ap african american college course consumer by politics


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

Ron's comment:

More importantly to me, is what the course may or may not omit. Does it discuss that slavery was a practice of almost every society around the globe? Does it note that slaves were not exclusively sourced from Africa? Does it impart the fact that slaves from Africa were typically enslaved by fellow Africans who then sold them to the slave traders? Does it discuss that Europe and America were in the forefront of eliminating the practice of slavery. After all Pennsylvania effectively abolished slavery in 1780 and several other New England states followed suit soon after. That's 80- plus years before the Civil War and 53 years before the British did the same. I took a lot of history in college, but to my memory issues like these were not really discussed in my High School history classes.

Ron's comment down here is so right.. not to mention it doesn't mention slave trade over seas was abolished in 1794 and only 17 percent of whites were slave holders if that. 11 percent of blacks were slave holders were blacks and just as brutal. If slave had continued blacks would out number whites as slave holders., and blacks ins slave 1000s of whites for 500 years in Africa in addition to their own people. This study is about turning blacks against whites period. Dems like it because it gets them the black vote. The love the lie that blacks are dis advantaged. Never tell that 27.9 percent of black population is above the poverty line. Were is dis advantage in that? And Blm makes blacks look horrible. The riots proof it. This teaching needs to be gone.
Labeling a class "AP" does nothing more than add an extra point to the student's GPA.

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