AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

I've been talking about "what Jesus would want" since Trump started blocking refugees from entering the USA and separating parents and children. Where have Y0U been????

How is "getting people talking" about Jesus helping those people? People were too busy counting white people in the ads.
Why did you wait that long to talk about what He would want? It sounds like you're pretending the US government was following His commands up until TRUMP!. I didn't realize that we had a theocracy.
Oh, I don't care. I want to see all organized religion go the way of the dinosaur. It has no place in a modern, evolving, civilized society.
If you want to weaponize that and call it "woke" (a fake term) my guest.
By in large religion has gone away, and filled with Left wing ideology. After all, go into any public school and ask questions about abortion or gay marriage. Odd are, the vast majority think as you do now.

Do you think society is better today?
Depsite what you have been told, there are some moral absolutes that should be followed.

There is absolutely no prohibition of homosexuality by Jesus, or in the 10 Commandments. Ditto abortion. In fact, women were created to miscarry, if necessary, and we were given free will.

So please don't give me your "moral absolutes". God made people gay, and God doesn't make mistakes. Jesus says that what we do to the least among us, we also do to Him. Keep that in mind when you demand an end to asylum.

Months after the USA refused to take in any Syrian refugees, a refugee group in Calgary, some still living in shelters, sent hundreds of personal care kits to the residents of Ft. McMurray when wild fires destroyed the town. These people, who had so little wanted to help the people who saved them, in some small way. When they were in the refugee camps and running for their lives, the things they missed most were simple things like being able to brush their teeth or comb their hair. These things were never in aid packages received but cost so little.

The lies being spread by the right about non-white immigration makes your nation look greedy, selfish, and cruel. That's especially true given that the USA is responsible for many of the problems that lead to their being refugees in the first place.

The world is watching your racism and your cruelty. Not a very "Christian" look at all.
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And he can be judged for his actions
Slaughtering innocent children is not worthy of praise
A child judging his Dad because Dad goes away in the morning and won't play with him until he comes home that night.

Are you judging Obama for his slaughter of innocent lives, or are you hoping to just not talk about it?
By in large religion has gone away, and filled with Left wing ideology. After all, go into any public school and ask questions about abortion or gay marriage. Odd are, the vast majority think as you do now.

Do you think society is better today?
Society will grow and evolve as it should. Archaic beliefs will fade into the past. Everything evolves...or it dies.
So much hatred being expressed here. Why can't there be peace and understanding?
Do you have a problem with them expressing their opinion on their own dime?
Christian political opinions are as subject to criticism as any other kind. What you do to worship is your own business. What you do concerning politics concerns me and any other interested parties.

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