Anti gun group gets 130 authors to betray the Bill of Rights. Will write in order to ban guns....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the Orwellian aspect of the anti gun movement...imagine if you asked authors to write stories in support of book burning....that would be insane......right? Since the First Amendment allows them to do their job.......... Now imagine getting those same authors to go after the 2nd Amendment in order to make it more difficult for normal, law abiding citizens to defend themselves....that is what these 130 gun grabbers are going to do...and they are no different than book burners when it comes to the Bill of Rights...

'Everytown' Releases List of 130 Authors Dedicated To Taking Your Guns

Because there simply aren’t enough anti-gun celebrity/media types, statist billionaire Michael Bloomberg has gathered even more of them together in an effort to push for even more gun control.

The founder of the “Everytown for Gun Safety” gun control group is bankrolling a new group of writers and comic book artists called “Everytown Authors Council.” According to their campaign, “The Council is designed to harness the power of the literary community to amplify the gun safety movement.”

There are 130 people who signed the declaration that reads: “We stand united and will work to reach more people, recruit more supporters and achieve more victories. While these are just the first steps, we pledge to use our voices wherever and whenever we can, doing our part to help mobilize more Americans to help save lives from gun violence.”

Big Brother is very proud....

They will not be writing to address the actual problem......actual criminals using guns to rape, rob and murder people......they will not be writing in order to do the one thing that would actually save lives....increase the jail sentences of violent felons.....because odds are...these morons are people who would fight to get prisoners released early.....regardless of the crime....

Think of it.....though Stephen King is not on the list....every story he has written about prison, is about taking the side of the know, the ones who actually raped, robbed and murdered people....and making them into the good guys...and the ones guarding them..into the bad guys......

The problem in this country is that we don't sentence violent criminals to long enough prison sentences...they then get out and kill people .........fix that, and most of our gun crime goes away...
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The elite left becomes more anti-Bill of Rights every day, sadly many duped Americans gladly go along with them. These Americans are sealing their fate and do so willingly.

"The world divides politically into those who want people to be controlled, and those who have no such desire."

This is the Orwellian aspect of the anti gun movement...imagine if you asked authors to write stories in support of book burning....that would be insane......right? Since the First Amendment allows them to do their job.......... Now imagine getting those same authors to go after the 2nd Amendment in order to make it more difficult for normal, law abiding citizens to defend themselves....that is what these 130 gun grabbers are going to do...and they are no different than book burners when it comes to the Bill of Rights...

'Everytown' Releases List of 130 Authors Dedicated To Taking Your Guns

Because there simply aren’t enough anti-gun celebrity/media types, statist billionaire Michael Bloomberg has gathered even more of them together in an effort to push for even more gun control.

The founder of the “Everytown for Gun Safety” gun control group is bankrolling a new group of writers and comic book artists called “Everytown Authors Council.” According to their campaign, “The Council is designed to harness the power of the literary community to amplify the gun safety movement.”

There are 130 people who signed the declaration that reads: “We stand united and will work to reach more people, recruit more supporters and achieve more victories. While these are just the first steps, we pledge to use our voices wherever and whenever we can, doing our part to help mobilize more Americans to help save lives from gun violence.”

Big Brother is very proud....

They will not be writing to address the actual problem......actual criminals using guns to rape, rob and murder people......they will not be writing in order to do the one thing that would actually save lives....increase the jail sentences of violent felons.....because odds are...these morons are people who would fight to get prisoners released early.....regardless of the crime....

Think of it.....though Stephen King is not on the list....every story he has written about prison, is about taking the side of the know, the ones who actually raped, robbed and murdered people....and making them into the good guys...and the ones guarding them..into the bad guys......

The problem in this country is that we don't sentence violent criminals to long enough prison sentences...they then get out and kill people .........fix that, and most of our gun crime goes away...
If the progressive put forth as much effort against the 1st amendment as they have against the 2nd it would reduce the murders in the USA. Now that make about as much sense as the road they take now.

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