Are Islamic Democrats Holding You Hostage?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I use the term "Islamic Democrats because out of the three KNOWN islamics that hold office ALL are democrats. The Republicans the Libertarians and the Tea Party do NOT pander to that slime. Just democrats.

Are They Holding You Hostage?
On many points I think they are so let's try Keystone. Now Hillary and her state department held that report of theirs up for four years. National security issues THEY said, So Hillary and the ENTIRE state department were faced with two tough questions.
1, How bad are Canadian terrorists?
2, Can we protect a pipeline?

Answer....I can recall NO Canadian terrorist attacks in my lifetime AND no terrorist attacks on the Alaskan pipeline we have been protecting for three plus decades.
The question SHOULD be "How is Obama AND the Islamic Democrats punishing America? Good question, let's sort a few of those out.

Your gas pump money flows directly into the pockets of islam. Islamic State OWNS two oil wells that make one million dollars a day. {side note...We SHOULD be bombing those...} So EVERY time you hit the pump you are feeding islam. And you have an islamic president and the islamic democrat party. Does islam OWN Hillary and the democrats? Well HER foundation got 25 million from the Saudis and less then 500k in state department pay so WHO do you THINK she is working for?

Those ARE "shovel ready" jobs you hear about but never see. The starting wages on those jobs would be good. Those people would be EMPLOYED and paying taxes or buying homes and cars. Those people ARE being held hostage.

Are the unions being held hostage?
Yes, yes in fact they are. The next level of jobs AFTER un-skilled would be trades. Trades ARE unions. Cement masons and welders and pipe fitters and heavy equipment operators ARE being held hostage.

Are Citizens and mom and pops being held hostage?
VERY much so, the improvements to things like infastructure would LEAD the building of the pipeline as roads were improved and updated to carry equipment and people in it's path. Mom and pop stores and motels and grocery's would see new life new money and WORKING money NOT welfare.

Cities/Counties and states would see an increase in sales tax money spurring their ability to pay debt or raise the standards of infastruture in their cities and towns.

Folks if you really look at the events on the subject you ARE being held hostage by islam and islamic democrats. It's TRULY time we busted those chains tossed them OUT of office and went back to work.

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One unfinished section of the Keystone is all that is left.....If we had no other pipelines I could agree, but there are many pipelines running through the US.....
there is Darkfurs excuse ... islamic democrats are holding his brain cell captive ..
The Democratic Party is a magnet for terrorists, deviants, and every other type of misfit seeking representation. If they thought there would be a net gain in votes, the Democrats would be running murderers for office to get the murderer vote.
The Democratic Party is a magnet for terrorists, deviants, and every other type of misfit seeking representation. If they thought there would be a net gain in votes, the Democrats would be running murderers for office to get the murderer vote.
Democrats are just not very bright. it's one thing to sell out and pander to the American homo but ANOTHER to sell out and pander to islam. Islam WILL kill you if it does not get it's way. Islamic democrats have put their lust and greed for power BEFORE our countries safety and security.
The Democratic Party is a magnet for terrorists, deviants, and every other type of misfit seeking representation. If they thought there would be a net gain in votes, the Democrats would be running murderers for office to get the murderer vote.

be sure to use that one in 2016 when Clinton beats the Republican candidate :lmao:
The Democratic Party is a magnet for terrorists, deviants, and every other type of misfit seeking representation. If they thought there would be a net gain in votes, the Democrats would be running murderers for office to get the murderer vote.
Democrats are just not very bright. it's one thing to sell out and pander to the American homo but ANOTHER to sell out and pander to islam. Islam WILL kill you if it does not get it's way. Islamic democrats have put their lust and greed for power BEFORE our countries safety and security.
Exactly right, they don't give a shit about this country.
low life, good for nothing, lying, cheating, scumbag, unconstitutional, traitor democrats beat Republicans AGAIN..

quite a legacy for Republicans !

low life, good for nothing, lying, cheating, scumbag, unconstitutional, traitor democrats beat Republicans AGAIN..

quite a legacy for Republicans !

This IS a self admitted on your part? "low life, good for nothing, lying, cheating, scumbag, unconstitutional, traitor democrats"
That's a democrat alright!

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