

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

To address your actual point, maybe the consequences would reiterate the basic concepts of darwinism.
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

To address your actual point, maybe the consequences would reiterate the basic concepts of darwinism.

How so?

Survival of the fittest (the "fittest" being those smart enough to get vaccinated)? Maybe my response was not well considered. But it was pithy. Do we get points for "pithy"?
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

To address your actual point, maybe the consequences would reiterate the basic concepts of darwinism.

How so?

Survival of the fittest (the "fittest" being those smart enough to get vaccinated)? Maybe my response was not well considered. But it was pithy. Do we get points for "pithy"?

Partial credit
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?
Coronavirus is not a threat but the vaccine will be.

Riddle me this ...
In the following, what is the common denominator?

EBOLA.....…… 2018

Common denominator??? All election years.
Depends on the vaccine ... most are safe and effective, some are safe but not real effective ... and very rarely they cause more harm than good ...

So the question is whether we should rush a Corona vax into production and distribution without testing it properly? ... we'll have to and just hope it's safe; in the years it takes to test, the pandemic will be over ... we actively search for the flu strain that will hit us three years from now, so we can have the vaxxes ready, available and fully tested before the flu strikes ...
Common denominator??? All election years.

Those are also all Olympic years ... where we as a species gather and celebrate ... then disperse back to our homes ...

Just horrible the wide-spread death and destruction all around the world following the Brazil games ... Tokyo is just laced with Corona ... we're all gonna die ...
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?
Kamala Harris : Anti Vaxer. COVID-19 vaccine is not to be trusted during Trump administration

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Has TDS turned Kamala into an anti-vaxxer?

The Ho Says No!

So, what do you project will be the health consequences of Kamala's stupidity?

Imagine running for vice-president of the United States with the Democrat nominee for president. Then that person sits for an interview with the Democrat propaganda wing of cable news for that network’s Sunday morning and admits she is so Trump deranged that she wouldn’t take a COVID-19 vaccination developed during his administration. You don’t even have to imagine it. The interview will run Sunday morning, you can just tune in and watch for yourself.

Kamala Harris taped an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash for Sunday’s State of the Union. It is well-established that Bash is a friendly interviewer for Democrats, especially women candidates running as Democrats. Kamala was so comfortable that she admitted her prejudice towards the scientific community during the Trump administration. She may have thought she was taking a shot at Trump but what she really did was insulting to every scientist working on a vaccine.
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

You seem to quite eneamored of your own opinion. I won't take it.
What is truly sad is how terrified you idiots are about a virus with a 98.6 survival rate. Put your big girl pantis on and grow up.
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

You seem to quite eneamored of your own opinion. I won't take it.
What is truly sad is how terrified you idiots are about a virus with a 98.6 survival rate. Put your big girl pantis on and grow up.
The Completed Case death rate is 4%. The flu is 0.1%. This is 40 times deadlier than the flu.

If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?
Ask Kamala.

What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

You seem to quite eneamored of your own opinion. I won't take it.
What is truly sad is how terrified you idiots are about a virus with a 98.6 survival rate. Put your big girl pantis on and grow up.
The Completed Case death rate is 4%. The flu is 0.1%. This is 40 times deadlier than the flu.

Alrighty then, a 96% survival rate. For this you kids would destroy the world economy and take a vaccine that has not been properly vetted. Stupid on it's face
HE’LL SAY ANYTHING: Poll Shows Impact of Joe Biden’s Anti-Vaxxer Conspiracy Theory — and It’s Not Good.


Slo Joe and the Ho embraced an unfounded anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory and he has successfully scared the public against a coronavirus vaccine, for crass and desperate political advantage.

According to a new Morning Consult poll, only 51 percent of Americans are now willing to take a coronavirus vaccine—a stunning 21-point drop from April.

First they burn their own cities and now they are sacrificing their followers.

The impact of anti-vaxxer-in-chief Joe Biden's war on the coronavirus vaccine (from @MorningConsult)


Joe Biden suggests the coronavirus vaccine won't be "real" and may not be "safe," contradicting public health experts.

Why is Biden spreading conspiracy theories and undermining the public's confidence in a vaccine?

Both Slo Joe and his running mate, The Ho, have been sowing the seeds of distrust in a COVID-19 vaccine. In addition to questioning whether a vaccine would be “real” or “safe” Biden mockingly asked “who would take the shot?” as though anyone who would consider doing so would be crazy.

Joe Biden isn't following the science. Despite what Dr. Fauci and other public health experts say about the coronavirus vaccine, Biden and Harris are spreading fear and conspiracy theories because they care more about politics than saving lives.

Their irresponsible anti-vaxxer rhetoric completely contradicts the word of health experts whose professional reputations are on the line.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said unequivocally that vaccine development is safe and free from politics, and that he is “not concerned about political pressure.”

Dr. Deborah Birx said last week that no shortcuts were being taken in the vaccine development process.

Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams not only said that the vaccine will be safe and effective, but that he and his family will take the vaccine when it is available. and “there has been no politicization of the vaccine process whatsoever. We have a process in place that I trust as a doctor, as a dad.”

Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, said that “the highest standards that ever have been applied for a vaccine are going to be applied in this situation.”

President Trump has done an incredible job to help get a vaccine developed in record time. In the early days of the pandemic, a vaccine was considered most likely years away, not months. By refusing to say that they would take the vaccine when it is available is shocking proof at how they’ve politicized the coronavirus pandemic, and not just the vaccine. They don’t want an effective vaccine to be approved before the election because they think it will hurt their chances of victory. How many people will die unnecessarily because of Biden’s and Harris’ anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories?
Depends on who made it, who the scientists/doctors are, and whether Gates is involved in any way.But we would never be told the truth anyway,so...nope. I'm not even getting a regular flu shot this year. I don't trust them to not sneak it in that as well.
If a vaccine for this virus is developed, would the anti-vacc nuts refuse it as well? What might be the public health consequences of such selfish stupidity?

You seem to quite eneamored of your own opinion. I won't take it.
What is truly sad is how terrified you idiots are about a virus with a 98.6 survival rate. Put your big girl pantis on and grow up.

How’s your Polio feeling today?

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