Are all jobs created Equal?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
We talk about job creation all the time. But are all jobs created equal? Should we be working to create jobs period or should we work to produce jobs that actually create wealth for people and society?
If a (private sector) job does not create wealth for the employer, it is unlikely to be created in the first place.
But how much hiring has GE done?...
Immelt: Businesses need to do more on jobs
July 11, 2011 -- The head of General Electric told a jobs summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Monday that businesses needed to take the lead on job creation.
At a conference at which many of the comments were focused on government barriers to hiring, GE Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt acknowledged there needed to be some policy changes by Congress and the Obama administration. But he said that the responsibility for hiring lay with businesses. "The people who are part of the business sector, the people in this room, have got to stop complaining about government and get some action underway," he told the group. "There's no excuse today for lack of leadership. The truth is we all need to be part of the solution."

Immelt is the chair of President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. He said the group has made a number of recommendations for changes in government policies that should be able to help job creation, such as the executive order announced Monday asking independent agencies to rid their books of old and outdated regulations. Immelt said he is committed to working with Obama on other moves that can help hiring, and that he expects to have proposals by the end of the year that should help to create up to 1 million jobs.

But he said that it's important that businesses take action -- like taking some risks, and considering bringing back jobs that had been moved overseas. If companies examine the changing economics of some of those jobs, Immelt said they would find it was beneficial to bring jobs back home, which he said GE has done with some jobs now being moved back to Kentucky and Michigan. And he said that arguing between business groups and the government isn't in the best interest of the nation's economy. "We can't always be fighting. We need to act and the private sector can do more," he said.


See also:

Obama: Job Losses Prove Stimulus Worked
Monday, July 11, 2011 - Three days after the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the national unemployment rate had ticked up from 9.1 percent in May to 9.2 percent in June, President Barack Obama said that the loss of jobs in the public sector is “evidence” that his $830-billion economic stimulus legislation worked.
“Now, without relitigating the past, I’m absolutely convinced, and the vast majority of economists are convinced, that the steps we took in the Recovery Act saved millions of people their jobs or created a whole bunch of jobs,” Obama said at his Monday press conference.

“And part of the evidence of that is as you see what happens with the Recovery Act phasing out,” he said. “When I came into office and budgets were hemorrhaging at the state level, part of the Recovery Act was giving states help so they wouldn’t have to lay off teachers, police officers, firefighters. As we’ve seen that federal support for states diminish, you’ve seen the biggest job losses in the public sector--teachers, police officers, firefighters losing their jobs.”

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Feb. 17 2009. His top economic adviser, Christina Romer, had reported that the act would prevent the national unemployment rate from reaching 8 percent. Initially, the Congressional Budget Office estimated the act would cost $787 billion. CBO now estimates it cost $830 billion.
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