Answer: 6 in 10

A defensive gun use is any instance of using a gun to ward off a crime. Just opening your jacket and flashing the butt to a would be robber is considered a DFU. The specific citation used by Professor is just that. A specific type of DFU as opposed to a more generic one.

It's getting increasingly harder to take you gun nutters seriously. Let hope the professor comes back and straightens you gun nutters out. Cause you all are twisting yourselves into a pretzel trying to reconcile the difference between 2 million and 162000 DGU's and it is funny as hell. LMAO.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.
I play with mine every day...Just cause you don't have one is no reason to not let me play...
LOL you're parodying the gun nut retard faggots, right.If so, LOL

If you're being serious, then fuck you, I hope you shoot yourself with those little "toys" you have
is this :asshole: really banned ?

i sure as fuck hope so, these fucking libertwits from across the pond need to find a brain. :up:
About 43% of American households own a gun. That's what, 150 million people with a gun in the home?

150 million vs 30,000 deaths per year. Factor out suicides, and you have 10,000 deaths vs. 150,000,000.

A suicidal person is going to find a way to end their life. Japan proves that, several times a day.

So the chances you will die by your own gun (outside of suicide) is .6 x 10,000 /150,000,000.

Four one-thousandths of one percent each year.

Factor in suicide and it "skyrockets" (;)) to twelve one thousandths of one percent each year.

Uh....actually your math is off as well. You made it too complicated and seemed to inadvertently weave in the OPs bogus 60% claims.

10,000 deaths vs 150 million households with guns.

Simply divide the number of deaths by the number of households. Comes out to a 0.00006¯% chance that your own gun will kill you. Factoring in suicides, it comes to a 0.0002% chance that your gun will kill you.

I am very much pro-gun. But I am curious where you got the "150 million households with guns" number? I have seen figures that vary between 65 million and 80 million, but never as high as 150 million.

Even with the lower numbers, your point is still valid. 10,000 gun murders from 65 million gun owning households gives you a 0.015% figure.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.
I play with mine every day...Just cause you don't have one is no reason to not let me play...
LOL you're parodying the gun nut retard faggots, right.If so, LOL

If you're being serious, then fuck you, I hope you shoot yourself with those little "toys" you have
is this :asshole: really banned ?

i sure as fuck hope so, these fucking libertwits from across the pond need to find a brain. :up:
I hope so too.

He got a week last time.

I hope this is permanent.
Tell you what, you get all the criminals to give up theirs first, then you can talk to us law abiding citizens about wanting to take our guns.

How many times have you had to stand up to criminals with a gun? Just curious.

How many times have you been killed with your own gun? Just curious.

What a stupid fucking response. But I do consider the source.

But I take it YOU have NEVER had to back a criminal down with a gun.
And for what its worth, I have never shot/killed myself with anyone's gun. Mine or theirs.
But lets look at those DGU discrepancy numbers.

162000 DGU's per year is 443 DGU's per day.

2 million DGU's are 5479 PER DAY.

Now the 443 DGU's represent one kind of gun use that is defensive.
The other claimed DGU's of 5036 PER DAY, what kind of Defensive Gun Use does that represent?
Seeing as how you all claim the 163000 isn't correct. Or only correct for a "certain" kind of DGU. What the other "kind" of DGU's that happens 5036 times a day? Every day. For a year.
I am very much pro-gun. But I am curious where you got the "150 million households with guns" number? I have seen figures that vary between 65 million and 80 million, but never as high as 150 million.

Even with the lower numbers, your point is still valid. 10,000 gun murders from 65 million gun owning households gives you a 0.015% figure.

If his "point" was so valid, why did he/she have to inflate the numbers to make them look "better"?

But kudos to you for at least questioning him on it.

How's come you don't have any questions about the discrepancy in DGU's? 163000 vs 2 million?
But I am curious where you got the "150 million households with guns" number?

G5's numbers. I didn't bother to source for numbers, I was just addressing the math.

40 million off. 60 million off. What's a few million among gun nutters trying to make some point about guns.
Well except for the fact that it hurts the legitimacy of the gun nutters when they have to lie or make up numbers. Like DGU's.
I am very much pro-gun. But I am curious where you got the "150 million households with guns" number? I have seen figures that vary between 65 million and 80 million, but never as high as 150 million.

Even with the lower numbers, your point is still valid. 10,000 gun murders from 65 million gun owning households gives you a 0.015% figure.

If his "point" was so valid, why did he/she have to inflate the numbers to make them look "better"?

But kudos to you for at least questioning him on it.

How's come you don't have any questions about the discrepancy in DGU's? 163000 vs 2 million?

The number of DGUs is difficult to determine. Most will not be reported. For the sake of argument, I typically use the lower numbers. But even the lower numbers provide plenty of evidence of the worth of privately owned firearms.

To me the greater discrepancy if using the 21,000+ suicides in the figures trying to show how dangerous privately owned guns are. Since a suicide using a gun is not looking for attention. They are truly wanting to die. If someone truly wants to die they will manage it.
“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year.

You idiot, check the FBI statistics, guns are used close to 2 million times a year in OUR country, usually a shot is never fired, just the sight of significant opposition sends cowardly bad guys running.

SO which is it asshole texas? 2 million or 162,000 DGUs? You dudes need to get your numbers straight .And you all wonder why no one in their right mind believes what a gun nutter says about guns.

You can start here: Defensive Gun Use Part I - The CDC Report on Gun Violence

Then go here: 1.1.b 2.5 million defensive uses of firearms each year can t be true

From the second link:

For the NCVS
to miss a DGU requires only that the respondent not volunteer
the information, but as Kleck observes "[t]here is no precedent
in criminological research" for the "enormous level of intentional
and sustained falsification" on the part of respondents which
would be required in order to account for the 30-fold difference
in estimated annual DGUs between Kleck's survey and the NCVS.
Indeed, Kleck argues, there is reason to believe that the
estimate of 2.5 million annual DGUs is_too low."
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Tell you what, you get all the criminals to give up theirs first, then you can talk to us law abiding citizens about wanting to take our guns.

How many times have you had to stand up to criminals with a gun? Just curious.

How many times have you been killed with your own gun? Just curious.
Zeke is a liberal pussy cat..shot himself in the mouth at least 809 times, in the foot at least 5,007 posts and committed suicide posts like 6 times already
The number of DGUs is difficult to determine. Most will not be reported. For the sake of argument, I typically use the lower numbers. But even the lower numbers provide plenty of evidence of the worth of privately owned firearms.

Problem is you don't have verified, third party evidence of DGU's. What you do have is anecdotal stories of crimes stopped by people who have some sort of point to prove about gun ownership.

For instance. How many crimes have you stopped using your gun? How many of your friends have had to use their guns to stop crime being committed against them? I take it you know a lot of gun owners, so there should be more than a couple of stories to go by.

I had a person beating on my front door about 22, 23 years ago. I went to the door with gun in hand because I didn't know who was banging on my door. Turns out, they had wrecked their car and needed help.
Was that a DGU because I had my gun in hand? Just in case? I was prepared to be offensive.

I wouldn't call what I did a defensive gun use. Would you? I would call it being prudent and prepared to be offensive should the need arise. Best defense a good offense and all that shit. Why isn't there an offensive gun use category? One poster was saying that he had stopped robberies on himself by simply showing his gun. Now how he knew that he was showing his gun to a robber, I don't know. Sounded like offensive gun use to me.

Better story. My BIL was having trouble evicting a tenant. He went to the house with his gun in a shoulder holster. At some point he showed the gun. The person he was arguing with went in the house and came back with his AR15 and pointed it at my BIL's head. My BIL left as soon as he could. Now there is a case of DGU for the bad guys (evicted for drug dealing). Do those count in the DGU stats? I would say they must to support 2 million DGU's.
Zeke is a liberal pussy cat..shot himself in the mouth at least 809 times, in the foot at least 5,007 posts and committed suicide posts like 6 times already

In other words, the Zeke has kicked your ass so many times on here that all you have is some make believe horseshit to post. That's ok. At least you spell checked what you wrote. That's an improvement.
The number of DGUs is difficult to determine. Most will not be reported. For the sake of argument, I typically use the lower numbers. But even the lower numbers provide plenty of evidence of the worth of privately owned firearms.

Problem is you don't have verified, third party evidence of DGU's. What you do have is anecdotal stories of crimes stopped by people who have some sort of point to prove about gun ownership.

For instance. How many crimes have you stopped using your gun? How many of your friends have had to use their guns to stop crime being committed against them? I take it you know a lot of gun owners, so there should be more than a couple of stories to go by.

I had a person beating on my front door about 22, 23 years ago. I went to the door with gun in hand because I didn't know who was banging on my door. Turns out, they had wrecked their car and needed help.
Was that a DGU because I had my gun in hand? Just in case? I was prepared to be offensive.

I wouldn't call what I did a defensive gun use. Would you? I would call it being prudent and prepared to be offensive should the need arise. Best defense a good offense and all that shit. Why isn't there an offensive gun use category? One poster was saying that he had stopped robberies on himself by simply showing his gun. Now how he knew that he was showing his gun to a robber, I don't know. Sounded like offensive gun use to me.

Better story. My BIL was having trouble evicting a tenant. He went to the house with his gun in a shoulder holster. At some point he showed the gun. The person he was arguing with went in the house and came back with his AR15 and pointed it at my BIL's head. My BIL left as soon as he could. Now there is a case of DGU for the bad guys (evicted for drug dealing). Do those count in the DGU stats? I would say they must to support 2 million DGU's.

No, we don't have 3rd party verified numbers of DGUs. Given the nature of many of them, they are not reported.

I know of several incidents in which a gun either stopped or prevented a crime. But that would still be anecdotal evidence.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

I think I'm able to stop myself from killing myself, so I don't see any reason for concern.

Post your next idiocy.

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