Are atheists as less-evolved species than the spiritual humans?


Aug 5, 2018
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".
I believe you might be the antichrist or the devil incarnate.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".
I couldn’t agree more. The Allfather is not to be ignored.
I believe you might be the antichrist or the devil incarnate.
You did not address the argument.

My argument is that evolutionary science shows that materialism is a lower state of evolution in species.

Using the traditional concept of "body, mind, spirit" - body, or purely instinctive impulses are at the bottom, and are the only known impulse of lower species like mosquitos and insects, who lack cognitive functions.

While mind-spirit are at the top, and seen more proiminently in higher species, such as mammals, dolphins, humans, and so on.

This demonstrates that "atheism" in humans, is likely akin to a mental disease or byproduct of disease - as it is a rejection of higher faculties, and a devolution back into materialism and lower faculties shared by less evolved animals and creatures.
If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast"

Yes, I am a beast.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".
The troll thread fails as both a loaded question and straw man fallacy.

Well done.
If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast"

Yes, I am a beast.
My argument is if one is a committed atheist, they have no reason to oppose rape or anything which any other animal does - an atheist may not choose to rape or murder himself, but he can't morally oppose it on any consistent grounds.

The famous atheist Marquis de Sade, who was a known rapist and murder himself, admitted this in his infamous writings, and by raping and murdering, he was merely practicing atheism more consistently than most so called "atheists" actually do.

So one cannot consistently be an atheist and embrace humanistic values such as "rights" - if they identify as atheist they demote themselves to status of "animal".
If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast"

Yes, I am a beast.
My argument is if one is a committed atheist, they have no reason to oppose rape or anything which any other animal does - an atheist may not choose to rape or murder himself, but he can't morally oppose it on any consistent grounds.

So one cannot consistently be an atheist and embrace humanistic values such as "rights" - if they identify as atheist they demote themselves to status of "animal".
If you need the threat of magical punishment to resist the urge to go around raping people, then you’re probably a less evolved creature.
The life of an atheist doesn't seem to make any sense: according to his own point of view everything is over for him after he dies.

If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast"

Yes, I am a beast.
My argument is if one is a committed atheist, they have no reason to oppose rape or anything which any other animal does - an atheist may not choose to rape or murder himself, but he can't morally oppose it on any consistent grounds.

So one cannot consistently be an atheist and embrace humanistic values such as "rights" - if they identify as atheist they demote themselves to status of "animal".
If you need the threat of magical punishment to resist the urge to go around raping people, then you’re probably a less evolved creature.
My argument is that non-enlightened do need to fear divine punishment since they aren't evolved beyond the materialistic mode of thinking

While enlightened people do not, since they do out of genuine understanding.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".

Wait wait wait....

Let me get this straight....

You think atheists are a different species from.religious folks?

Let me guess, you were homeschooled right?
If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast"

Yes, I am a beast.
My argument is if one is a committed atheist, they have no reason to oppose rape or anything which any other animal does - an atheist may not choose to rape or murder himself, but he can't morally oppose it on any consistent grounds.

So one cannot consistently be an atheist and embrace humanistic values such as "rights" - if they identify as atheist they demote themselves to status of "animal".
If you need the threat of magical punishment to resist the urge to go around raping people, then you’re probably a less evolved creature.
My argument is that non-enlightened do need to fear divine punishment since they aren't evolved beyond the materialistic mode of thinking

While enlightened people do not, since they do out of genuine understanding.
Whih reigion did you pick? Plenty have allowed rape. How dare you judge them :mad:
Zeus is merely graven "depiction of God".

In all monotheistic faiths, God is a transcendent reality which exists only in abstract, not in concrete or anthropomorphic.

This is why, I believe, the monotheistic faiths were against depicting a God in the cartoonist form of a man, since this would trivialize the concept and cause the unenlightened not to understand it.

Most Western drawings of the Biblical God or "Yahweh", for example, are based off of pagan artwork of Greek and Roman gods, but to portray god as a "mortal" would be antithetical to any true monothestic faith, or any faith which acknowledges One God or Higher Power, such as Buddhism and whatnot.
If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast"

Yes, I am a beast.
My argument is if one is a committed atheist, they have no reason to oppose rape or anything which any other animal does - an atheist may not choose to rape or murder himself, but he can't morally oppose it on any consistent grounds.

So one cannot consistently be an atheist and embrace humanistic values such as "rights" - if they identify as atheist they demote themselves to status of "animal".
If you need the threat of magical punishment to resist the urge to go around raping people, then you’re probably a less evolved creature.
My argument is that non-enlightened do need to fear divine punishment since they aren't evolved beyond the materialistic mode of thinking

While enlightened people do not, since they do out of genuine understanding.
Whih reigion did you pick? Plenty have allowed rape. How dare you judge them :mad:
If they allowed rape, then they were merely materialistic atheism dressed up in religious veneer.

To say a religion allowed rape, would be akin to saying that a vegan allows the eating of meat, which is an oxymoron.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".

Wait wait wait....

Let me get this straight....

You think atheists are a different species from.religious folks?
Essentially, yes. My argument is that "human" rights apply only to humans who demonstrate a degree of enlightenment, I do not care about the specific religion in that regard.

While materialistic atheists and more inclined to simple pleasures such as porn addictions, drug addictions, and unhealthy diets - as opposed to higher pleasures such as arts, musics, and spirituality - are acting akin to a lower species, such as a chimpanzee or a cow, rather than a human.

So essentially, the concept of "all men being created equal" applies only to the spiritual, not to the materialistic, who are a lesser form of human deserving of lesser rights unless they mature and change their worldview.

Much as how if one is physically "adult" but mentally handicapped with a child's IQ, they are legally considered a child - if one is spiritually unenlightened on the same level of a dog or a cow which thinks only of sex and food rather than Godliness and spirituality, I argue they should be not considered of the same varna.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".

It could be argued, I suppose. You can't dehumanize people because they're

Atheistic, though. :no_text11:

You can be dismissive, but not dehumanizing, like you're inferring.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".

Wait wait wait....

Let me get this straight....

You think atheists are a different species from.religious folks?
Essentially, yes. My argument is that "human" rights apply only to humans who demonstrate a degree of enlightenment, I do not care about the specific religion in that regard.

While materialistic atheists and more inclined to simple pleasures such as porn addictions, drug addictions, and unhealthy diets - as opposed to higher pleasures such as arts, musics, and spirituality - are acting akin to a lower species, such as a chimpanzee or a cow, rather than a human.

So essentially, the concept of "all men being created equal" applies only to the spiritual, not to the materialistic, who are a lesser form of human deserving of lesser rights unless they mature and change their worldview.

Much as how if one is physically "adult" but mentally handicapped with a child's IQ, they are legally considered a child - if one is spiritually unenlightened on the same level of a dog or a cow, I argue they should be not considered of the same varna.
Lol, I take it back. That's definitely religious school brainwashing.
From an evolutionary standpoint compatible with major religions:

One sees in nature an evolutionary hierarchy of species - those at the lower ends of the hierarchy, such as insects, are the most materialistic - having little mental or spiritual awareness at all other than physical impulses or sensations

While more-evolved species, such as mammals display higher cognitive or mental abilities - those at the highest ends, such as humans - display higher mental and spiritual concepts such as sciences, arts, music, meditation, and dance.


If a human embraces materialistic atheism or secularism, he therefore is taking the direction of devolution rather than evolution - as his mind is devolving back in the direction of "beast", embracing base, materialistic pleasures such as sex, porn, and fast food, rather than higher, "spiritual" pleasures such as music and art.

It could be argued then, that those of spiritual enlightenment, are at a higher level of evolution than crasser, materialistic-minded atheists are, and therefore deserving of more humaneness or rights, rather than the false notion that atheists are somehow their "equal".

It could be argued, I suppose. You can't dehumanize people because they're

Atheistic, though. :no_text11:

You can be dismissive, but not dehumanizing, like you're inferring.
My argument is reversed - I don't "de-humanize", I argue that humans mature over the course of their life and become "more human" over time.

If a someone never matures past materialism and crass materialistic pleasures, then they de-humanize themselves, since they never spiritually mature past that of an animal.

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