Minister Creflo Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Buffalo. NY
Minister Creflo Dollar asks for 60 million in donations for a new jet -

(CNN)Creflo Dollar is hoping a few folks will see fit to bless him.

The minister, known for being a prosperity preacher at his Atlanta-area World Changers Church International, is seeking "200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more (to) help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane."
Church activists often say that they wanna help people, homeless and not homeless, it doesn't matter, main goal - is to help all people!
And now, please, tell me, how can private jet help homeless people? Maybe they will eat on board, or they will fly to special community shelter, somewhere in Miami? WTF?!
Minister Creflo Dollar asks for 60 million in donations for a new jet -

(CNN)Creflo Dollar is hoping a few folks will see fit to bless him.

The minister, known for being a prosperity preacher at his Atlanta-area World Changers Church International, is seeking "200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more (to) help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane."
Church activists often say that they wanna help people, homeless and not homeless, it doesn't matter, main goal - is to help all people!
And now, please, tell me, how can private jet help homeless people? Maybe they will eat on board, or they will fly to special community shelter, somewhere in Miami? WTF?!
It's par for the course. All of those jerks are money hungry and use religion to get rich. They sell religion, the same as oil companies sell oil. Those TV preachers are millionaires, live in mansions, drive expensive cars, wear expensive suits, and are always begging for more money. It's a con, a scam, and a disgrace. They're one of the lowest forms of humanity, along with politicians, cops, judges and lawyers, and some used car salesmen.
Minister Creflo Dollar asks for 60 million in donations for a new jet -

(CNN)Creflo Dollar is hoping a few folks will see fit to bless him.

The minister, known for being a prosperity preacher at his Atlanta-area World Changers Church International, is seeking "200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more (to) help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane."
Church activists often say that they wanna help people, homeless and not homeless, it doesn't matter, main goal - is to help all people!
And now, please, tell me, how can private jet help homeless people? Maybe they will eat on board, or they will fly to special community shelter, somewhere in Miami? WTF?!

I'm sure he could get Joel Olsteen, Billy Graham, and Pat Robertson to buy one for him.
and when he gets his jet plane he'll say "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again"
It's high tech begging.........

"Jesus say-Hep the po peoples! Jesus say -Hep the starvin' chilrens!!

Creflo Dollat say - Hep me!! To be heppin them by getting a shiny new jet!! The power of Christ compels you!! Puh-raise the lawd!"

People are so fucking stupid.

At least he has good taste in American built aircraft. The aerodynamics on that bird are sheer art. Possible future employment opportunities for a few pilots, flight attendants, mechanics and ground crew$$$.

Not that I would donate for this cause, but if I were so inclined, I'd mention that as a donor, this is not a cost effective way to use my donated money. It would be a better use of church funds to invest the 60 million and use the proceeds from that account to charter or buy into a fractional jet operation.

Jets are like women and sailboats. The go'in in price don't kill ya--IT'S THE UPKEEP!


The direct operating cost of a G650 is $9,400 per hour. 60 million generating revenue would buy a lot of hours.
Gulfstream G650 Buyer s and Investor s Guide - Corporate Jet Investor

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