Archie Bunker Videos - Remember this one?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Archie Bunker was my grandfather's favorite show and I remember watching these as a child. Today Archie Bunker would probably be kept off of television because there would be complaints that he was a racist or a bigot but the good heart of Edith Bunker and her tolerance for Archie's antics was always the highlight of the show for me. My other favorite was The Jefferson's and in this video the Jefferson family come to visit the Bunker family and George Jefferson shows up as Santa!

It was great commentary. Just watching the short clip above reminds me that it's just like arguing with the wags on this board.

ha! ha! I can see that too! Sometimes people can say the funniest things not realizing that what they are saying sounds funny - I think that is what I really enjoyed about Archie - especially his dialogue with Edith - she was such a patient, lovely person, she was my favorite character on that show. She really was the strength of that family.

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