Arab citizens of Israel face defining moment in election

ooooo scary man....drones can do point in taking a risk in dealing with radical extremists like yourself.
He ain't alone, dumb fuck.

You better keep an eye on your own doorstep, shit for brains.
Oh believe me we all know how many of you ignorant little extremists there are. No better then the JDL. :)
Yeah we have extremists in America alright, but they all worship and kiss ass at the alter of the radical, America hating, kenyan, muslim, dog turd in the white house, and that would be you, ass wipe.
Wow...calls me an extremist because I respect the office of the President of the US. Stop acting like a spoiled child because our president acts on AMERICAN interests and not israeli.
Wow... says that the muslim dog turd in the white house acts on American interests, when the vast majority of Americans have witnessed the Barry shit stain LIE, do END RUNS around congress, exceed his authority and PISS on the constitution time again. Most Americans think obama should either be impeached or thrown in prison for treason.

You should be too for being so stupid to support him. Pretty obvious you also HATE AMERICA, and are radical, anti American trash.

Fuck off.

No, you're just lying, that's not what most Americans believe.
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ooooo scary man....drones can do point in taking a risk in dealing with radical extremists like yourself.
He ain't alone, dumb fuck.

You better keep an eye on your own doorstep, shit for brains.
Oh believe me we all know how many of you ignorant little extremists there are. No better then the JDL. :)
Yeah we have extremists in America alright, but they all worship and kiss ass at the alter of the radical, America hating, kenyan, muslim, dog turd in the white house, and that would be you, ass wipe.
Wow...calls me an extremist because I respect the office of the President of the US. Stop acting like a spoiled child because our president acts on AMERICAN interests and not israeli.

But you're a skindhead

So it's not really about American interests, it's about simple dislike of Jewish, and voting for anyone who might exterminate the Jews.

Let's agree to at least some level of honesty.
Not a skinhead. I am an American and a White Man as well. I want Jewish groups like AIPAC out of American elections and politics in the long run yes I want a completely different run country than we have now.
He ain't alone, dumb fuck.

You better keep an eye on your own doorstep, shit for brains.
Oh believe me we all know how many of you ignorant little extremists there are. No better then the JDL. :)
Yeah we have extremists in America alright, but they all worship and kiss ass at the alter of the radical, America hating, kenyan, muslim, dog turd in the white house, and that would be you, ass wipe.
Wow...calls me an extremist because I respect the office of the President of the US. Stop acting like a spoiled child because our president acts on AMERICAN interests and not israeli.

But you're a skindhead

So it's not really about American interests, it's about simple dislike of Jewish, and voting for anyone who might exterminate the Jews.

Let's agree to at least some level of honesty.
Not a skinhead. I am an American and a White Man as well. I want Jewish groups like AIPAC out of American elections and politics in the long run yes I want a completely different run country than we have now.

You talk about Jewish conspiracies of worldwide take over, I've seen your posts.

I'm not talking about America, I am no expert on America inside's policies, I only care once it's influences Israel, to be honest.
Oh believe me we all know how many of you ignorant little extremists there are. No better then the JDL. :)
Yeah we have extremists in America alright, but they all worship and kiss ass at the alter of the radical, America hating, kenyan, muslim, dog turd in the white house, and that would be you, ass wipe.
Wow...calls me an extremist because I respect the office of the President of the US. Stop acting like a spoiled child because our president acts on AMERICAN interests and not israeli.

But you're a skindhead

So it's not really about American interests, it's about simple dislike of Jewish, and voting for anyone who might exterminate the Jews.

Let's agree to at least some level of honesty.
Not a skinhead. I am an American and a White Man as well. I want Jewish groups like AIPAC out of American elections and politics in the long run yes I want a completely different run country than we have now.

You talk about Jewish conspiracies of worldwide take over, I've seen your posts.

I'm not talking about America, I am no expert on America inside's policies, I only care once it's influences Israel, to be honest.
Not a conspiracy when its true or coming true.
If Israel invades Iran I hope the U.S. washes its hands of that mess. If they want war let them have it. We know now that Bibi certainly doesn't want us to prevent it.

If Israel attacks Iran, rest assured Obama will wash his hands of the matter. Obama has spent the last 6 years & 2 months letting everybody know that he would not help Israel. But what remains in doubt is whether Israel will go it alone.

That doubt can be removed by defeating Netanyahu tomorrow.

Iran would like that very much. The Mullahs would return to the negotiations with that fool John Kerry, safe and content in the knowledge that no one is going to stop them from getting what our Liar of a President has consistently told Americans Iran would never get---a nuclear bomb with Religious Fanatics on the trigger.

You Pinheads in New England and you Loons in California ought to pause and think...every time you find yourself on the same side as the mullahs in Iran. They are not your friends. And cowards and fools like Obama and Kerry are going to leave a hell of a mess for your children.
Iran deserves a nuke as much as the US,Russia,China,NK,Pakistan,India,Israel do.

Iran deserves to BE's just a pity that so many American-loving persians have to die because Obozo wouldn't support their revolution in 2009. As to this "odium" dirtbag, he's nothing more than a child posing as a raghead propagandist....probably got his crap from a ponytail teaching 9th grade political science. This is the outcome of ignoring the hiring of leftist trash into the public school system.
He ain't alone, dumb fuck.

You better keep an eye on your own doorstep, shit for brains.
Oh believe me we all know how many of you ignorant little extremists there are. No better then the JDL. :)
Yeah we have extremists in America alright, but they all worship and kiss ass at the alter of the radical, America hating, kenyan, muslim, dog turd in the white house, and that would be you, ass wipe.
Wow...calls me an extremist because I respect the office of the President of the US. Stop acting like a spoiled child because our president acts on AMERICAN interests and not israeli.

But you're a skindhead

So it's not really about American interests, it's about simple dislike of Jewish, and voting for anyone who might exterminate the Jews.

Let's agree to at least some level of honesty.
Not a skinhead. I am an American and a White Man as well. I want Jewish groups like AIPAC out of American elections and politics in the long run yes I want a completely different run country than we have now.

Why should Jews be singled out as not being allowed to participate in politics?
Oh believe me we all know how many of you ignorant little extremists there are. No better then the JDL. :)
Yeah we have extremists in America alright, but they all worship and kiss ass at the alter of the radical, America hating, kenyan, muslim, dog turd in the white house, and that would be you, ass wipe.
Wow...calls me an extremist because I respect the office of the President of the US. Stop acting like a spoiled child because our president acts on AMERICAN interests and not israeli.

But you're a skindhead

So it's not really about American interests, it's about simple dislike of Jewish, and voting for anyone who might exterminate the Jews.

Let's agree to at least some level of honesty.
Not a skinhead. I am an American and a White Man as well. I want Jewish groups like AIPAC out of American elections and politics in the long run yes I want a completely different run country than we have now.

Why should Jews be singled out as not being allowed to participate in politics?
Never said that. I said AIPAC which pushes Israels interests in DC should not be allowed. They push funds to pro israel politicians and make sure those that aren't pro israel lose the election.Capital Hill is Israeli Occupied Territory
Why should Jews be singled out as not being allowed to participate in politics?

Welcome to USMB! The board is littered with white trash like this but there's dozens of literate and funny people who you'll enjoy. :cool-45:
Yawn....there are proud whites like me and Steve and a few others then there is the israel firster terrorist brigade that cheers the deaths of gentiles and roots for war with Iran.Using American boys and girls of course.

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