Anxiety Grows Over Trump's Pending Decision On Obama's Un-Constitutional Treaty With Iran


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Constitution clearly defines the powers and authorities each branch of government has. It makes extremely clear that the President of the United States does NOT have the authority to unilaterally negotiate his own TREATY with foreign government, especially terrorist ones, by-pass Congress, and have it ratified before the U.n. before Congress ever gets a chance to see it, let alone vote on it....but that is exactly what Barry did.

Much like Benghazi, every other nation pulled out....but Barry stayed.

Every other nation's negotiations teams walked away from the table in talks with Iran as Iran made threats, mocked them, and made ridiculous demands...but Barry stayed.

The Ayatollah led chants of 'Death To America' in the streets of Tehran while the US delegation sat at the table...but Barry stayed.

Iran's military made practice bombing runs on mock US carriers while its military leaders called for 'Death To America' during the negotiations...but Barry stayed.

One of Iran's leaders declared publicly that Barry would not walk away from the table no matter what they did because he was desperate to agree to some treaty to leave behind as part of his 'Destiny'...but Barry stayed.

Negotiating peace through WEAKNESS, Barry was forced to pay a ransom for US hostages instead of demanding the hostages be part of a 'peace deal' that handed over billions and billions of dollars back to Iran and lifted sanctions. It was reported later that Barry did not even ASK that to be part of the deal for FEAR Iran would walk away.

In the end Obama agreed to a, Un-Constitutional, pi$$-poor 'TREATY' with that he hid from Congress, one that he fled to the U.N. to have ratified before allowing the US Congress to even see it, let alone vote on it.

And after all of this, our US Congressmen acted like a bunch of 'cucks' by relinquishing their power and authority to make / sign treaties to the Constitutional usurper / violator, accepting it as legal / binding...

...and now 'everyone waits anxiously' to see if Trump will also accept it as a legal, binding TREATY, one that he will adhere to.....

This Constitutional Violation, this illegal / un-official US 'Treaty', is one of THE last criminal 'Legacies' of Barak Obama....another instance in which the previous criminal President has left this President between a rock and a hard place.

GOP anxiety grows over Trump’s Iran decision
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Trump is America first....whatever he decides to do I trust he will have our best interest in mind...sure can't say that for Obama and John Kerry the two nimrods that signed the stupid so called treaty.....
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Trump is America first....whatever he decides to do I trust he will have Americas best interest in mind....
Trump is a habitual liar, and a huckster who puts his own financial interests first. He would and has screwed the country to enrich himself and his family. From taking money from foreigners, to charging the taxpayers by charging the secret service for their protection.
He would and has screwed the country to enrich himself and his family. From taking money from foreigners, to charging the taxpayers by charging the secret service for their protection.
What evidence do you have don't just say it explain it....
He would and has screwed the country to enrich himself and his family. From taking money from foreigners, to charging the taxpayers by charging the secret service for their protection.
What evidence do you have don't just say it explain it....

Trump billed/bills the secret service rent at Trump tower, about $1 million
Trump billed the secret service 50% of the cost of his campaign plane travel.
Trump billed/bills the secret service for golf cart rentals to protect him on the golf course
Trump bills the secret service for room and board at Mar-a-lago.

For foreign income, Trump has not remitted income from foreigners at Trump International in Washington DC.
Trump billed the secret service rent at Trump tower, about $1 million
Trump billed the secret service 50% of the cost of his campaign plane travel.
Trump billed the secret service for golf cart rentals to protect him on the golf course
Trump bills the secret service for room and board at Mar-a-lago.

For foreign income, Trump has not remitted income from foreigners at Trump International in Washington DC
The cost of protecting the leader of the free world jack ass....
Trump said he would spend all his time in the white house, and wouldn't have time to play golf. That would have been fine. But instead Trump plays golf at one of his many golf courses, and charges the secret service rent and fees for being there and following him around.
Trump said he would reimburse the treasury all income from foreigners visiting Trump International. Trump has neither opened the books so the treasury could see how much income Trump made from foreigners, nor has Trump made any remittances to the Treasury on that income.
We aren't talking the cost

Trump charges the secret service to protect him. Putting money in his own pocket. Which is the point.
You don't really want to get into a pissing contest over presidential spending do you? Look up concerts in the white house under Obama...they weren't free are making a jack ass out of your self by conveniently ignoring the Obama years of grandeur and elegance and extravagance....give it up tool....
You don't really want to get into a pissing contest over presidential spending do you? .
Speaking of pissing contests. The Trump alibi for the dossier went up in flames. Including the congressional testimony of Keith Schiller

And it's not what is spent on protecting Trump, but how much Trump charges the federal government to protect him. It's all about how many benjamins Trump puts into his pocket from the government.
You don't really want to get into a pissing contest over presidential spending do you? .
Speaking of pissing contests. The Trump alibi for the dossier went up in flames. Including the congressional testimony of Keith Schiller

And it's not what is spent on protecting Trump, but how much Trump charges the federal government to protect him. It's all about how many benjamins Trump puts into his pocket from the government.

So you didn't answer his question.
Speaking of pissing contests. The Trump alibi for the dossier went up in flames. Including the congressional testimony of Keith Schiller

And it's not what is spent on protecting Trump, but how much Trump charges the federal government to protect him.
Can I ask you a serious and sincere question? What are you going to do when Mueller closes up shop with no charges against Donald J Trump? and what are you going to do when Trump wins re election?...I'm sincerely curious to know...

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