Are republican voters really just a bunch of nihilists?

The American Psychiatric Association categorizes Conservatism as a MENTAL ILLNESS.

Scientists have done MRI's on both Liberals and Conservatives and during interview questions while in the MRI machine, the brains of Conservatives light up in the area that deals with FEAR while the brains of Liberals don't.

Conservatives have a brain defect that makes them FEAR much more than normal people.

Righties think everyone is out to scroo them.
Righties think they are the only ones who work for their money.
Righties live in fear that they might have to pay a tax for something that helps OTHER people.

Righties can scream about this all they want but it is just the FACTS.


I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?
Liberals do the work of Satan....
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.
Taxing the wealthy does not harm the economy. The tax rate for the wealthy in the 50's was 90% yet that was a decade of great economic growth. If you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class. Democrats understand that.
Yes, it does. Historically each time taxes were increased the net result was slower economy and lowered revenues.
History also shows that no modern civilization has been able to tax itself into prosperity.
Face fact...Your perception of taxation is for the purpose of punishment. Typical left wing class envy bullshit.
If you are enamored with high taxes, move to Europe. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are a standard liberal.

You cannot understand how any reasonable person can reasonably disagree with you.

What that shows is your completely closed mind, your complete inability to empathize with anyone different than you AND your terrible communication skills, because lets face it, with the time you've spent on this board, people who have spent literally years screaming their reasons in your face, and you've not heard a single thing they have said.
Any loserterian that bitches about the economy is honestly insane...They need to honestly admit that their economic mindset would weaken this country badly...In which case they should just accept that America won't be a world power anymore.

You can't cut infrastructure, abolish our first rate science institutions and stop all investment into r&d without hurting our place in the world. Bush and even Reagan were smart enough to understand this...Also, what is your plan for education? You do know that we bring in all these h1b's because we can't keep up with demand at this time. Need reform and we need it in away that helps increase the size of the labor poor and instead of leaving it only for the rich.

I am not talking about all republicans darkfury,,,just the ones i call loserterians that seem to think and bitch about obamas economy but doesn't seem to understand the damage they'll do to this country.
Shut your insipid pie hole.
I have a question...Why is it you believe the only method by which your pet peeves are funded is through the exclusive use of taxpayer dollars?
The far right reactionaries have had nothing worthy to say.

The process of crushing them and their power continues.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are a standard liberal.

You cannot understand how any reasonable person can reasonably disagree with you.

What that shows is your completely closed mind, your complete inability to empathize with anyone different than you AND your terrible communication skills, because lets face it, with the time you've spent on this board, people who have spent literally years screaming their reasons in your face, and you've not heard a single thing they have said.
Billy is a bored ass troll. He is typical of the Left. Angry and perpetually miserable. These libs spend their entire day looking for things with which to bother themselves.
Billy is proof positive that liberalism is in no way based on logic and reason, Liberalism is based on emotion.
The far right reactionaries have had nothing worthy to say.

The process of crushing them and their power continues.

You don't think it is odd that he does not understand how anyone can disagree with him, after spending years with conservatives repeatedly stating their reasons over and over again?

Would not a more reasonable OP have been to ask what reasons do non super rich republicans vote for the GOP?

Not that he would hear any answers.

Aren't your supposedly a republican? WHy do you vote GOP?
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are a standard liberal.

You cannot understand how any reasonable person can reasonably disagree with you.

What that shows is your completely closed mind, your complete inability to empathize with anyone different than you AND your terrible communication skills, because lets face it, with the time you've spent on this board, people who have spent literally years screaming their reasons in your face, and you've not heard a single thing they have said.
Billy is a bored ass troll. He is typical of the Left. Angry and perpetually miserable. These libs spend their entire day looking for things with which to bother themselves.
Billy is proof positive that liberalism is in no way based on logic and reason, Liberalism is based on emotion.

I know.

But still, I am proud of my answer. I think I made a good point there, forcefully and concisely.
The far right reactionaries are every bit as bad for America as are the far left liberals as both parties will find out in the primaries next year.
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.
Taxing the wealthy does not harm the economy. The tax rate for the wealthy in the 50's was 90% yet that was a decade of great economic growth. If you want to stimulate economic growth, you help the middle class. Democrats understand that.
Genius...That 90% tax rate applied to roughly 200 individuals. And it applied only to an amount exceeding a very high amount.
its NEVER coming back. So just stop mentioning it.
Democrats don't understand shit. Democrats have been doing whatever they can to increase the number of people dependent on government.
Democrats don't do anything unless it is advantageous to their political career.
Do you really think those people in DC give a shit if someone makes their way out of poverty?.....In fact an upwardly mobile population is detrimental to the left wing political cause.
Maybe because we haven't deluded ourselves by pretending we are different than our neighbors simply because of the amount of money we earn.

We are not a different class of people because we earn different amounts of money. It's a trick used by those in power to divide us by stirring up pride in our hearts.
This post is coherent sure, but you hardly gave a convincing argument to vote republican.
You too closed minded to even consider the fact that there exists a point of view that differs from yours.
Maybe because we haven't deluded ourselves by pretending we are different than our neighbors simply because of the amount of money we earn.

We are not a different class of people because we earn different amounts of money. It's a trick used by those in power to divide us by stirring up pride in our hearts.
This post is coherent sure, but you hardly gave a convincing argument to vote republican.

What made you think I was trying to? I was simply answering your question.

Why do you want to divide people according to their income instead of treating them all the same?
I'm not demonizing anyone. I mentioned the 1% because I understand why they vote republican. I certainly don't have anything against the wealthy class. I just don't think they should be the focus of policy.
You aren't? Please stop lying to yourself. You see wealth, large homes, nice cars and it makes your blood boil.
The far right reactionaries are every bit as bad for America as are the far left liberals as both parties will find out in the primaries next year.
Jake, you know what you can do with your faux conservatism. Just admit you're a liberal and get it over with.
You are not a Republican, so I don't care what you think. You are every bit as bad for America as is a communist.
Here is an excellent description of thereisnospoon: "You too closed minded to even consider the fact that there exists a point of view that differs from yours."
I could swear I've heard this OP somewhere before. Oh yeah, about a thousand times in the 60's.
Well the truth doesnt change over the decades.
Time to move on, Bud. But thanks for confirming.
Move onto what? You haven't explained why I wrong.
We don't prove negatives here. You don't get to come on here and spew your tiny mind thoughts and then demand others who have a different point of view, prove a negative.
I could swear I've heard this OP somewhere before. Oh yeah, about a thousand times in the 60's.
Well the truth doesnt change over the decades.
Time to move on, Bud. But thanks for confirming.
Move onto what? You haven't explained why I wrong.
Time to move on to the 21st century.
I have. Progressivism represents the 21st century, not conservatism. Surely you would figure that out by now.
Progressivism represents itself. The ideology is 100% self serving.
In fact there is no progress in progressivism. None.
The far right reactionaries are every bit as bad for America as are the far left liberals as both parties will find out in the primaries next year.

I am a conservative. My ideology is rooted in "conserving" the Enlightenment Ideals of our Founding Fathers.

If reversing some of the "changes" we have made moving away from those ideals is "reactionary" in your mind, so be it.

THought, perhaps you should share which "change" you think I would make that would be "bad" for America?
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.
There are several countries you just mentioned where you are free to emigrate...
If life was so grand in those places, why then are people coming HERE instead of those socialist utopias?
LOL...So lets clear up this.....You state 95% of the US population lives in poverty?
Jesus Christ, you are so pissed off, you cannot get your own stupidity to make sense.

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