Anti-profit Obama HATES Advantage plans.. do away with them!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For years, 12 million seniors have relied on these policies, a more market-oriented alternative to traditional Medicare, without the aggravating gaps in coverage.

But as part of its hundreds of billions in Medicare cuts,
the Obama one-size-fits-all plan slashes reimbursement rates for Medicare Advantage starting next year — herding many seniors back into the government-run program.

Under federal “open-enrollment” guidelines, seniors must pick their Medicare coverage program for next year by the end of this year — which means they should be finding out before Election Day.

Read more: President Obama’s Medicare slush fund—Benjamin E. Sasse & Charles Hurt -

I am a Medicare Advantage Plan member and if OBAMA has his way it is possible that I like the 12 million above will HAVE ADDITIONAL cost per month .. I will have to PAY
$96.40 / month $13 billion a year to SENIORS on fixed incomes!
It will mean no more $50/month that I get from my advantage plan in over the counter items like toothpaste, floss, vitamins, blood thinner ,... all that I don't pay for now but is paid by my Advantage plan!
BUT the biggest cost will be co-pays!
Today I visit the doctor and pay nothing... my advantage plan pays entire.
Under Obamacare back to the traditional 20% co-pay!
Average per year just in that cost will be close to $500! Again today I don't pay it!

So Obama the anti-capitalist who doesn't understand business is totally against
Advantage plans because THEY MAKE A Profit will do away with them!

Instead then of having basically ZERO fraud with ADVANTAGE plans because Medicare KNOWS exactly how much it pays EVERY month for me.. traditional Medicare has over $100 billion a year in padded and phony traditional medicare claims, in fraud..(can you spell scooters..) there is little or NONE with the advantage plan!

BUT again personal agenda i.e. hatred of capitalism is why MY MEDICARE which I've paid into will be totally unavailable in 10 years.. all because this idiot has NO IDEA of what OBAMACARE has done to ruin health care!!!
Meidcare advantge costs the govt 14% more than traditional Medicare coverage.
Yep those private ins companys are doing better than the govt?
Meidcare advantge costs the govt 14% more than traditional Medicare coverage.
Yep those private ins companys are doing better than the govt?

The government could always raise premiums to actually cover what they do spend.

I know you had a point some where in there.............
Meidcare advantge costs the govt 14% more than traditional Medicare coverage.
Yep those private ins companys are doing better than the govt?

Yea... these for profit health insurance companies ALSO pay over $100 billion a a year in
1) Federal taxes 2) state taxes 3) local taxes and something that probably doesn't affect you they pay property taxes and if they are so bad wait till they are gone which is Obama objective... WHO will make up their payments?
2) Employees... 400,000+ are at risk under Obama.. so what you say?
TAXES these people and their employers pay GONE... NO more FUTA to pay the
$10 billion a year in unemployment benefits!

But all the above people like you and Obama obviously KNOW NOTHING about!

Finally... Are you upset about any entity that charges the Federal Govt. a 6,000% markup over costs as I am? Yet that's part of the problem of Medicare!
They are HAPPY to pay hospitals $2,000 for services that cost the hospital $50 to perform!
AND WHY??? Because Medicare KNOWS hospitals do that!
I know a lot more obviously then you do about Medicare/health care etc. because you ignorance is very very obvious!

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