
Maybe people that are actual teachers can help me explain to your ignorant ass that kids aren't just wasting their time at school. They're learning things.
I don't think Captain Furious there wants to know. He's just here to rant and troll.
.......Educators should be strictly forbidden from even touching on said matters.........

How would you teach History or Civics without "even touching on said matters"? Your fantasy censorship would be problematic. I guess you didn't think it through.
Most of my students are doing great, thanks.
Your students aren't the entire system.

And I quote...."I'm starting to get the feeling that you walk around assuming your life is a universal standard."

In the construction business, I've had contact with your "graduates" on more occasions than you know.
Are you suggesting that the tiny number of people you have worked with in the construction business represent every high school graduate in the country? Really?
Are you suggesting that the tiny number of people you have worked with in the construction business represent every high school graduate in the country? Really?
And we all know only the cream of the crop end up in jobs like that.

Again, you asked me a direct, personal question. I responded to that question. Is this the first time you've ever tried to communicate with another human being? You really don't seem to know what you're doing.
He's a construction worker after all. Cut him some slack. But also take to heart his very complex view of the world.

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