges ENCOURAGING that behavior by having the
The City University of New York’s Graduate School of Public Health has announced its commencement speaker will be a controversial supporter of Sharia law and Palestine.
According to a report by WCBS-TV, CUNY’s public health graduate school has chosen
Linda Sarsour to give its commencement speech on June 1.
Democratic Party state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents Brooklyn, says “it’s nuts” that a taxpayer-funded college would feature the radical Sarsour.
“I mean, it’s just nuts. It makes no sense. It’s crazy to have this woman be the person who’s going to
speak to the students,” Hikind said to WCBS.

Hikind also said Sarsour supports “radical Islamists.”
She is someone who associates with radical Islamists; supports them; shows support for them. She is someone who has said, clearly, she thinks throwing rocks at cars in Israel is a good thing,” Hiking said.
Assemblyman Claims Activist Associates With Radical Islamists, Should Not Speak At CUNY Commencement

Now should those of us who oppose the barbaric acts like Manchester that are applauded by the likes of Ms. Sarsour, get up and walk out on her like Notre Dame students with VP Pence? Should we protest, throw rocks, over turn cars like those people that support the likes of Ms. Sarsour?
Of course not. We are civilized.
But we should provide the people that don't understand the concept of "loser" as President Trump describes what "losers" the likes of the barbarians, the supporters i.e. Ms. Sarsour really are.
"Losers". Who only know how to destroy. Sad but in "Loser" acts like Manchester these people are
truly becoming the real losers in the long run.
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