
Myth and Fact: Arafat and Camp David

Mitchell G. Bard
Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage

"Yasser Arafat rejected Ehud Barak's proposals at Camp David and the White House in 2000 because they did not offer the Palestinians a viable state. Palestine would have been denied water, control of its holy places, and would have been divided into cantons surrounded by Israelis. Israel would have also retained control of Jerusalem and denied refugees the right to return."

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to withdraw from 97 percent of the West Bank and 100 percent of the Gaza Strip. In addition, he agreed to dismantle 63 isolated settlements. In exchange for the 5 percent annexation of the West Bank, Israel would increase the size of the Gaza territory by roughly a third.

Barak also made previously unthinkable concessions on Jerusalem, agreeing that Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state. The Palestinians would maintain control over their holy places and have "religious sovereignty" over the Temple Mount.

According to U.S. peace negotiator Dennis Ross, Israel offered to create a Palestinian state that was contiguous, and not a series of cantons. Even in the case of the Gaza Strip, which must be physically separate from the West Bank unless Israel were to be cut into non-contiguous pieces, a solution was devised whereby an overland highway would connect the two parts of the Palestinian state without any Israeli checkpoints or interference.

The proposal also addressed the refugee issue, guaranteeing them the right of return to the Palestinian state and reparations from a $30 billion international fund that would be collected to compensate them.

Israel also agreed to give the Palestinians access to water desalinated in its territory.

Arafat was asked to agree to Israeli sovereignty over the parts of the Western Wall religiously significant to Jews (i.e., not the entire Temple Mount), and three early warning stations in the Jordan valley, which Israel would withdraw from after six years. Most important, however, Arafat was expected to agree that the conflict was over at the end of the negotiations. This was the true deal breaker. Arafat was not willing to end the conflict. "For him to end the conflict is to end himself," said Ross.30c

The prevailing view of the Camp David/White House negotiations - that Israel offered generous concessions, and that Yasser Arafat rejected them to pursue the intifada that began in September 2000 - prevailed for more than a year. To counter the perception that Arafat was the obstacle to peace, the Palestinians and their supporters then began to suggest a variety of excuses for why Arafat failed to say "yes" to a proposal that would have established a Palestinian state. The truth is that if the Palestinians were dissatisfied with any part of the Israeli proposal, all they had to do was offer a counterproposal. They never did.

We should really thank this DEAD AIDS INFESTED HOMOSEXUAL. Because of him there isn't a " Palestinian State" today. He had his chance and blew it ( along with other things)

One can only wonder if the "Palestinians" today offered to accept the terms of Camp David 2000 if Netanyahu and the Israeli public would accept the offer. I'm not convinced Barak could have sold the plan to his constituents in 2000.

It seems the only solution is the Israel Regimens destruction, there is no place for Nazi Regimes like Israel in our world!

Obviously it would seem that way to one such as you and Ahmadinejihad but a better idea would be for Jordan to admimister the WB while Gaza falls into the sea. :D
Veteran----islamo nazi pigs NEED the conflict just like the Ku Klux Klan NEEDS blacks------they NEED a reason for being

You happen to be right. There was NO reason for Arafat to turn down that deal. If I'm not mistaken he was unhappy because Israel refused " Right of Return". For that reason the " Palestinian State is DEAD :clap2:

Israel is just going to have to go, people of conscience in our world demand it, they have had close to 70 years to abide by intl law and allow the refugees to return and to allow a Palestinian State to exist in the OPT!

Enough is Enough of Israel's refusal to abided by int law, the world is fed up with the child murders and civilian massacres and day in and day out human rights abuses against all nonJews in the land of Palestine. They have to go, and the sooner the better!

Long live Palestine!

The Palestine where all people in it have a place!
One can only wonder if the "Palestinians" today offered to accept the terms of Camp David 2000 if Netanyahu and the Israeli public would accept the offer. I'm not convinced Barak could have sold the plan to his constituents in 2000.

It seems the only solution is the Israel Regimens destruction, there is no place for Nazi Regimes like Israel in our world!

Obviously it would seem that way to one such as you and Ahmadinejihad but a better idea would be for Jordan to admimister the WB while Gaza falls into the sea. :D

Nazis like you will always be supporting Nazi Regimes, some things never change!

Jordan was never part of Palestine, dumbass!
One can only wonder if the "Palestinians" today offered to accept the terms of Camp David 2000 if Netanyahu and the Israeli public would accept the offer. I'm not convinced Barak could have sold the plan to his constituents in 2000.

It seems the only solution is the Israel Regimens destruction, there is no place for Nazi Regimes like Israel in our world!

It seems the only solution in this Pro- Palestinian Nazi's " mind" are the 67 Borders which were Never accepted and " Right of Return" which would destroy Israel... Well, Nazi That's not going to happen.

Nazi, tell us why Arafat rejected the offer. There will now be silence. That is what they do... Run like the rats they are :D

So pathetic, you cannot face the fact Israel is the Nazi Regime it is and you project what Israel is onto her victims, it's like me calling the Jewish victims of the Holocaust Nazis!

I am not the one here defending the Nation carrying out a 40+ year Occupation that murders civilians and children and treats one people as a superior race and another people as dogs, you are!
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It seems the only solution is the Israel Regimens destruction, there is no place for Nazi Regimes like Israel in our world!

Obviously it would seem that way to one such as you and Ahmadinejihad but a better idea would be for Jordan to admimister the WB while Gaza falls into the sea. :D

Nazis like you will always be supporting Nazi Regimes, some things never change!

Jordan was never part of Palestine, dumbass!

LOL so??? Jordan is a lovely land-----and is not ISRAEL/JUDEA---why should
Jordan not help a few arab muslims who happen to be the descendants of invaders,
rapists, pillagers and murderers who ended up in Palestine aka Israel/judea.
By coincidence they BOTH speak a langauge foreign to palestine----to wit---ARABIC,
They are LEFT OVER ARABIAN DOG COLONIALISTS that does not make them
garbage just because they have been taught to act like garbage

Big old man feels tough going around the board acting like a bully through the Internet....Ha Ha Ha!

This guy is hilarious. Morals only against people that disagree with him yet no morals apply if you agree with him.....:cool:

Laugh all you want to, little man,. but no matter how you cut it, you are just a little pipsqueak, Baghdad Bob Jr., who loves to show us your "big man" Arab bravado. Maybe when you grow up, you will learn that there are people who are actually retarded because of some mental disability, and just be thankful that you were lucky enough not to be in their shoes.


"Because" sings a battle cry, reminiscent of how his ape prophet Mohammad sung battle cries before he murdered and terrorized innocent people. Because, not only knows jackshit, but is an amazing shish kabab singer! ha ha ha.

[ame=]Funny Arab Chant - YouTube[/ame]
It seems the only solution is the Israel Regimens destruction, there is no place for Nazi Regimes like Israel in our world!

It seems the only solution in this Pro- Palestinian Nazi's " mind" are the 67 Borders which were Never accepted and " Right of Return" which would destroy Israel... Well, Nazi That's not going to happen.

Nazi, tell us why Arafat rejected the offer. There will now be silence. That is what they do... Run like the rats they are :D

So pathetic, you cannot face the fact Israel is the Nazi Regime it is and you project what Israel is onto her victims, it's like me calling the Jewish victims of the Holocaust Nazis!

I am not the one here defending the Nation carrying out a 40+ year Occupation that murders civilians and children and treats one people as a superior race and another people as dogs, you are!

So pathetic , you cannot face the fact that the U.N. decided that ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO EXIST and the Arabs should have accepted that well before 1967 ! If the Arabs had won that you you Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite I doubt if you would be talking about " occupation" . So much for " International Law" Israel rounds up Palestinians, puts them in ovens, experiments on them, etc, etc? What a pathetic Pro- Palestinian you are !!!

Israel acts as a " Superior Race?" Too bad you don't feel the same way about Muslims enslaving Christians, Killing NON MUSLIMS because they are " disbelievers", etc, etc.

" Right of Return?" lol That will never happen. If you read what it says SLOWLY it speaks of " Right of Return" as those who want to live in " peace with their neighbors" which the Palestinians have NOT demonstrated. Not even the U.N. is calling for that !

Sorry, but the Borders that the Arabs have ALWAYS rejected plus " RIGHT OF RETURN" isn't going to happen. Let Abbas keep insisting on it. He is not going to get it. They could have had their " Country " before 1967; Nobody stopped them :D
It seems the only solution is the Israel Regimens destruction, there is no place for Nazi Regimes like Israel in our world!

Obviously it would seem that way to one such as you and Ahmadinejihad but a better idea would be for Jordan to admimister the WB while Gaza falls into the sea. :D

Nazis like you will always be supporting Nazi Regimes, some things never change!

Jordan was never part of Palestine, dumbass!

I never said it was but Jordan is majority Palestinian and did administer the WB from 1948-1967. I just said my solution is far better than yours because it is. :D
Obviously it would seem that way to one such as you and Ahmadinejihad but a better idea would be for Jordan to admimister the WB while Gaza falls into the sea. :D

Nazis like you will always be supporting Nazi Regimes, some things never change!

Jordan was never part of Palestine, dumbass!

I never said it was but Jordan is majority Palestinian and did administer the WB from 1948-1967. I just said my solution is far better than yours because it is. :D

I love how sherri has the nerve to call others Nazis hahahahaha. What a dumb useless monkey. She\s the one who supports a genocidal group. I swear, Sherri is either delusional, or her Iranian husband is typing for her while she masturbates to pictures of Hamas
Laugh all you want to, little man,. but no matter how you cut it, you are just a little pipsqueak, Baghdad Bob Jr., who loves to show us your "big man" Arab bravado. Maybe when you grow up, you will learn that there are people who are actually retarded because of some mental disability, and just be thankful that you were lucky enough not to be in their shoes.


"Because" sings a battle cry, reminiscent of how his ape prophet Mohammad sung battle cries before he murdered and terrorized innocent people. Because, not only knows jackshit, but is an amazing shish kabab singer! ha ha ha.

[ame=]Funny Arab Chant - YouTube[/ame]
If Baghdad Bob would really look into things, he would realize that many of his Muslim brethren are mentally and/or physically disabled because they marry first cousins. Maybe this pipsqueak, when he is actually out in the fresh air, sees someone who is mentally or physically disabled, points his finger and laughs at them. One thing it is obvious is that he is socially inept or else he would be hanging out with his contemporaries instead of posting on this message board where the average poster is so much older than what he is.
roudy do you understand any of the words of that mishegos?
No he's not actually saying any words...just making animalistic noises. But maybe BecauseKnowsJackshit understand what those tribal donkey sounds mean. I bet you prophet Mohammad made those same donkey sounds before he and his men went around massacring people.
Nazis like you will always be supporting Nazi Regimes, some things never change!

Jordan was never part of Palestine, dumbass!

I never said it was but Jordan is majority Palestinian and did administer the WB from 1948-1967. I just said my solution is far better than yours because it is. :D

I love how sherri has the nerve to call others Nazis hahahahaha. What a dumb useless monkey. She\s the one who supports a genocidal group. I swear, Sherri is either delusional, or her Iranian husband is typing for her while she masturbates to pictures of Hamas

She has the shrill, desperate sound of a loony leftist or rabid Nazi. Unfortunately they now sound exactly the same. :D
Why Roudy it's very funny all you bring the world is hate and disgust, we viewers really wonder if you can control your hate and at least try to be politically correct when insulting other people's religious figures and their religion, especially when they can do the same back, since its very easy to bash Jews, but it isn't always the right thing, but since you, Roudy, like brining up religion, we wonder why you claim the Jews are superior and tell us Muslims aren't chosen by God to be religious, I mean lets see, the Jews in all three holy books are criticized by God himself, even in their own Torah God almost destroyed the Jews many times, especially in Mt. Sinai. God was on the verge of wiping the Jews out multiple times, so it's really funny when you come here and bash other people's beliefs and cultures while you want us to ignore yours.
Why Roudy it's very funny all you bring the world is hate and disgust, we viewers really wonder if you can control your hate and at least try to be politically correct when insulting other people's religious figures and their religion, especially when they can do the same back, since its very easy to bash Jews, but it isn't always the right thing, but since you, Roudy, like brining up religion, we wonder why you claim the Jews are superior and tell us Muslims aren't chosen by God to be religious, I mean lets see, the Jews in all three holy books are criticized by God himself, even in their own Torah God almost destroyed the Jews many times, especially in Mt. Sinai. God was on the verge of wiping the Jews out multiple times, so it's really funny when you come here and bash other people's beliefs and cultures while you want us to ignore yours.
Donkey boy when did I say "Jews are superior"? All three religious books, like all other religious books say if you're don't follow "their message" then you you are a violator and will be punished, and if you do you are righteous and therefore "chosen". What else is new?

The only difference is that your filthy prophet in the Koran clearly dictates to "kill those who do not believe in Islam, or say anything bad about him or Islam". That's one of the reasons why your religion produces Neanderthal lunatics generation after fucking generation with no end in sight.
I never said it was but Jordan is majority Palestinian and did administer the WB from 1948-1967. I just said my solution is far better than yours because it is. :D

I love how sherri has the nerve to call others Nazis hahahahaha. What a dumb useless monkey. She\s the one who supports a genocidal group. I swear, Sherri is either delusional, or her Iranian husband is typing for her while she masturbates to pictures of Hamas

She has the shrill, desperate sound of a loony leftist or rabid Nazi. Unfortunately they now sound exactly the same. :D
The world didn't end today, and I see that Sherri is still the rabid Nazi Jew hater that she was yesterday. LOL
Why Roudy it's very funny all you bring the world is hate and disgust, we viewers really wonder if you can control your hate and at least try to be politically correct when insulting other people's religious figures and their religion, especially when they can do the same back, since its very easy to bash Jews, but it isn't always the right thing, but since you, Roudy, like brining up religion, we wonder why you claim the Jews are superior and tell us Muslims aren't chosen by God to be religious, I mean lets see, the Jews in all three holy books are criticized by God himself, even in their own Torah God almost destroyed the Jews many times, especially in Mt. Sinai. God was on the verge of wiping the Jews out multiple times, so it's really funny when you come here and bash other people's beliefs and cultures while you want us to ignore yours.
Donkey boy when did I say "Jews are superior"? All three religious books, like all other religious books say if you're don't follow "their message" then you you are a violator and will be punished, and if you do you are righteous and therefore "chosen". What else is new?

The only difference is that your filthy prophet in the Koran clearly dictates to "kill those who do not believe in Islam, or say anything bad about him or Islam". That's one of the reasons why your religion produces Neanderthal lunatics generation after fucking generation with no end in sight.

Roudy you are just like the Jews Moses described in the Torah, and the Jews that God was about to wipe off the face of the earth, while also he did punish many of them during the way. Moses got a headache from people like you, he threw the tablets in anger. But anyways, you aren't new to this board, and your astounding hypocrisy and non sense isn't surprising. People learn by themselves, they aren't programmed robots who take the Jew's word. So I can't answer you now, Roudy, soon I will be off to Chicago and have a happy holiday, Roudy.
Why Roudy it's very funny all you bring the world is hate and disgust, we viewers really wonder if you can control your hate and at least try to be politically correct when insulting other people's religious figures and their religion, especially when they can do the same back, since its very easy to bash Jews, but it isn't always the right thing, but since you, Roudy, like brining up religion, we wonder why you claim the Jews are superior and tell us Muslims aren't chosen by God to be religious, I mean lets see, the Jews in all three holy books are criticized by God himself, even in their own Torah God almost destroyed the Jews many times, especially in Mt. Sinai. God was on the verge of wiping the Jews out multiple times, so it's really funny when you come here and bash other people's beliefs and cultures while you want us to ignore yours.
Donkey boy when did I say "Jews are superior"? All three religious books, like all other religious books say if you're don't follow "their message" then you you are a violator and will be punished, and if you do you are righteous and therefore "chosen". What else is new?

The only difference is that your filthy prophet in the Koran clearly dictates to "kill those who do not believe in Islam, or say anything bad about him or Islam". That's one of the reasons why your religion produces Neanderthal lunatics generation after fucking generation with no end in sight.

Roudy you are just like the Jews Moses described in the Torah, and the Jews that God was about to wipe off the face of the earth, while also he did punish many of them during the way. Moses got a headache from people like you, he threw the tablets in anger. But anyways, you aren't new to this board, and your astounding hypocrisy and non sense isn't surprising. People learn by themselves, they aren't programmed robots who take the Jew's word. So I can't answer you now, Roudy, soon I will be off to Chicago and have a happy holiday, Roudy.
That's what's funny about Muslims. Every religious book is like a Greek legend, it has it's ups and down, betrayals, struggles of the protagonist. But Muslim donkeys took this one struggle, and made it the end of the OT, forgetting that this continues, Moses used this very same attribute of the Jewish people, THEIR STUBBORNESS AND PERSEVERANCE as one more reason for God to realize that they will never follow another God, especially one that is promoted by an illiterate desert pedophile terrorist named Mohammad. which is why they inherited the Covenant and entered the promised land of Israel.

Merry Ramadan, and I leave you with this funny clip.

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