Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country...


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?
Is water wet?
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Are Lefties/Righties Willing to Destroy Our Country.?

Unfortunately, yes.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

rhetorical question?
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?
Tell Bull Connor your bull. Obama is no prince, but you folks are far worse on the far right.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?
So you are calling an arbitrary half the population, narcissist?
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.
Clean energy, universal health care, foriegn policy...
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?
So you are calling an arbitrary half the population, narcissist?
jwoodie represents maybe 15% of the electorate. He is the narcissist.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

School lunch programs, fired good Generals from military, Debt, size of GOVT, sigh..need we go on?
Obama isn't perfect...He is a racist and his attitude helped make the tea party what it is today. No question about it. BUT he turned around our economy for the most part and many of his policies are good.

He should of done away with all of Bush's tax cuts
Brought the military home. We can't afford constant war
And fought to get more people off of help into a job.

If he would of done better on these three then the republicans wouldn't have a pot to piss in.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

School lunch programs, fired good Generals from military, Debt, size of GOVT, sigh..need we go on?

Reagan had more government workers. What is wrong with providing services???
The debt was caused by your stupid wars and tax breaks
Yes, he did fuck up on firing generals and foreign policy.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

This Obamaphone blows. I can't Facetime on this thing. :dunno:
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

This Obamaphone blows. I can't Facetime on this thing. :dunno:

a few billion that helps old people call for help = the cause of our debt. Evil is what these people are.
Reagan had more government workers. What is wrong with providing services???

To be honest I was not paying much attention back at RWR. Maybe it was military? I only started paying attention back at ridiculous FLA vote re-count AND big time at 08' housing collapse.

Services? It seems any and all service FED provide is not cost effective. LARGE OVERHEAD not worth it? VA? Medicare?

Yes, I kicked holes in Sheet Rock when GWB started up homeland Security, Iraq war...Medicare costs etc. All of it bad. Bad RINO!

Now we $18T in debt. BHO adding debt for 7 years. No end in sight, but collapse. My IRA will get wiped out. Now I pay more attention.

The best thing FED does is collect money I(very good at that), Military not too bad either but costly.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

School lunch programs, fired good Generals from military, Debt, size of GOVT, sigh..need we go on?

No, you need to clarify what failures you're talking about and then you have to prove they are failures and then you have to prove that they were Obama's fault.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.

This Obamaphone blows. I can't Facetime on this thing. :dunno:

a few billion that helps old people call for help = the cause of our debt. Evil is what these people are.

Maybe those old people shoulda' thought twice before living so long.

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