Anyone seen this?

Merlin1047 said:
Do you make this shit up as you go?

To the best of my research ability, there is not a single, credible eyewitness statement that claims there was a missile.

it was in the video
Stitchman said:
yeah, and never mind the witnesses who believe it was a missle

Ok Stitchman,

Check out the video on this website (about half way to bottom of page) and then get back me. I got the link from D's site.

I saw your video, so I expect the respect that you will watch this video and then give me your answer.

Stitchman said:

So the Solicitor General just used this as an excuse to get rid of his wife?

People died on that plane, they really and truly are no longer in existence, it isn't like they are only pretending to be dead.

Unless of course the "Conspirators" took all those people, kidnapped them and put them in an underground bunker at your house and that is why you "know" there wasn't a plane. They would also have had to purchase "fake" tickets for the "passengers" then make a records change in the Airline's records to make them believe that there was a plane that took off. Change the records of the Air Traffic Control then hypnotize them all to make them believe that they gave the okay for a "pretend" plane to take off. Hypnotize and add to the memories of the eyewitnesses that "saw" the crash. Make the people that were going to be "passengers" actually believe that they bought tickets with the airline so that those, like the Solicitor General, that think people died on the plane would actually think their relatives were taking a "flight".

After all of this, they would have to kidnap and dispense of 50 or so people that were on the "flight" then blow a few holes in the pentagon and leave some plane detritus to find, like the black-box (faking information on a black box is also very difficult), while killing some of the Pentagon Personnel.

It isn't like a cartoon where somebody runs through the wall and you see the impression of a full human silouette. If you notice the pictures of the WTC, there are no wing impressions in the holes those planes made when they crashed there.

Another thing that you are missing is the picture from about 50 feet to the left of the hole that you are seeing where the plane actually hit, it is deliberately avoided by those making this video. Damage to the building was not limited only to the place where the plane hit, much like an earthquake it caused shockwaves that created other damage to other places in the building, much of the explosion from the crash was inside the building as well, thus causing other nearby holes to be created.

Silly NeoProg! Willing to believe anything at all...
Stitchman said:
allright, now you guys are just being ignorant. there is some really solid evidence that what hit the pentagon was not a plane, and i find it funny that you can't see that.

Geez during the 9/11 attack I remember seeing Home video footage on the news showing the commercial jet hitting the Pentagon...flying low over the parking lot taking out powerlines and veh's..also when a plane hits a solid object...well physics takes over...the wings fold backward...missle like..this was not the case in the "Twin Towers" because the wings penetrated windows made of glass....also the plane disintegrated along with the initial victims because of physics and high temperature caused by burning jet fuel...get a grip and a new theory.....LOL
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A. There's drool on the inside of your monitor.
In 1962 a plan was approved up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff called “Operation Northwoods.” This operation went into great detail on how to attack and terrorize Americans into begging for war with Cuba, using the age-old Hegalian principle Problem Reaction Solution. This document was declassified in 2001 and ABC news reported on it, as well as a few other media outlets. The plan details several options such as “A Remember the Maine incident could be arranged in several forms” “We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo bay and blame Cuba.” Or “we could blow up a drown (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters.” “The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to "evacuate” remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful national wave of national indignation.” This is the most horrible part, the document says that quote “We could develop a communist terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.” This document is several pages long, but these are just a few major parts, you can read this in full at the national security archive website at

Where you can download the .PDF

Regarding the events of September the 11th, the evidence (once you honestly investigate for yourself) clearly shows that elements of our government were complicit in the shepherding of the terrorists, and the actual carrying out of the attacks. When I saw those planes hitting the towers I was with the rest of the country when I was scared to death, I was angry as hell and wanted to seek revenge on the attackers. I too believed that Usama Bin Laden and Co. was behind the atrocities, until I found evidence (yes, rock solid) that this was not the case.

Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex admitted on a PBS documentary titled “Rebuilding America” that building #7 was quote “Pulled”. To pull a building is the industry slang for a controlled demolition. Silverstein bought the complex just prior to September 11th and along with it a big fat insurance policy. Since 9/11 Silverstein has collected 3.5 billion (yes Billion) dollars out of the 7Bill he sought in insurance claims after he ADMITS that he demolished building #7. Building #7 was not hit by an airliner, and had very small fires in it for a relatively short period of time, a matter of hours. At around 5:30 it collapsed mysteriously. One of the major insurance companies for the WTC complex is actually starting to push for an investigation into possible insurance fraud on 9/11.

This is only one facet to a much larger conspiracy. One question we should ask is how were the precision explosives placed in building 7 amidst the smoke and fires, and within such a short period of time? To demolish a building it takes days, if not weeks for planning. The implications for this are far and wide.

What was in building #7? The CIA, Secret service, IRS and the Mayors Office of Emergency Management. This building was what you call over-engineered. It was built to withstand huge explosions, hurricane force winds, bullet-proof glass, you name it, this place was a fortress. Why would this building be demolished?

It is interesting to note that all the buildings Silverstein owned collapsed, but the buildings right up against #7 did not. They sustained about the same amount of damage as #7 but remain standing today. The bank near the Twin towers had a chunk of tower 1 fall into it, but it remains standing.

The official explination in the FEMA WTC building performance study states that the building was brought down by "small fires". We now know that this was indeed not true, who are they protecting?

Several firefighters have repetedly stated that they heard bombs going off in the towers, as if someone was "pushing the buttons" as the twin towers came down. The released firefighter communication tapes reveal that there were only two small fires in building 2, and the firemen were confident that they could be doused with two lines. This contradicts the official story that blazing fires melted the steel beams supporting the towers, the black smoke indicates an oxygen deprived fire that absolutely cannot reach the approx. 2500 degrees required to melt steel.

Battalion Seven Chief: "Battalion Seven ... Ladder 15, we've got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor...."

One last thing I will mention here is that there were several drills taking place on the 11th. AP, Reuters and others reported that the CIA was running drills involving hijacked airplanes flying into buildings in the Washington area on guess what, September 11th 2001. One such drill was called Vigilant guardian, involving hijacking scenarios of planes crashing into the National Reconnaissance Office headquarters. Were these drills meant to mislead the good people at government agencies responsible for the protection of America and confuse the real world events with drills?

USA Today reported that NORAD had drills of flying jets into the WTC and Pentagon in the two years prior to 9/11, yet the administration has adamantly denied any prior knowledge.

Please investigate 9/11 for yourself, these were just a few major points, it would be impossible to list the encyclopedic amount of information. When you investigate this crime, it will change you as an American, it will change you as a person.

We must never forget that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, this is OUR government and WE are responsible for maintaining it, and standing up for the oppressed, exposing the corruption, and being eternally vigilant in watching our government. It is sad to see our society becoming an environment where we are led to not trust our neighbors and be paranoid about them, but blindly trust the government. Our forefathers taught us that government was a fire that needed to be watched and contained. Government was a powerful tool and it was not to be trusted.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. No Nation could preserve it's freedom in the midst of continual warfare." -- James Madison
Thank you for all of your intelligent responses....

I did not say anything about elvis, aliens, or the national enquirer. Everything, minus the bit of speculation is based on factual information, and i have a voluminous ammount of documentation to back this up. If any of you are the least bit interested in learning anything more about this, i commend you for you truly love freedom. Those of you that enjoy throwing insults around, and baseless comments like this, it is not productive, and if you are trying to intimidate and or get me into these name calling/bashing games it will not happen.

I am merely sounding the alarm, those who have ears to hear, please harken.

Our freedom is hanging by a thread, as general tommy franks said, when the next terror attack happens our consitution is going to cease to exist, and martial law will be in its place. The groundwork for a high-tech police state is being layed. National ID cards have just become a reality in America for the first time in our history. Surveillance has become a booming business since 9/11. The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) business is expanding geometrically. The Patriot Act allows for detention of US citizens without cause or reason, you can be tortured and executed secretly, have your house searched without being notified, the list goes on! This is NOT FREEDOM.
Having to present ID wherever you go (Recently passed REAL ID Act) IS NOT FREEDOM.

Lets say someone comes to your house and says "I want your yard" you say, no, but you can have my sidewalk. The next day "I want your porch" you say, No, but you can have the step.

This is the story of the creeping erosion of our God given liberties.

September 11th was a catalyst for this change in America and abroad, look to who stands to gain.

How much will you give, how much will you submit, what is your limit? What kind of America are you going to leave for your children?

I love this country, and it is so sad to see what is becoming of it, to see the founding principles being cut from underneath of us, and WE DONT EVEN CARE! PLEASE WAKE UP! If we do not stand up for others rights, freedoms and liberties, YOU will eventually lose yours as well!
StoptheMadness1 said:
Thank you for all of your intelligent responses....

So basically you think the government orchestrated the attack on the Pentagon in order to claim a military target was attacked, to steal our freedoms and start a war?

Conspiracy theories are largely inaccurate, but you shouldn't just discredit it because it is a conspiracy theory. If that were the case Nixon would have never been in any trouble. That's what is so "scary" about the conspiracy theories, sometimes they can be true, and most of the time it is hard to tell using anything other than probability.

Despite your intelligent posts, I would have to courteously disagree, considering I know someone who saw the plane. There are some good pictures of debris on the lawn that show what are obviously plane parts too. I don't dispute what you have documented though :).

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