AOC is making lots of dangerous enemies and my prediction is they will try to take her down

1st post
She's certainly entertaining. The gift that keeps on giving to the Reps.

What a fucking dingbat.
I think the main question I have, why exactly do people care about her so much? I've been puzzling over it since she appeared.
Not people, conservatives.

And conservatives obsess over her because they perceive her as a threat – she represents the positive, beneficial change that most on the right fear.

Conservatives also obsess over her in an effort to advance their ‘socialism’ lie.
AOC is making lots of dangerous enemies in the Democrat Party and my prediction is they will find some dirt on her and attempt to take her down.

Or they'll just run someone serious against her in the primary who might actually show up to campaign, unlike the guy she beat.
25 thousand jobs up to over 100 thousand jobs directly and indirectly over a couple of decades is nothing to sneer at.
I think the main question I have, why exactly do people care about her so much? I've been puzzling over it since she appeared.
Not people, conservatives.

And conservatives obsess over her because they perceive her as a threat – she represents the positive, beneficial change that most on the right fear.

Conservatives also obsess over her in an effort to advance their ‘socialism’ lie.
Threat? Do you mean like turning America into Venezuela?
5th post
AOC is making lots of dangerous enemies in the Democrat Party and my prediction is they will find some dirt on her and attempt to take her down.

Ok, and?

She’d be replaced by another Democratic member of Congress.

The only people who have a say in her political future are voters in her district.

The right’s unwarranted obsession with AOC illustrates just how stupid and ridiculous most conservative are.
And conservatives obsess over her because they perceive her as a threat – she represents the positive, beneficial change that most on the right fear.
AOC is making lots of dangerous enemies in the Democrat Party and my prediction is they will find some dirt on her and attempt to take her down.
OAC can get down on her knees and thank God that HRC isn't in charge.
"OAC had such a lot going for her. Too bad she commited suicide".

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