Why Racial Difference Scares People

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William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004


Few are made happy by the idea that anything but pure free will determines our earthly destinies. With limited exceptions, the Western world since the Enlightenment has cultivated the idea that anyone can be anything. Rousseau’s blank slate is an example.

We nurse a chipper confidence that all boys — and girls — could grow up to be president. (We seem not to notice that in the United States, it helps if your father — and maybe soon, your husband – was president.) It is comforting to think that all of us — no matter who our parents were or where we were born — have a perfectly equal shot at success, in any field. We’re all just smiling, spinning Mary Tyler Moores, knowing we might just make it after all. What sexist pig would deny Mary her tryout for offensive tackle with the Vikings?

The idea of inherited differences — individual and group — kills that buzz. The thought that genetics might play any part in the unfolding of our life path can be profoundly depressing. If our achievements are ultimately limited by those little biochemical software programs known as genes, why bother getting out of bed?
Based solely on what is posted in his statement, what is anti-semitic or white supremist about it?

It is a stepping stone argument used to then claim whites are superior. Taken solely alone one can still see the place it intends to go, in this case since a white supremist group is using it, they intend it to lead to THEIR conclusion. If it were some other hate group it would still apply.
It is a stepping stone argument used to then claim whites are superior. Taken solely alone one can still see the place it intends to go, in this case since a white supremist group is using it, they intend it to lead to THEIR conclusion. If it were some other hate group it would still apply.

Taken alone, I think it is a valid argument, and does not necessarily lead to supremacy. I think the everyone is equal regardless gender, race or whatever argument is subjective, and used blankly just pushes a PC agenda that ignores reality.

People are different and some of it is because of race, gender, inherited genes ... whatever ... different on its own does not necessarily mean one is better than the other.

I'm sure in this case, you are correct, knowing WJ's agenda. Why I specifically mentioned only what was posted. Seems like a better argument.:lol:
Taken alone, I think it is a valid argument, and does not necessarily lead to supremacy. I think the everyone is equal regardless gender, race or whatever argument is subjective, and used blankly just pushes a PC agenda that ignores reality.

People are different and some of it is because of race, gender, inherited genes ... whatever ... different on its own does not necessarily mean one is better than the other.

I'm sure in this case, you are correct, knowing WJ's agenda. Why I specifically mentioned only what was posted. Seems like a better argument.:lol:

But you can't take it alone. You HAVE to take it in the context of who is saying it and why. The site is basically a watchdog site for "Euros" or Occidentals. It's entire purpose is to advance a white agenda. That makes both it's veracity and motives questionable.
But you can't take it alone. You HAVE to take it in the context of who is saying it and why. The site is basically a watchdog site for "Euros" or Occidentals. It's entire purpose is to advance a white agenda. That makes both it's veracity and motives questionable.

Sure I can take it alone. If I take that quote, and remove the link, and place it in general discussion, is it antisemitic, racist or supremist?
Is it irony day or something? A zionist enabler crying fould over a WHITE agenda? While I am a greater fan of the pluralism i nour own politics I have to ask: why is it taboo for whites to practice the exact same concern for their own as to the NAACP AND the entire zionist machine?


Few are made happy by the idea that anything but pure free will determines our earthly destinies. With limited exceptions, the Western world since the Enlightenment has cultivated the idea that anyone can be anything. Rousseau’s blank slate is an example.

We nurse a chipper confidence that all boys — and girls — could grow up to be president. (We seem not to notice that in the United States, it helps if your father — and maybe soon, your husband – was president.) It is comforting to think that all of us — no matter who our parents were or where we were born — have a perfectly equal shot at success, in any field. We’re all just smiling, spinning Mary Tyler Moores, knowing we might just make it after all. What sexist pig would deny Mary her tryout for offensive tackle with the Vikings?

The idea of inherited differences — individual and group — kills that buzz. The thought that genetics might play any part in the unfolding of our life path can be profoundly depressing. If our achievements are ultimately limited by those little biochemical software programs known as genes, why bother getting out of bed?

What's interesting about it? And what is ..."the enlightenment.."?
But you can't take it alone. You HAVE to take it in the context of who is saying it and why. The site is basically a watchdog site for "Euros" or Occidentals. It's entire purpose is to advance a white agenda. That makes both it's veracity and motives questionable.

Would the same caveat apply to Jewish publications and writers, like The Forward or Commentary? Jon Podhoretz, Charles Krauthammer, Anthony Lewis, Paul Krugman, Frank Rich?

Let me just end the suspense here for the board. jillian's either not going to answer that question, or deny it. Probably the former.
When I read this article in its entirety, I didn’t get the idea that it was advocating white supremacy in any way, but rather that it was challenging the political correctness doctrine so revered by the left. Can someone point out the particular paragraphs in the article that advocate white supremacy either directly or indirectly?
The notion that inherited racial differences might exist does not bother me at all. I’d even go so far as to remove the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If an employer thinks that one race is superior to another so be it. If he is wrong, he will suffer financially while his non-racist competitors hire the better person.
The notion that inherited racial differences might exist does not bother me at all. I’d even go so far as to remove the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If an employer thinks that one race is superior to another so be it. If he is wrong, he will suffer financially while his non-racist competitors hire the better person.

Fair enough.
Based solely on what is posted in his statement, what is anti-semitic or white supremist about it?

It is a stepping stone argument used to then claim whites are superior. Taken solely alone one can still see the place it intends to go, in this case since a white supremist group is using it, they intend it to lead to THEIR conclusion. If it were some other hate group it would still apply.
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