Anti-Semitism Goes Mainstream

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William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Forward editorial with some common sense buried in it:

The Jew-bashers answered their critics not by slinking away but by defending themselves confidently and even throwing back the challenge. Other participants sprang to their defense. They behaved and were received, it seemed, not as solitary crackpots but as a serious faction in the general debate.

I agree that "the old tactics" of invoking the Holocaust are starting to wear a little thin, though it still packs a punch. Anti-semitism is still the greatest taboo of American life and does mostly manifest on the Internet instead of in "real time." But the connection isn't totally severed: someone like me, for instance, will certainly find himself vigorously opposing Lieberman and Cheney, et. al., and supporting Ron Paul. There is no questioning anymore by serious people that Jewish aims in the Middle East have NOTHING to do with "the war on terrorism," the Iraq war, and so on, and I think that's good progress for our country. Only the "Fox watchers" and reflexive liberals don't get it.
William, you may have misread that as the end recognizes a bit of reality. "It doesn’t help when the biggest Jewish representative bodies allow themselves and their community to be identified in the public eye with a discredited administration and a larger conservative movement in terminal meltdown. It doesn’t help when Jews ignore or deny Israel’s genuine shortcomings. It doesn’t help when they overreact to criticism — hostile, benign or just clumsy — and intimidate their critics into resentful silence, reinforcing their enemies’ worst stereotypes."
Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism, also known as judophobia) is hostility, prejudice, toward Jews as a religious, racial, or ethnic group. Is there any similar term for hostility, prejudice toward Muslims?
of course not. they don't count any more than the injuns did.
Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism, also known as judophobia) is hostility, prejudice, toward Jews as a religious, racial, or ethnic group. Is there any similar term for hostility, prejudice toward Muslims?

Is there a similar term for hostility, prejudice and violence towards non-Muslims?

Oh yeah...Islamofascism.

The subsequent fear and defensiveness we suffer are not anti-anything. It's a defensive mechanism that has come into play after being attacked, killed and threatened over, and over, and over, and over again, by people who identify themselves as being Islamic extremists.
Is there a similar term for hostility, prejudice and violence towards non-Muslims?

Oh yeah...Islamofascism.

The subsequent fear and defensiveness we suffer are not anti-anything. It's a defensive mechanism that has come into play after being attacked, killed and threatened over, and over, and over, and over again, by people who identify themselves as being Islamic extremists.

I think that your condition has a term for it – paranoia. Once might say that most terrorism in the past few decades has been caused by Muslims. That does not mean that most Muslims are terrorists. I know some Muslims. I do not fear Muslims.
William, you may have misread that as the end recognizes a bit of reality. "It doesnt help when the biggest Jewish representative bodies allow themselves and their community to be identified in the public eye with a discredited administration and a larger conservative movement in terminal meltdown. It doesnt help when Jews ignore or deny Israels genuine shortcomings. It doesnt help when they overreact to criticism hostile, benign or just clumsy and intimidate their critics into resentful silence, reinforcing their enemies worst stereotypes."
Another racist ignorant poster trying to defend his “ thoughts” AntiSemitism has been around for 2000 years. Didn’t know Israel 🇮🇱 existed before the Holocaust. Not by my computer now so I can’t post the thread but he sees nothing wrong with Kanya West’s Comments either. NONE of his comments were about Israel This is ONLY one SMALL example of the Antisemitism that now exists
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