AOC: We Need To Cancel Student Debt So People Can Go To Their ‘Dream Colleges’

AOC is a moron, however as has been shown not stupid, yes Dorethy, buying votes of the millennials is easy, legal, however someone is destined to loose if this jubilee becomes law. Collective koolaid is bittersweet.
dude a box of fking rocks is smarter than her. you are very mistaken.

paying for college is tantamount to trickle down economics --

youre for that - ARENT YOU ALL YOU RW IDIOTS ?
Trickledown bankruptcy is more like it, yet then again those that view fiscal responsibility as a old dried up argument without merit, in today’s economy, are nothing more than collectivists destined to learn a very costly and serious lesson about the true reality of socialism.
Hell lets cancel home mortgage and credit card debt too? Oh wait, colleges and universities are liberal indoctrination centers and Dem party cash cows. I get it now. /sarcasm
AOC is a moron, however as has been shown not stupid, yes Dorethy, buying votes of the millennials is easy, legal, however someone is destined to loose if this jubilee becomes law. Collective koolaid is bittersweet.
dude a box of fking rocks is smarter than her. you are very mistaken.

paying for college is tantamount to trickle down economics --

youre for that - ARENT YOU ALL YOU RW IDIOTS ?
how so? explain your trickle? perhaps it is merely pee running down your leg at this time.

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