Anti-Trump Activism


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Good read for anybody interested.

How many elections would dims win if they didn't have these very powerful Activists shilling for them at every turn?

A dim poster noted in another thread that Putin has complete control of the Russian Media. Sound like something we've heard somewhere before. Nazi Germany? Fascist Italy? Communist Russia? Communist Cuba? Communist China? Communist Viet Nam?

Communist America???

Anti-Trump media manages to spin electoral victories into defeats
I don't think it's outrageous to look at the special elections that have already taken place, to look at narrow GOP wins in clearly red areas, and say that the tide could be turning.

First of all, historically speaking, the pendulum swings back and forth as each narcissistic party declares a "mandate" with each win (no matter how slim) and then proceeds to cram as much of its agenda as possible down our throats, pissing us off and getting its ass handed to it soon enough.

Second, if the tables were turned, the GOP would be saying precisely the same thing.
I don't think it's outrageous to look at the special elections that have already taken place, to look at narrow GOP wins in clearly red areas, and say that the tide could be turning.

First of all, historically speaking, the pendulum swings back and forth as each narcissistic party declares a "mandate" with each win (no matter how slim) and then proceeds to cram as much of its agenda as possible down our throats, pissing us off and getting its ass handed to it soon enough.

Second, if the tables were turned, the GOP would be saying precisely the same thing.
the tables were not turned
...there was never, anywhere near this much hate/anti-Obama/etc unjustifiable stuff in the media from so many
sports players
talk show hosts
whatever they say about Trump is just their OPINION--not fact
I don't think it's outrageous to look at the special elections that have already taken place, to look at narrow GOP wins in clearly red areas, and say that the tide could be turning.

First of all, historically speaking, the pendulum swings back and forth as each narcissistic party declares a "mandate" with each win (no matter how slim) and then proceeds to cram as much of its agenda as possible down our throats, pissing us off and getting its ass handed to it soon enough.

Second, if the tables were turned, the GOP would be saying precisely the same thing.
the tables were not turned
...there was never, anywhere near this much hate/anti-Obama/etc unjustifiable stuff in the media from so many
sports players
talk show hosts
whatever they say about Trump is just their OPINION--not fact
I agree that we've never seen a situation like this.

But still, the GOP would be as confident as the Democrats are going into this election if the conditions were reversed.
Special Conditions, Court Law and Statutes are present that give the Press unbelievable latitude in doing their work.

The Press could have leaked the Invasion Plans of the D-Day Invasion and gotten away with it.

They can leak illegal documents from illegal sources and NOT be called to answer for their actions.

And that's the way it should be -- For a Free and unfettered, untarnished Press.

But they are none of those things. They are activists for the dimocra party.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

2. Are They Press or Suppress? Imagine the news coverage if the son of a popular evangelical pastor was arrested for training children to be school shooters in an underground desert compound. Imagine what would happen if the remains of a dead child were also found at the site. And envision that the father had been an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist trial.

Journalists would turn it into the crime of the century. With good reason.

Only that wasn’t the story. One of the people arrested was the son of Brooklyn Imam Siraj Wahhaj, “an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,” according to The New York Post. The Islamic connection was so uncomfortable for the press that ABC and CBS censored it entirely for two straight nights.

CNN tried the same lack of disclosure. “CNN, for example, did not mention the words ‘Muslim’ or ‘extremist’ in a Tuesday article about the discovery of the 11 missing children, wrote The Daily Caller’s Amber Athey

CNN also got flamed by Twitchy for not referring to occupants of the compound as “extremist of the Muslim belief.’” That reference was actually removed from a story.

3. Journalists Are Neutral? The news media now face more allegations of liberal bias than ever before. Naturally, journalists want to fend off that criticism, especially from President Trump, with calm, rational journalism.


Instead, a Boston Globe editor is trying to organize the press into one mighty super PAC (Sen. Marco Rubio, this Bud’s for you!) against the president – to prove it’s not biased.

Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor for the editorial page of The Boston Globe, got commitments from 70 different newspaper editorial pages to do what they would do anyhow – attack President Trump.

“The newspaper's request was being promoted by industry groups such as the American Society of News Editors and regional groups like the New England Newspaper and Press Association,” according to The Associated Press.

And the proposal “suggested editorial boards take a common stand against Trump's words regardless of their politics.” Because fighting the president of one political party isn’t “politics,” apparently.
Special Conditions, Court Law and Statutes are present that give the Press unbelievable latitude in doing their work.

The Press could have leaked the Invasion Plans of the D-Day Invasion and gotten away with it.

They can leak illegal documents from illegal sources and NOT be called to answer for their actions.

And that's the way it should be -- For a Free and unfettered, untarnished Press.

But they are none of those things. They are activists for the dimocrap party, not the 'Press'.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

2. Are They Press or Suppress? Imagine the news coverage if the son of a popular evangelical pastor was arrested for training children to be school shooters in an underground desert compound. Imagine what would happen if the remains of a dead child were also found at the site. And envision that the father had been an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist trial.

Journalists would turn it into the crime of the century. With good reason.

Only that wasn’t the story. One of the people arrested was the son of Brooklyn Imam Siraj Wahhaj, “an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,” according to The New York Post. The Islamic connection was so uncomfortable for the press that ABC and CBS censored it entirely for two straight nights.
(Edge: I bet the majority of you weren't even aware of this case.)

CNN tried the same lack of disclosure. “CNN, for example, did not mention the words ‘Muslim’ or ‘extremist’ in a Tuesday article about the discovery of the 11 missing children, wrote The Daily Caller’s Amber Athey

CNN also got flamed by Twitchy for not referring to occupants of the compound as “extremist of the Muslim belief.’” That reference was actually removed from a story.

3. Journalists Are Neutral? The news media now face more allegations of liberal bias than ever before. Naturally, journalists want to fend off that criticism, especially from President Trump, with calm, rational journalism.


Instead, a Boston Globe editor is trying to organize the press into one mighty super PAC (Sen. Marco Rubio, this Bud’s for you!) against the president – to prove it’s not biased.

Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor for the editorial page of The Boston Globe, got commitments from 70 different newspaper editorial pages to do what they would do anyhow – attack President Trump.

“The newspaper's request was being promoted by industry groups such as the American Society of News Editors and regional groups like the New England Newspaper and Press Association,” according to The Associated Press.

And the proposal “suggested editorial boards take a common stand against Trump's words regardless of their politics.” Because fighting the president of one political party isn’t “politics,” apparently.
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