Anybody recall the media looking at Gina McCarthy’s travel expenses?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
She was EPA Administrator under Obama.

Now, here's the deal - media made a big deal out of EPA Admin Scott Pruitt making a trip to the G7 Summit where they spent $40k and visited the Vatican. Huge hoohah from the media.

So, how about McCarthy.

In 2016, Team McCarthy made three trips spending the following amounts:

$68,382 to travel to Ghana

$45,139 to travel to Peru

$74,737 to travel to Tokyo

They were a bit more busy in 2015 it seems. McCarthy and the security team racked up the following bills:

$41,320 to travel to Paris

$90,367 to travel to Dubai

$67,702 to travel to Tokyo

$56,192 to travel to Italy

Where was the outrage over those? Much more of this @ Anybody recall the media looking at Gina McCarthy's travel expenses?
Is this going to be the new thing? Every time a Trump lacky is caught doing something he probably shouldn't be doing, you'll try to find something someone did in the Obama years that no one said anything about at the time because it was legit.
Is this going to be the new thing? Every time a Trump lacky is caught doing something he probably shouldn't be doing, you'll try to find something someone did in the Obama years that no one said anything about at the time because it was legit.

You bet! Shove it right in your face.
Trump’s EPA Chief Spends Far Less Than Obama’s – Liberals Attack Him Anyway

The left despises the Trump administration, that’s just a given. But they really hate EPA chief Scott Pruitt. There’s a simple explanation for this. Environmentalism is the left’s new religion and the EPA is their Vatican.

So even though Pruitt is spending less than his Obama predecessor, he is under fire.

The New York Post reports:

Scott Pruitt slammed for spending less on travel than Obama’s EPA chiefs

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt is under fire for flying high on the taxpayers’ dime. Fair enough — but why did his Obama-era predecessors escape the same scrutiny?

Pruitt spent roughly $120,000 on travel in his first year on the job, according to records the EPA provided to the House Oversight Committee.

Almost $90,000 went for food, hotels, airfare and a military jet for his trip with nine staffers for the four-day G-7 environmental summit in Italy last June. Nearly 40 grand more covered a trip to Morocco to promote US exports of environmentally friendly natural gas.

Many critics have hit Pruitt for taking first-class seats when EPA guidelines suggest coach — but he argues that’s called for because he’s been getting death threats from pretty much his first day on the job. (Some greens really, really don’t like him.) Indeed, a quarter of his travel bill was $30,000 for his security detail.

But what about Obama’s EPA chief?

Lisa Jackson, EPA director from 2009 to 2013, racked up more than $332,000 on four overseas trips. Gina McCarthy, the chief in 2013-17, spent nearly $630,000 on flights and security in her 10 international travels.

None of this matters to the left because they are not rational or logical. They are simply blinded by their hatred of all things Trump.
For those who find this thread difficult to grasp - it is a comparison of how the media reports things about the Trump administration as how it reported similar things in the Obama administration.

Clear now?
For those who find this thread difficult to grasp - it is a comparison of how the media reports things about the Trump administration as how it reported similar things in the Obama administration.

Clear now?

Nope. It's more whinging, "but but, but....OOOOOOOOObama" because you can't admit that you all made a mistake "electing' the Orange Shitgibbon.

Don't worry, when he DOES fire Pruitt, you'll be back here telling us the guy totally had it coming.

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