Anti gun protester David Hogg protected by armed guards

Yes, revenue climbs
Wow! Gulping Gayturd finally swallowed reality and admitted it! Shocking. The fact is - the Trump tax cuts resulted in a larger employment pool from which to tax, which resulted in HIGHER revenues to the government. Period.

So Trump’s tax cuts DIDN’T add to the national debt as you ignorantly claimed. But then, we already learned that you are the most ignorant of the ignorant when it comes to taxes, in another thread - uh gulping?
Once again, proof that tax cuts slow the rate of growth of tax revenue
Wow! Gulping Gayturd with a sharp 90° turn here! First he claimed that taxes cause the debt ( know....”less revenue”). When I humiliated him by exposing his ignorance on that issue, he then turns to “ did INCREASE revenue to the government but ‘slows’ that increase).

I’m sorry...I thought you were this extreme right-winger?!? But yet you HATE tax deductions that allow Americans to keep more of what was already theirs AND you hate that revenues to the bloated and unconstitutional federal government are growing FAST enough?!? They are too “slow” (your exact words, sparky) for your liking?!? have been soooooooo exposed as an idiot fascist/statistic PRETENDING to be a “conservative”. How immature. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You people are literally too stupid to even realize that conservatives are not like you. We don’t care about titles or propaganda. We look at policy. We dive deep into policy. And we can tell who and what you are every time based solely on policy.

Now be a good little statist and go eat a dick....mmmmK?
Folks, here is Gulping Gayturd in post #280 declaring that “we” (the United States) have a “spending problem”:
Our problem is spending, and Trump signed the spending bill
Now note how he does a complete 180° turn in post #314 when he attempts to lay the blame on tax revenues growing “too slow” due to Republican tax cuts (mind you - this was after he had already claimed that debt would be over $1.3 trillion this year thanks to ‘Trump’ and ‘his’ tax cuts which were reducing revenues - until I proved him dead-wrong and exposed his ignorance on that one):
Once again, proof that tax cuts slow the rate of growth of tax revenue
So, wait, which is it?!? Do we have a “spending problem” as he declared in post #280 or do we have a tax revenue problem as he declared in post #314?

:dance: :dance: :dance:

* Making Gulping Gaytor my personal USMB bitch since February 22, 2017
** The little bitch will now try to go with “BOTH” since I have exposed his contradictions
Folks, here is Gulping Gayturd in post #280 declaring that “we” (the United States) have a “spending problem”:
Our problem is spending, and Trump signed the spending bill
Now note how he does a complete 180° turn in post #314 when he attempts to lay the blame on tax revenues growing “too slow” due to Republican tax cuts (mind you - this was after he had already claimed that debt would be over $1.3 trillion this year thanks to ‘Trump’ and ‘his’ tax cuts which were reducing revenues - until I proved him dead-wrong and exposed his ignorance on that one):
Once again, proof that tax cuts slow the rate of growth of tax revenue
So, wait, which is it?!? Do we have a “spending problem” as he declared in post #280 or do we have a tax revenue problem as he declared in post #314?

:dance: :dance: :dance:

* Making Gulping Gaytor my personal USMB bitch since February 22, 2017
** The little bitch will now try to go with “BOTH” since I have exposed his contradictions

We have a spending problem that was made worse buy reducing the amount our revenue increase each year.

You are not very bright are you.

But I am glad you have given up the lie that tax cuts bring in more money, I will count that as a win.
Yes, revenue climbs
Wow! Gulping Gayturd finally swallowed reality and admitted it! Shocking. The fact is - the Trump tax cuts resulted in a larger employment pool from which to tax, which resulted in HIGHER revenues to the government. Period.

So Trump’s tax cuts DIDN’T add to the national debt as you ignorantly claimed. But then, we already learned that you are the most ignorant of the ignorant when it comes to taxes, in another thread - uh gulping?

Revenge climbs at a slower rate, why is this so difficult for you to understand? I have given you the numbers and proven it is a fact.

Let me use an analogy that you will understand.

If you set your fry oil at Wendy's 375 degrees your fries will cook. If you set it to 300 degrees they will also cook, but they will cook slower.
Yes, revenue climbs
Wow! Gulping Gayturd finally swallowed reality and admitted it! Shocking. The fact is - the Trump tax cuts resulted in a larger employment pool from which to tax, which resulted in HIGHER revenues to the government. Period.

So Trump’s tax cuts DIDN’T add to the national debt as you ignorantly claimed. But then, we already learned that you are the most ignorant of the ignorant when it comes to taxes, in another thread - uh gulping?
Yes, revenue climbs
Wow! Gulping Gayturd finally swallowed reality and admitted it! Shocking. The fact is - the Trump tax cuts resulted in a larger employment pool from which to tax, which resulted in HIGHER revenues to the government. Period.

So Trump’s tax cuts DIDN’T add to the national debt as you ignorantly claimed. But then, we already learned that you are the most ignorant of the ignorant when it comes to taxes, in another thread - uh gulping?

The number do not lie, that is why you keep ignoring them and making up cute little nicknames for me.

One more time...pure fact...

Between 1 Oct 2017 and 1 Jan 2018 $2,693,984,023 added per day to the deficit.
Between 1 Jan 2018 and 25 May 2018 $4,188,972,073 added per day to the deficit.
Since the day the tax cuts took effect, we are adding $1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts.
You are fired up about MS13 because Trump duped you. Do some real research on MS-13 sometimes so you quit being such a dumbass.
Snowflake, I *guarantee* you never even heard of MS-13 until after Donald Trump was elected. I’ve been following them (and many others) for more than 20 years now.

I don’t need to do “research” on MS-13. I learned and forgotten more about them than you and every progressive combined will ever now.

Now tell us again how 6 per year dead is more “outrageous” than 28 per year dead is because your progressive masters told you so! :laugh:
Your guarantee is about as good as your intelligence. Not worth shit.

22 dead in school shootings on average the last 5 years.

You donlt know shit about MS-13 else you would not be so easily duped by Trump.
You are fired up about MS13 because Trump duped you. Do some real research on MS-13 sometimes so you quit being such a dumbass.
Snowflake, I *guarantee* you never even heard of MS-13 until after Donald Trump was elected. I’ve been following them (and many others) for more than 20 years now.

I don’t need to do “research” on MS-13. I learned and forgotten more about them than you and every progressive combined will ever now.

Now tell us again how 6 per year dead is more “outrageous” than 28 per year dead is because your progressive masters told you so! :laugh:
Your guarantee is about as good as your intelligence. Not worth shit.

22 dead in school shootings on average the last 5 years.

You donlt know shit about MS-13 else you would not be so easily duped by Trump.

You will find that P@triot does not know shit about much of anything.

He did not know that some people have a tax burden large enough they have to send the Govt a check to cover what was not taken out of payroll deduction.

He did not know that tax cuts slowed the growth of revenue.

And he does not know shit about MS-13
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?

Smart people. "Gun nuts" not out to rob, assault, or kill you. Criminals are, and if they are armed while you are not, you have no defense. It's really that simple.

Well no, nothing is ever that simple.

But it's worth a try pretending the world is simple and ignoring the facts in order to make everything fit how you want things to look.

Okay, what defense do you have when you encounter a criminal who is armed and you are not?

Is this about defense?

No, this is about statistics. Why?

Alaska, heavily armed state. It's the second most armed state after Wyoming.

It also has the highest rape rate in the US. So, all those guns, are they PROTECTING people or are they ENDANGERING people?

The US has more guns than any other first world western nation and it also has more murders than any other first world western nation.

As much as you can defend yourself with a gun, you're more likely to be killed by a gun.

Freedom is messy and chaotic, sometimes dangerous. It's still preferable to giving up freedom for the illusion of safety.
Some people feel we’re trying to take away their right to take away other people’s rights. They’re right.

that's right!
One more time...pure fact...

Between 1 Oct 2017 and 1 Jan 2018 $2,693,984,023 added per day to the deficit.
Between 1 Jan 2018 and 25 May 2018 $4,188,972,073 added per day to the deficit.
One more time...pure fact: the number of Baby Boomers joining Social Security and Medicare increased from October 1, 2017 to May 25, 2018.

President Trump’s tax cuts increased revenues to the federal government. Had he not done it, revenues would be even lower and thus the amount added to the deficit would be even higher than they are now.

But if you admitted those indisputable facts - you wouldn’t be able to whine about President Trump like the whiny little bitch that you are!
Your guarantee is about as good as your intelligence. Not worth shit.
You will find that P@triot does not know shit about much of anything.
Hey...what do you know? For like the seventieth time in the past few days, “ultra right-wing” Gulping Gayturd agrees with a hard-core socialist nitwit.

Weird how that keeps happening. :lmao:
We have a spending problem that was made worse buy reducing the amount our revenue increase each year.
“Buy” :lmao: :laughing0301:

You combine that gem with the fact that he thought taxes were ONLY paid one day a year in April, and it’s clear we are dealing with someone who lives in government subsidized housing, off of government welfare, and on government food stamps.
We have a spending problem that was made worse buy reducing the amount our revenue increase each year.
But our revenues were not “reduced” and I already proved that. They increased. And that’s why you’re so pissed off. You’re a typical little whiny Trump-hating progressive who can’t find anything legitimate to blame on him. And when you’re ignorance made you believe you had something and I exposed your ignorance, you got even more jacked-up.
Since the day the tax cuts took effect, we are adding $1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts.
Revenues to the government went UP after the tax cuts. UP!!! They increased. The increased deficit is due to spending (specifically Baby Boomers joining Social Security and Medicare).

Yes, revenues went up, at a slower rate than they would have without the tax cuts, thus the deficit got even larger.

You seem to really struggle with the word "slower". Did you make it past the 2nd grade?
We have a spending problem that was made worse buy reducing the amount our revenue increase each year.
No matter how many times you falsely claim it “reduced” our revenues, it doesn’t change the fact that it didn’t. It increased them. Without the tax cuts, current revenues to the federal government would be even lower now.

Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Yes, revenue went up 5.2%...the Jan before that it had gone up more than 9% from the previous year. Your own link proves that revenue growth has slowed down thanks to the tax cut, and since revenue is growing slower, the deficit is getting bigger.
We have a spending problem that was made worse buy reducing the amount our revenue increase each year.
But our revenues were not “reduced” and I already proved that. They increased. And that’s why you’re so pissed off. You’re a typical little whiny Trump-hating progressive who can’t find anything legitimate to blame on him. And when you’re ignorance made you believe you had something and I exposed your ignorance, you got even more jacked-up.

They are reduced because they are going up at a slower rate. Instead of going up 9%, they went up at a 5% rate...that means they grew 4% less than they would have without the tax cut.

If you get a pay raise at 5% and I get one at 9%...guess who gets the bigger raise?

You really suck at math
One more time...pure fact: the number of Baby Boomers joining Social Security and Medicare increased from October 1, 2017 to May 25, 2018.

By what number did they change October 1, 2017 to May 25, 2018. how many more were added to the roles?

You are just pulling shit out of your ass that you cannot support while I provide exact facts and figures.

I would say I am playing chess while you are playing checkers but really it is me playing chess while you draw things on the wall with your own shit.

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