$arah on the Today show -

Then what's the alternative proposal?

like was mentioned, TORT reform for STARTERS..
there have been other proposals from Republicans other than some Fascist GROWING government program like, OFAILCARE that you and people in this country are now FORCED to pay for
if you're so interested, research it...but I doubt you're that interested in it from you post above...You have all the DNC talking points in it down pat

Health Care | U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan

Lets see how long this gets ignored! :D

don't worry, it will be ignored or poo pooed...
it's not that Dear leader fascist Federal government "vision" ofailcare so it can't be right in their eyes
these people can't seem to live their own lives...they need government or politicians making it for them
that's why I feel this country is lost and hopeless...too many of them today
like was mentioned, TORT reform for STARTERS..
there have been other proposals from Republicans other than some Fascist GROWING government program like, OFAILCARE that you and people in this country are now FORCED to pay for
if you're so interested, research it...but I doubt you're that interested in it from you post above...You have all the DNC talking points in it down pat

Health Care | U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan

Lets see how long this gets ignored! :D

don't worry, it will be ignored or poo pooed...
it's not that Dear leader fascist Federal government "vision" ofailcare so it can't be right in their eyes
these people can't seem to live their own lives...they need government or politicians making it for them
that's why I feel this country is lost and hopeless...too many of them today

Don't forget to bookmark it ;)
The GOP Plan: The American Health Care Reform Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

An unbiased analysis of the plan: Republicans Finally Unveil Their Alternative Health Care Reform Plan ? But It's Too Little, Too Late - PolicyMic

An analysis of the plan and its chances by the Washington Post: There won?t be any GOP alternative to Obamacare

Essentially the plan gives tax credits for insurance for those who qualify, which is already done in the ACA. It opens up cross states's borders for insurance purchasing which is a debatable on its merits - the "race to the bottom" argument countering the increased competition argument. It allows for greater contributions to HSAs, which is a good thing. It allows for high risk pools which might only marginally help those with pre-existing conditions, the elderly, and the chronically ill. And it reforms tort law to cap awards for injury but not for economic recovery, the greatest segment of lawsuit awards thereby only reducing cost by a maximum of about 3%. It doesn't address costs incurred by all when an uninsured person is admitted to the emergency room and doesn't guarantee insurance for those with pre-exisiting conditions. In other words, the GOP plan doesn't adequately address the economic problems of rising health costs - the very reason the ACA was put forward, nor does it deal with the moral reasons for providing our society's sick and old with options for healthcare: they are still left to die.

The ACA has its share of problems and even I, a liberal, don't really like it, but its better than returning to the former system and better addresses the problems of healthcare: rising costs, the indirect drag on the economy through bankruptcies, and the moral issue of a society doing right by its most vulnerable than does the GOP alternative.

On top of that the GOP plan hasn't eve gained traction with Republican leaders, conservatives, or th public at large so its chances of repealing the ACA or replacing it are about nill.

But, at least the GOP has an alternative option though they themselves and the GOP base seem unaware of it.
Too bad Katie Couric wasn't there.

One of Palin's talents is babbling, btw. She's perfected it over the years.

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