Are liberals still chanting the party line that we should just admit 65,000 syrian refugees ?

What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
An example of an uninformed moron who gets to override an informed voter with his ideological ignorant vote.

Paris, Brussels....when Germany gets their desserts he may change his mind

Another one who can't tell the difference between the enemy and their victims.
The enemy is in bedded within the victims.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
Here we are folks. The fucking pathetic academia left wing piece of shit who refuses to learn the lesson. Everything happening is exactly what WE all said would happen you piece of shit.

You fucking "caring left wing" asshole.

Lets see you take them into your fucking house. Your attempt at trying to make me believe how smart you are has failed.

You are a fucking moron.

Finally, words of wisdom. The lefty regressive response has become so predictable...

I am not exactly sure how being though on Islam is "playing on the playbook of ISIS". This is a completely retarded notion. The muslim immigrants are destroying Europe REGARDLESS of ISIS, and doing a FAR FAR better job at it. That bomb strike hardly matters when the welfare queens wrecked the economy and killed far more in regular street crime.

As far as ISIS is concerned the mass wave of immigration allowed by lefties is the best thing that happened for them.
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Dear Theowl32
1. I think both the liberals and conservatives are in the business of baiting each other with the most incendiary inciteful
rhetoric they can spout or tweet in the media, invoke a reaction, and then use that wave of publicity to push their candidates and platform.

It is nothing other than PIMPING those votes, emotions, hot buttons.
None of this is going to fix the problems, it's all media hype for election purposes.

I thought Impenitent made a good point that regardless what is debated in the media,
the real process of seeking asylum involves sitting in camps for 2 years while applying through the process.
Nobody can speed that up, as much as both sides talk about the threats to do X Y Z.

2. The liberals and greens behind Sanders have ideas for economic and political reform.
but these involve DIY outside of govt.
So we aren't going to hear those talking points because they don't empower any politicians to get into office
if these solutions take place by people building their own business cooperatives and structures.
Same with health care.

The real solutions aren't going to come from federal govt but from the people.
So all the hype we hear is projected talk anyway. The real work is going to come
from organizing the masses by state, local district, party, etc. For the liberal agenda to work
it has to be built from the grassroots level up, not mandated from the top down which "sounds good"
for politicians who want to pimp or pump the vote, but not reality.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
Goebbels? You piece of shit. Let us know how many organized rapes and bombings the Jews did in Europe.

You fucking moron.

Let us all know how the Jews in Europe compare in any way what those smelly stink bombs are doing around the world systematically.

Comparing what Goebbels did and said about the Jews and the lies as opposed to the THE FUCKING TRUTH we tell about those fucking muslims is one giant significant difference.

You fucking enabling sack of ignorant shit.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
Here we are folks. The fucking pathetic academia left wing piece of shit who refuses to learn the lesson. Everything happening is exactly what WE all said would happen you piece of shit.

You fucking "caring left wing" asshole.

Lets see you take them into your fucking house. Your attempt at trying to make me believe how smart you are has failed.

You are a fucking moron.

calm down OWL who is the "we" who warned you? are you enoch powell?
At the time that both France and England decided to allow all the former inhabitants
of the foreign members of their "EMPIRES" to be citizens of France and England
respectively---------it is clear that they made a mistake----but they did it and they are
stuck with their PASTS ----and should be able to DEAL WITH IT------the mistake is
to COMPOUND the mistake
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.

Okay how many Americans will have to be sacrificed, blown up, hacked to death, murdered and mutilated so you can feel all high and mighty, pick a number?

The fucking moron, who thinks is just "so intellectual" is implying the Jews in Europe were systematically bombing innocent people.

Either that, or he is denying the stink bombs are doing it all around the world today.

Either way, the fucking "intellectual" is precisely the problem. In fact, it is the enablers like him that are the biggest fucking danger to the west freedom loving world.

Yet, the fucking idiot still thinks he is being "oh sooo smart" like the rest of the retarded fucking sheep.

I hate all of them.
Dear Theowl32
1. I think both the liberals and conservatives are in the business of baiting each other with the most incendiary inciteful
rhetoric they can spout or tweet in the media, invoke a reaction, and then use that wave of publicity to push their candidates and platform.

It is nothing other than PIMPING those votes, emotions, hot buttons.
None of this is going to fix the problems, it's all media hype for election purposes.

I thought Impenitent made a good point that regardless what is debated in the media,
the real process of seeking asylum involves sitting in camps for 2 years while applying through the process.
Nobody can speed that up, as much as both sides talk about the threats to do X Y Z.

2. The liberals and greens behind Sanders have ideas for economic and political reform.
but these involve DIY outside of govt.
So we aren't going to hear those talking points because they don't empower any politicians to get into office
if these solutions take place by people building their own business cooperatives and structures.
Same with health care.

The real solutions aren't going to come from federal govt but from the people.
So all the hype we hear is projected talk anyway. The real work is going to come
from organizing the masses by state, local district, party, etc. For the liberal agenda to work
it has to be built from the grassroots level up, not mandated from the top down which "sounds good"
for politicians who want to pimp or pump the vote, but not reality.

This is the sort of liberalism I agree with. Unfortunately today liberalism has become synonymous with theft.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.

Okay how many Americans will have to be sacrificed, blown up, hacked to death, murdered and mutilated so you can feel all high and mighty, pick a number?

The fucking moron, who thinks is just "so intellectual" is implying the Jews in Europe were systematically bombing innocent people.

Either that, or he is denying the stink bombs are doing it all around the world today.

Either way, the fucking "intellectual" is precisely the problem. In fact, it is the enablers like him that are the biggest fucking danger to the west freedom loving world.

Yet, the fucking idiot still thinks he is being "oh sooo smart" like the rest of the retarded fucking sheep.

I hate all of them.

The end result is------> you need to print this thread out up to here, and show it to everyone you know. Everyone you show it to will be incensed. For the left, it is always about the "children." For us, it is always about our children, and grandchildren.

Let them be the party of making America less safe! Let them be the party of negotiating with jihadists. Let them be the party of savages who rape women. 10 years from now, we will hear their propaganda how just like the late 60s, the political party's magically changed!
Goebbels? You piece of shit. Let us know how many organized rapes and bombings the Jews did in Europe.

According to the Nazis, lots and lots. You're acting the same way. Crying about it won't get us to stop telling the truth about you.

I understand there are some who say we shouldn't laugh at the piss-guzzling ISIS-enabling conservative uberwusses. They say that if conservatives want to bend over for their ISIS-masters, that's their own business. I have to disagree. I think that if Americans are doing the bidding of ISIS, as so many conservatives are doing now, they should be mocked and humiliated for it, in an attempt to get them to stop doing it.

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