Are Kazarian Jews fake Jews? In the Holy Bible is no word about Turkish converts to Judaism.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
God gave Palestine to 12 tribes of Israel, not to Turkish converts to Judaism.
There is no one word about Kazahrs in the Holy Bible.
Are Kazarian Jews really true Jews and can the be saved?




Isn't everybody eligible to be saved? Surely that includes "fake Jews".

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
And they all fought each other and started a civil war , and finally Vespasian, his son Titus, and his first in command, Tiberius Alexander, a wealthy Jew had to destroy the city of Jerusalem.

So according to your post, it was Palestine before God gave it to the 12 tribes? Wrong.
Whatever fools like Baron choose to believe:

Ashkenazi Jews Are Not Khazars. Here’s The Proof.

Jews are not descended from Khazars, Hebrew University historian says

Jews have been living outside of Israel since the destruction of the First Temple. Some pathetic story by Christians and Muslims created last century in order to delegitimize Jews and attempt to continue to destroy Israel and all Jews will not work.

And being Jewish is not about ALL Jews being descendants of Abraham and the 12 children of Jacob. Never was.

Your thread only shows how little you know, how little you wish to know, and how little you are going to want to learn, since learning is not the goal of this thread.

There you have it. Now you can spend more time doing really good and helpful things in this world instead of wasting it with this pathetic thread.
Jewish peoples had long periods of proselytizing and forced conversions, prior to the racial exclusivity practices of the post-exilic returnees and their fake genealogies and setting themselves up as rulers with the aid of Cyrus and the benefits of being granted 'temple-state' status under successive regimes and conquerors, and subsequent Hellenization. It is most likely Abraham came from further north of the region, and not the 'Ur' of Sumeria, as is commonly believed with no basis in fact, in what is now Turkey or even further north, so he could have been just about any skin or hair color, even aryan influences. We know he and Sarah weren't black, that is about it as far as racial makeup, and given the contexts of his 'history' he could just as easily be a composite creation and literary device not an actual 'person'. So, yes, Jews can be any pigmentation and hair color, blonde and blue eyed to Coptic and Kenyan to Indian. The Jewish racists, of course, will have tantrums when this is pointed out.

That same geographical region is also noteworthy as the region where most Indo-European and Indo-Iranian languages have their roots, which is more than just mere coincidence as well. Its' highly doubtful the people of those times were 'Khazars', which are a later tribe. No reason they couldn't be related to most of Europe, Russia, and upper caste Indians, either.
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There you have it. Now you can spend more time doing really good and helpful things in this world instead of wasting it with this pathetic thread.

This guy only sows the seeds of derision.. He posts something ignorant and then lets people argue amongst themselves. He's probably a fat man living in his grandmothers basement in moscow toying with you cat and mouse.
There you have it. Now you can spend more time doing really good and helpful things in this world instead of wasting it with this pathetic thread.

This guy only sows the seeds of derision.. He posts something ignorant and then lets people argue amongst themselves. He's probably a fat man living in his grandmothers basement in moscow toying with you cat and mouse.
If you are referring to me in your post....

WRONG in all accounts.

But if you are speaking about the creator of the OP.....

Who knows....very possible :)
There you have it. Now you can spend more time doing really good and helpful things in this world instead of wasting it with this pathetic thread.

This guy only sows the seeds of derision.. He posts something ignorant and then lets people argue amongst themselves. He's probably a fat man living in his grandmothers basement in moscow toying with you cat and mouse.
If you are referring to me in your post....

WRONG in all accounts.

But if you are speaking about the creator of the OP.....

Who knows....very possible :)

Sorry if you thought so, but I wasn't talking about you.

He's probably gearing up for the next election cycle.
God gave Palestine to 12 tribes of Israel, not to Turkish converts to Judaism.
There is no one word about Kazahrs in the Holy Bible.
Are Kazarian Jews really true Jews and can the be saved?





Those two could be what, 3 or 4 generations apart?

As an American I can't tell the difference between them county sized lines on the map you drew. Hopefully that doesn't make a differnce to the almight father who might have created Martians or life around some other star also.
I suggest continuing to let this thread die. How about it?
It was pretty dead before today. Sorry I answered, LOL
It wasn't too clear whom you were referring to.

I suggest continuing to let this thread die. How about it?
It was pretty dead before today. Sorry I answered, LOL
It wasn't too clear whom you were referring to.

No problem, and thats a good idea. There are plenty of other threads where real Americans can express their antisemitism.

Isn't everybody eligible to be saved? Surely that includes "fake Jews".

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

True Jews rejected God and were condemned by him many times.When even if true Jews were punished, how can Fake Jews be saved.
Except they embrace Christianity and burn Talmud.
The Khazarians are Jews story came to be ONLY since Israel became independent in 1948.
You will not find this allegations anywhere in the world before that.

Now, ask yourself, why in the world this story would come out after Israel not only declared Independence but managed to survive the onslaught by 5 Arab countries and their armies?

Did some of the Khazarian Monarchy convert to Judaism?
Possibly, but maybe not as they would need to be converted by real Jews, and a Rabbi or someone who could teach them and consider them truly converted.

The Indigenous Jewish people have been moving around the world, from their ancient homeland of Israel, since the destruction of the First Temple. That is a long, long time.
They settled just about everywhere.

But you, and others like you, would like to believe that somehow, all of those who call themselves Jews living in Europe, aka, Ashkenazi, are descendants from a small group from a Central Asia (Not Europe ) Monarchy who ended up moving to Europe around the 10th Century CE.

You tell me, how is it possible that a small number which made up the Khazar Monarchy up to the 10th-11th century end up multiplying into more than 6 Million Jews by 1945?

Numerically possible?

Are you sure?

6 Million of them were killed.

About 3 Million or more survived the Holocaust.

So, you would truly like to tell me that all the Jews who had been living in Europe, or moved to Europe and were both Ashkenazi or Sephardi (do you know the difference between both? ), all
9 Million Jews living in Europe by the end of the 19th Century or by 1945 were descendants from a Monarchy from Central Asia, and not descendants of the indigenous Jews who had move to Europe at anytime between the destruction of the First Temple, and the end of the 19th Century?

Is that what you are telling me?
The Khazarians are Jews story came to be ONLY since Israel became independent in 1948.
You will not find this allegations anywhere in the world before that.

Now, ask yourself, why in the world this story would come out after Israel not only declared Independence but managed to survive the onslaught by 5 Arab countries and their armies?

Did some of the Khazarian Monarchy convert to Judaism?
Possibly, but maybe not as they would need to be converted by real Jews, and a Rabbi or someone who could teach them and consider them truly converted.

The Indigenous Jewish people have been moving around the world, from their ancient homeland of Israel, since the destruction of the First Temple. That is a long, long time.
They settled just about everywhere.

But you, and others like you, would like to believe that somehow, all of those who call themselves Jews living in Europe, aka, Ashkenazi, are descendants from a small group from a Central Asia (Not Europe ) Monarchy who ended up moving to Europe around the 10th Century CE.

You tell me, how is it possible that a small number which made up the Khazar Monarchy up to the 10th-11th century end up multiplying into more than 6 Million Jews by 1945?

Numerically possible?

Are you sure?

6 Million of them were killed.

About 3 Million or more survived the Holocaust.

So, you would truly like to tell me that all the Jews who had been living in Europe, or moved to Europe and were both Ashkenazi or Sephardi (do you know the difference between both? ), all
9 Million Jews living in Europe by the end of the 19th Century or by 1945 were descendants from a Monarchy from Central Asia, and not descendants of the indigenous Jews who had move to Europe at anytime between the destruction of the First Temple, and the end of the 19th Century?

Is that what you are telling me?

Where are ten lost tribes of Israel?
Jewish peoples had long periods of proselytizing and forced conversions, prior to the racial exclusivity practices of the post-exilic returnees and their fake genealogies and setting themselves up as rulers with the aid of Cyrus and the benefits of being granted 'temple-state' status under successive regimes and conquerors, and subsequent Hellenization. It is most likely Abraham came from further north of the region, and not the 'Ur' of Sumeria, as is commonly believed with no basis in fact, in what is now Turkey or even further north, so he could have been just about any skin or hair color, even aryan influences. We know he and Sarah weren't black, that is about it as far as racial makeup, and given the contexts of his 'history' he could just as easily be a composite creation and literary device not an actual 'person'. So, yes, Jews can be any pigmentation and hair color, blonde and blue eyed to Coptic and Kenyan to Indian. The Jewish racists, of course, will have tantrums when this is pointed out.

That same geographical region is also noteworthy as the region where most Indo-European and Indo-Iranian languages have their roots, which is more than just mere coincidence as well. Its' highly doubtful the people of those times were 'Khazars', which are a later tribe. No reason they couldn't be related to most of Europe, Russia, and upper caste Indians, either.

so true----the filthy dog called "JESUS OF NAZARETH"-----was nothing but a stinking fraud
The Khazarians are Jews story came to be ONLY since Israel became independent in 1948.
You will not find this allegations anywhere in the world before that.

Now, ask yourself, why in the world this story would come out after Israel not only declared Independence but managed to survive the onslaught by 5 Arab countries and their armies?

Did some of the Khazarian Monarchy convert to Judaism?
Possibly, but maybe not as they would need to be converted by real Jews, and a Rabbi or someone who could teach them and consider them truly converted.

The Indigenous Jewish people have been moving around the world, from their ancient homeland of Israel, since the destruction of the First Temple. That is a long, long time.
They settled just about everywhere.

But you, and others like you, would like to believe that somehow, all of those who call themselves Jews living in Europe, aka, Ashkenazi, are descendants from a small group from a Central Asia (Not Europe ) Monarchy who ended up moving to Europe around the 10th Century CE.

You tell me, how is it possible that a small number which made up the Khazar Monarchy up to the 10th-11th century end up multiplying into more than 6 Million Jews by 1945?

Numerically possible?

Are you sure?

6 Million of them were killed.

About 3 Million or more survived the Holocaust.

So, you would truly like to tell me that all the Jews who had been living in Europe, or moved to Europe and were both Ashkenazi or Sephardi (do you know the difference between both? ), all
9 Million Jews living in Europe by the end of the 19th Century or by 1945 were descendants from a Monarchy from Central Asia, and not descendants of the indigenous Jews who had move to Europe at anytime between the destruction of the First Temple, and the end of the 19th Century?

Is that what you are telling me?

Where are ten lost tribes of Israel?

Out in Jersey-----along the Hudson Valley-----where Rip Van Winkle fell asleep

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