Anybody Else Here Diagnosed With ADHD That Was Missed As A Child?

Here's the thing, I got advice from my mother about it and she told me that it isn't a made-up disorder, but whether or not I have it doesn't matter as ADHD people aren't all that different from other people where they can still learn how to control their behavior and it isn't worth being evaluated again because being put on medication is like you were basically saying,.. unnecessary.

One of my kids has adhd so I've read a lot. It's not just about changing behavior but how you do things, because things that work for people without adhd probly won't work for you.
If you struggle with things like organization, meal planning, or daily tasks look up ideas specifically for people with adhd. If you struggle with things like focus or impulse control, medication can help in these areas.
if you don't want to do medication some people use the legal weed gummies/oil stuff, and you can look into nootropics which I think are supplements.
My daughter is 21 and goes on and off medication. There are a lot of dr. appointments for medication depending on the laws in your state, which IMO makes it difficult for people who struggle with adhd. And finding a medication that works can take awhile. I will say my daughter is most productive when she is on medication. She has issues with sleep where her days and nights are flipped, adhd medication helps her have more normal sleeping patterns.

This is a site I used to read.
I had a tough time paying attention in school because of lousy teachers and poor text books that only made you memorize dates and events...but never told the story behind these events.
But I found that when I read a book for enjoyment and it was something I was interested couldn't break my focus if you tried.
I had a tough time paying attention in school because of lousy teachers and poor text books that only made you memorize dates and events...but never told the story behind these events.
But I found that when I read a book for enjoyment and it was something I was interested couldn't break my focus if you tried.

Memorizing dates and events is a starting point, but not near an ending point. Too many people were "taught" this way. Yet when teachers try different methods my fellow conservatives go on and on how things were "when they were kids". The argument is always this:

1. I hated school when I was a kid

2. School should be just like it was when I was a kid
1. I hated school when I was a kid

2. School should be just like it was when I was a kid

School should NOT be like when I was a kid! It was horrible! And I love to learn.

The only problem is school has only gotten worse. I can't imagine the arguments I would have with teachers today if they tried to tell me men can get pregnant.

I would get kicked out of every class every day!
School should NOT be like when I was a kid! It was horrible! And I love to learn.

The only problem is school has only gotten worse. I can't imagine the arguments I would have with teachers today if they tried to tell me men can get pregnant.

I would get kicked out of every class every day!

In some ways worse, yes. But in some ways, much better. Many people hate this but in good schools, there's much more room for research, inquiry, creation, not as much rote memorization and regurgitation on tests. Memorization and regurgitation is only a starting point.
For the longest time I thought that I had a form of Dyslexia because I could not concentrate on long paragraphs or I couldn't remember a long list of directions, but I just found out tonight that the doctor who evaluated me as a child was probably wrong.

I've always had trouble listening, not being distracted, and following directions and have had racing intrusive thoughts, but I always thought that there was something wrong with me and that I needed to try harder.

It turns out that since I'm not hyperactive, nobody thought that I had ADHD, but I'm going to see if I can get an appointment for a mental health center near me to see if I can possibly be reevaluated since I have most of the symptoms, it just hurts me that all these years people were holding things against me that I can't always control and because of my pediatrician I thought that it was all my fault. 😞

I have a concentration problem, literally if I study too hard my brain will go and I won't be able to study for days. It depends what I am studying. Studying Chinese literally breaks my brain, if it's things that aren't in a foreign language I don't speak well then it's easier, but still.
I'm not an audio person. I find listening difficult. It's not that I don't hear, it's that I don't remember it well, or don't concentrate. For learning a language this is awful, literally if someone is speaking Chinese and I should be able to understand for my level, chances are I won't understand.
I don't think it's ADHD, just a concentration problem.
I find that difficult to believe. 50% of adult Americans struggle to read at a 6th grade level.

Part of that is terrible reading instruction over the last 25 or so years, brought up by higher-ups. But also, don't you think this was also the case throughout our history? 6th grade level? Many Americans completed school at this level in times past.
Google "Literacy crisis".

I don't know how one would live in the age of the internet being unable to read.

Sure, we need a much better literacy rate. But to say it was so much better in the past, when many Americans didn't even ATTEND school past the 6th grade, is not evidence-based either.
But to say it was so much better in the past, when many Americans didn't even ATTEND school past the 6th grade, is not evidence-based either.

Google "literacy rate 1950s"

Estimates of the number of illiterate persons in each State 1n 1950, recently prepared by the Bureau of the Census, show that the percentage of persons 14 years old and over who were illiterate at that time was below 3 percent in about two-thirds of the States and below 10 percent in all of the States.

I had a tough time paying attention in school because of lousy teachers and poor text books that only made you memorize dates and events...but never told the story behind these events.
But I found that when I read a book for enjoyment and it was something I was interested couldn't break my focus if you tried.
I was that way. I was and am voracious reader, but hated the stuff I was given to read and hated answering the questions, so that put me at the lower end of the reading scale and the stuff got even worse. I would bring read all the higher level stuff and bring library books in and stick them inside the book we were supposed to read.

This was what we used.
I was that way. I was and am voracious reader, but hated the stuff I was given to read and hated answering the questions, so that put me at the lower end of the reading scale and the stuff got even worse. I would bring read all the higher level stuff and bring library books in and stick them inside the book we were supposed to read.

I didn't used to read, since I got a kindle I've read so much. My mother tried getting me reading Lord of the Rings when I was a kid, too hard and it didn't make me want to read.
I didn't used to read, since I got a kindle I've read so much. My mother tried getting me reading Lord of the Rings when I was a kid, too hard and it didn't make me want to read.
I didn't read Tolkien until I was older, but I skipped class to hide out in the library and binged on Andre Norton.
One could write pages on that piece of advice alone....
I knew it gave me a bad cough
same here....
ADHD people aren't all that different from other people where they can still learn how to control their behavior and it isn't worth being evaluated again because being put on medication is like you were basically saying,.. unnecessary.
well yes RR, fwiw, i've struggled w/ADHD all my life

it's the mental health community , who are all really big pharma's front men, that infiltrated our schools, and have decided to reclassify 'normal' , as well as (in recent times) reclassified 'illness' to normal

meds are their answer for any of it.......

I'm on xarelto...I don't like it but from what I've learned and what I've been's best that I continue taking it.

But they gave me lisinopril which cause me a bad cough...the cough gave me a hernia :(

I blame myself! I knew it gave me a bad cough...I talked to the doc about it...she told me "hang in there".

Still kicking myself for that one!
If you had hung in there the cough would have gone away eventually.

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