Anyone notice the leftists are reporting conservatives more and more?

Hang on to your labia,the midterms are a coming!!
Yup. I quit trying years ago, because I'm a racist!

Yeah. I think a time will come when conservatives start accepting the term racist as a badge of honor. When that happens they’ll be stumped. That line works so well right now. People are horrified to be called a racist and would submit to any liberal ideology to avoid being labeled racist. It will be funny when that tactic stops working.

We could start saying, “Yep. I’m a racist. Now make your point.” I look forward to the day when conservatives start dismissing the term racist as insignificant.
It's nice to see you finally admit it. Now you can start working on being a better human being.

I think miketx meant he was a racist under the 2022 definition not the 1955 definition.

2022 definition of racist=

racist (noun) A person who wins a political argument.

Winning political arguments does not make you a bad person. It makes you a super awesome person. He needs to keep his skills sharp so he can keep being racist as heck.
Every lib dominated msg board is like that.
They are offended by anything and everything.
Emotionalism does not have a chance up against rationalism. Unfortunately, we are primarily emotional creatures. While the misconception is that we are intelligent creatures. That's when our intelligence predominates in relation to other creatures, only. We are not otherwise predominately intelligent creatures ourselves. And as the nature of a democratic election process allows our emotional side to override rational choices when it comes to electing leaders, rationality is doomed. With democratization set to replace dictatorships in the world, the Left will win and all dissent will be eliminated. Ironically the ultimate dictatorship will then form from within this democratic process. An inherent flaw in democracy then presenting as a vulnerability, which by its nature is set to be exploited, allowing a single gender to rule, feminists in women's clothing all. With the death of Queen Elizabeth, the last chance to reform democracy has probably been lost. Regardless inaction has always been the problem, the failure of patriarchs in a modern society to meet their obligations.
Emotionalism does not have a chance up against rationalism. Unfortunately, we are primarily emotional creatures. While the misconception is that we are intelligent creatures. That's when our intelligence predominates in relation to other creatures, only. We are not otherwise predominately intelligent creatures ourselves. And as the nature of a democratic election process allows our emotional side to override rational choices when it comes to electing leaders, rationality is doomed. With democratization set to replace dictatorships in the world, the Left will win and all dissent will be eliminated. Ironically the ultimate dictatorship will then form from within this democratic process. An inherent flaw in democracy then presenting as a vulnerability, which by its nature is set to be exploited, allowing a single gender to rule, feminists in women's clothing all. With the death of Queen Elizabeth, the last chance to reform democracy has probably been lost. Regardless inaction has always been the problem, the failure of patriarchs in a modern society to meet their obligations.
They'll be screamin round the mountain, yes they will
They'll be screamin round the mountain, yes they will

They'll be shittin in their britches, shittin in their britches
They'll be shittin in their britches, yes they will, yes they will

They'll be dyin their hair pink and green
They'll be dyin their hair pink and green
They'll be dyin their hair and shittin in their britches
They'll be dyin and a shittin, yes they will, yes they will!
The desperation and fear that they are consumed with must be driving them to try to censor more and more Americans. It will only get worse in the next few months as desperate leftists grow increasingly unbalanced and unstable due the coming rout in November. The poor things are losing their grip on reality. So if you or a family member have a loved one that is teetering on the brink of insanity and rage over the upcoming horrific coming loss in November, please write this number down. God bless.
Yet the Left is set to win. This forum being one of few that still allows free speech. And with only $350 month lost to silence it, the webhost will end up doing just that. Silicon valley types being on the left as they logically are.

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