Are feds lying about Bunkerville? Yes.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The Bundys and many others took a stand at Bunkerville and said NO to the *agents* who thought they could destroy and steal property, kill animals, and point guns at citizens who dared to stand against them. The ensuing kerfuffle ultimately left one man dead, as they took their vendetta to Oregon and gunned down LaVoy Finnicum as he drove to a sing along after a successful and peaceful protest at the Malheur refuge.

Despite rounding up and imprisoning something short of two dozen people on trumped up charges, so far, no serious charges have stuck. This is a huge embarassment to the feds and all those who cheered them on.

The primary reason there wasn't more bloodshed and more convictions is that citizen journalists had cameras rolling and the feds (and other government officials) have been repeatedly outed in lie, after lie, after lie.

"As federal prosecutors gear up to try the ‘tier-1’ defendants in the Bundy Ranch trial, beginning in October, it might be helpful to revisit the points on which the feds, thus far, have failed to convict all but 2 of the defendants. One possible factor is the abundance on the Internet of personal footage, professional news video, and thousands of still photos of federal law enforcement officers (LEOs) from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and FBI, who swarmed Cliven Bundy’s ranch in a military-style raid in April of 2014. The prosecution’s narrative that ‘federal personnel were in fear for their lives’ rings hollow when the visual evidence is presented. But that visual evidence, to a large degree, has not been allowed into Judge Gloria Navarro’s Las Vegas courtroom. Nevertheless, most of it remains in the public domain."


There were over a hundred protesters who went to Bunkerville to defend Bundy’s cattle, but many on the scene were women, children, and curious onlookers. It’s true the feds were ‘outnumbered,’ but the implication that they were met with an armed force of aggressive protesters verges on the absurd. All the armed protesters stayed within the boundaries of their rights to ‘keep and bear arms’ under the 2nd Amendment, and exhibited civil behavior. The charge that Eric Parker ever posed an actual threat to federal agents has not yet been proven. In fact, as seen in the video below, it was leaders of the protest who approached the lead LEO of the operation, BLM Special Agent Dan Love, and told him that those under his command who had high power rifles aimed at protesters, were ‘escalating’ the tensions and needed to back off.

Leaked Video: Are feds lying about Bunkerville LEO’s being ‘outgunned?’

Another lie. See, you aren't proving anything by posting more lies. They've been exposed over, and over, and over again.

You know why nobody in the first round was convicted? Despite all then news releases and the leaked pictures of the piles of firearms?

The jury found out that all those firearms were brought into the refuge by the fed moles. The FEDS were the ones bringing in weapons, the FEDS were the ones *giving shooting classes* on the grounds.


Another lie. See, you aren't proving anything by posting more lies. They've been exposed over, and over, and over again.

You know why nobody in the first round was convicted? Despite all then news releases and the leaked pictures of the piles of firearms?

The jury found out that all those firearms were brought into the refuge by the fed moles. The FEDS were the ones bringing in weapons, the FEDS were the ones *giving shooting classes* on the grounds.


I can't understand why they wouldn't just let him steal that land.
FOX is now leftist? That leaves InfoCr*P. I admit bias on DailyKos, but when FOX is leftist, we have some right wing extremists poting.

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