Arab Sp[ring: Coptic Christians, and All Minorities


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "TEL AVIV – Fearing the imposition of Islamic law if the Muslim Brotherhood wins, many Coptic Christians in Egypt are voting in today’s presidential election as a bloc for two candidates who held senior positions in the deposed regime of Hosni Mubarak...

2. President Obama and the international community supported Mubarak’s ouster. Since then, Coptic Christians have come under increased attack, facing murder, church burnings and property confiscation

3. Coptic Christians most fear the election of Mohamed Mursi, the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood. Other Islamist candidates include Abd al-Mun’im Abu al-Futuh and Muhammad al-Salim al-Awwa.

4. One of the most important Muslim Brotherhood clerics, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, declared in his sermon Friday that the presidential election should be used to usher in Islamic law, or Shariah.

5. Qardawi stated it was the duty of Muslims to vote for one of three Islamic candidates, describing them as the “best for Egypt” because they will “apply the Islamic Shariah and achieve justice.”

6. While Copts were targeted by Islamists during Mubarak’s regime, such persecution has increased exponentially after Mubarak’s ouster.

7. Just weeks after Mubarak was booted, Muslim villagers in March 2011 reportedly set fire to a Coptic church while attacking Christians on the street.

8. Since last year, two other churches were set on fire in the Imbaba neighborhood of Cairo and in Edfu in the south of the country. Coptic Christian families were also reportedly evicted from their homes in Alexandria.

9. Some reports say more than 200,000 Copts already have fled their homes.

10. The Coptic Church, a major Christian community in Egypt, is said to date back to the origins of Christianity. Christians were the majority in Egypt until several centuries after the Arab conquest of the seventh century. They now make up between 5 and 10 percent of the population."
Christians fear election will bring Islamic law

Another foreign policy victory for this administration?

What a winner.....

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