AOC Gets Owned in Twitter Exchange


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020

Let's go straight to the tweets

This is so sweet:

Here it comes:


Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw has come under fire for his response to a tweet from Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about her working-class background.

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday that Republican Senators “sit around on leather chairs all day,” while she had to work a “physically difficult working class job” prior to taking office.

Ocasio-Cortez later clarified her comments in a tweet Friday night, saying they were directed at Republicans who “mock” her history in the service industry.

Ryan Saavedra, reporter at the Daily Wire, shot back at Ocasio-Cortez, tweeting that Republicans like Crenshaw have “lost limbs for this country while AOC cried in a refrigerator because she got an order wrong.”

Crenshaw jokingly responded that “one of the hardest decisions” he ever had to make while serving in Afghanistan was “still or sparkling?”

Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost his eye during an IED blast, furthered his criticism of Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet Saturday while at a campaign event for Republican Georgia Sen. David Perdue, saying that Democrats are controlled by people like her “who believes that the biggest hardship in life was figuring out whether it was still or sparkling.”

And here comes the usual leftwing play-the-victim garbage:

Twitter users were quick to jump on Crenshaw for his comments, with former Democratic Houston Mayor Annise Parker saying Crenshaw’s comments were “mocking the honest work of those who are trying to put food on their own tables.”
Neither would Trump

But we are not talking about Trump in this thread Mister Misdirect. That scum pig AOC grew up in a wealthy family and her tweet is pure bullshit
Everything you post about is generated by your pro-Trump sycophancy...

Good thing this isn't 2006 or 2007 -- all your posts would be about how Bush will go down as the greatest president in history, blah blah blah....just shut the fuck up
Neither would Trump

But we are not talking about Trump in this thread Mister Misdirect. That scum pig AOC grew up in a wealthy family and her tweet is pure bullshit
Everything you post about is generated by your pro-Trump sycophancy...

Good thing this isn't 2006 or 2007 -- all your posts would be about how Bush will go down as the greatest president in history, blah blah blah....just shut the fuck up

AOC is as joke. That is the point of this thread. Playing the victim and identify politics is the primary tenant of the Democratic Party.
A. The few that served are the exception rather than the rule. The remainder were for the most part people of privilege. Her point stands

B. Crenshaw takes every opportunity to use his injury for political purposes as opposed to Tammy Duckworth who lost both legs

In general, Democrats aren’t patrotic. Democrats aren’t for personal responsibility. If given the opportunity, spoiled children like AOC will destroy the US.
I don’t see anyone criticizing Rep Crenshaw or Tammy Duckworth

AOC was talking about those who criticize her for being working class
I don’t see anyone criticizing Rep Crenshaw or Tammy Duckworth

Good. They are great Americans, and filthy socialist democrat vermin ae not

I don’t see anyone criticizing our veterans other than our President who calls them suckers and losers and mocks those who were captured in the service of their country

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