Anyone want laugh hysterically at the left wing media and their stooges that believe everything they say? COVID ON THE RISE!!!! LOL


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

Well, as I like to say with all Trump lickspittles...stupid is as stupid does. If you believe we're "rounding the corner" dumb. :)
The persistence of the hoaxing is astonishing
I think some of that is due to public schools force feeding diversity and accommodation rather than stats and math
When I state that rise is gross number of positives is directly, percentage wise proportional to rise in number of tests, I am sharing info the under 40 crowd simply never learned.

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

Well, as I like to say with all Trump lickspittles...stupid is as stupid does. If you believe we're "rounding the corner" dumb. :)



OH NO! You mean the Left are now admitting that after their governors all demanded control of their states last May that they've been doing the wrong thing all along? The Democrats have failed to get control of the virus? Are they admitting their "science" was wrong? Aren't they the ones who have been saying they have been following the SCIENCE and the experts? THEY HAVE FAILED!

The closer we get to the election, the worse the virus gets! Joe Biden has been super-spreading the virus through all his laptop video rallies! Biden has INFECTED THE COUNTRY!

We need an injection of Clorox, Joe. Nothing but BleachBit will save us now. It did wonders for Hillary. :smoke:

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

Well, as I like to say with all Trump lickspittles...stupid is as stupid does. If you believe we're "rounding the corner" dumb. :)

The actual chances of dying from the Chinese virus are essentially ZERO

Again? The number of deaths from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.

....between 20 and 45, 99.98%

....between 50 and 65, 99.5%

....and over 70, about 95%.

The chance of dying from the Wuhan Red Death is

Sooo ask yourself why the number reported is 'infections,' those positive tests, many of which are false positives.

Now.....explain why you are a fool?

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

So the BBC who nobody in the UK would consider left wing is also lying?
PM Boris Johnson (Conservative) who was advised by scientists to lock down in Sept but refused for fear of too much damage to the economy, appeared on the BBC tonight telling us the country will lockdown from Thurs. As even with the present restrictions infection rates are doubling every nine days.
I suppose you think he is also lying?
Germany, France, and Belgium have already gone into lockdown but then again you probably think their Govs and media are lying?

No doubt you are one of these Trumpsters who refuse to wear a mask claiming they restrict breathing?
Tell me though, how do you still manage to breathe with your head stuck so far up your arse?

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

Well, as I like to say with all Trump lickspittles...stupid is as stupid does. If you believe we're "rounding the corner" dumb. :)

The actual chances of dying from the Chinese virus are essentially ZERO

Again? The number of deaths from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.

....between 20 and 45, 99.98%

....between 50 and 65, 99.5%

....and over 70, about 95%.

The chance of dying from the Wuhan Red Death is

Sooo ask yourself why the number reported is 'infections,' those positive tests, many of which are false positives.

Now.....explain why you are a fool?

Fine as long as your not one of the 220,000+ that have already died. That is one big fat zero!

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

Well, as I like to say with all Trump lickspittles...stupid is as stupid does. If you believe we're "rounding the corner" dumb. :)

The actual chances of dying from the Chinese virus are essentially ZERO

Again? The number of deaths from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.

....between 20 and 45, 99.98%

....between 50 and 65, 99.5%

....and over 70, about 95%.

The chance of dying from the Wuhan Red Death is

Sooo ask yourself why the number reported is 'infections,' those positive tests, many of which are false positives.

Now.....explain why you are a fool?

Honestly, I don't know why you bother. No one believes your schtick anymore.
I dare you to go have a conversation with any family who's lost a loved one due to your saviors complete bungling of this virus outbreak.
Stop repeating talking points and start educating yourself.
The next decade is not going to be kind to you and your ilk.
Some thoughtful people are humbly wondering whether lockdowns are the correct approach.

They point out that Europe instituted some harsh lockdowns but that the virus seems to be coming back, so it has to reinstitute the lockdowns, as in the United Kingdom.

Is there another rational way to deal with this tragedy?

Because of the irrational "dislike" of President Trump, it has been very difficult for decent Democrats and Republicans to come together to come up with a program based on what is currently known about the virus.

It does seem that some governors (and even mayors) almost seem to enjoy exercising unprecedented power. Just read that people coming to New York state have to test negative. Is that even constitutional? I read that during the Great Depression, some states tried to turn back people from other states. But that was ruled unconstitutional.

On November 4, maybe both sides will finally agree to sit down and do something patriotic: Work together to deal with COVID-19.

What hysteria!!!!! Lol!!

Even leftists I know are realizing what this is. Not one on this site, but many are.

Well, as I like to say with all Trump lickspittles...stupid is as stupid does. If you believe we're "rounding the corner" dumb. :)

The actual chances of dying from the Chinese virus are essentially ZERO

Again? The number of deaths from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.

....between 20 and 45, 99.98%

....between 50 and 65, 99.5%

....and over 70, about 95%.

The chance of dying from the Wuhan Red Death is

Sooo ask yourself why the number reported is 'infections,' those positive tests, many of which are false positives.

Now.....explain why you are a fool?

Fine as long as your not one of the 220,000+ that have already died. That is one big fat zero!

There is no such number of Wuhan deaths.

OK, OK.....stop is your education:

The only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

1. The symptoms of the Wuhan and the seasonal flu: the same.

"The First Lady explained how she experienced “body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time”.

She added recovering from the illness gave her time to “reflect”.

Mrs Trump said: “Recovering from an illness gives you a lot of time to reflect. "

Melania Trump describes coronavirus 'rollercoaster' as son Barron also tested positive

2. The 200,000 number is is based on claiming the Wuhan as the cause of every death no matter the cause:

No one can say how many deaths are singularly attributable to Covid 19, as those in charge demanded, from the start, that every death be so claimed. “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.

“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”

Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

3. The CDC has stated that only 6% of those '200,000' deaths are due to the Wuhan.

. To indicate how the Wuhan crisis has been inflated to puncture the Trump economic miracle, note that the CDC admitted that only 6% of the deaths were actually due to the Covid virus.


Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities, Click here to download.

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

4. The actual chances of dying from the Chinese virus are essentially ZERO

Again? The number of deaths from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.

....between 20 and 45, 99.98%

....between 50 and 65, 99.5%

....and over 70, about 95%.

The chance of dying from the Wuhan Red Death is

Sooo ask yourself why the number reported is 'infections,' those positive tests, many of which are false positives.

Now.....explain why you are a fool?

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