Apparently, being an idiot can cost you


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
GOP candidate loses backing over Obama birth claims

A congressional candidate who cast doubts about President Obama's birth certificate has lost the support of the major newspaper in his district.

The Charlotte Observer has rescinded its endorsement of Republican Jim Pendergraph, a leading candidate seeking to replace retiring Rep. Sue Myrick , R-N.C.

Pendergraph, a former Mecklenburg County sheriff, fell out of favor with the newspaper when he sided with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has investigated the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate.

"I have reason to be suspicious," Pendergraph told the Charlotte newspaper, a few days after he was endorsed by Arpaio. "But I don't know. I haven't seen the facts. I think there's a lot of smoke and generally when there's smoke there's got to be fire somewhere."

I think Trump said about the same thing.

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