Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Martin stalked Zimmerman when he circled Zimmerman's truck with Zimmmerman inside.
THEN Martin doubled back, stalking Zimmerman AGAIN.
Martin attacked Zimmerman and viciously beat Zimmerman, forcing Zimmerman to defend himself against the vicious beating.
Martin is responsible for his own death.
Lesson learned: don't attack a citizen who is lawfully armed, it could be the death of you.

Lesson learned- Don't be black around crazy gun nuts- they might shoot you.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.

Correction, "Don't commit crimes against another person, You could get your ass shot off"!!
At least Zimmerman is alive, thanks to the concept of "self-defense".
Lesson learned: Don't attack a law-abiding citizen, he just MIGHT be armed with a legal gun.
First off, he isn't my boy, he is not related to me, one lie. Zimmerman murdered no one as he was acquitted, second lie. I don't own him, he is a free man slavery ended in the 1800's and I am not responsible for him or your actions. Third lie.

THREE LIES IN ONE POST are you capable of being truthful. You said Zimmerman had a criminal record, another lie.

And as I predicted, you get caught and you set up the next smokescreen. You are pretty dishonest.

So in addition to be a racist gun nut, you don't understand the concept of metaphor.

Got it.

I'm not racist, another lie, and I don't own a gun, and will never own one, so another lie.

I understand you are trying to use emotion to take the place of facts.

More lies from Joe.

Ole' Joe is a typical liberal, he just makes things up as he goes along, whatever sounds good to him.
Joe goes by "lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny" .......... A Clinton protege.
How can you use the excuse that you hit someone because they were "stalking" you when it's YOU that had to walk back several hundred yards to confront them?

It's several hundred yards, now? That fish keeps getting bigger with each telling.

What does an ounce of pot cost where you live, Joey? Saying it's inexpensive is laughably inaccurate. Pot is expensive. It's why if you don't have a job there are pretty much only two ways to get it. You either steal or you sell enough to pay for yours. Judging from the social media interplay between "No Limit Nigga" and his little buddies I'd say that Trayvon was doing both.

I wouldn't know. I don't think it's that much. little old ladies can buy it for their glaucoma.

But man, dude, I think you are starting to sound like one of those anti-drug PSA's... just a little unhinged...

You yourself have characterized George Zimmerman as a pussy. His martial arts instructor characterized him the same way. Yet you think he WANTED a confrontation with Martin? He could have had that back when Martin circled his SUV closer to the front gate yet Zimmerman stayed inside of his vehicle and as he describes what Martin is doing he sounds scared. It's only after Martin takes off running and the police dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see where he went that Zimmerman gets out of his vehicle and tries to keep him in sight.

All of which Trayvon doesn't know. He just knows some creepy guy he doesnt' know followed him in a car and then on foot.

Florida, United States
High Quality: $299.43 / oz. (n=10007)
Medium Quality: $215.89 / oz. (n=8928)
Low Quality: $155.14 / oz. (n=737)

Gee, Joey...that's a whole lot of money! Think "No Limit Nigga" was smoking the good shit or the low quality shit?

As for how far it is from Brandy Green's townhouse to where the fight took place? You tell me how far you think that is...
How can you use the excuse that you hit someone because they were "stalking" you when it's YOU that had to walk back several hundred yards to confront them?

It's several hundred yards, now? That fish keeps getting bigger with each telling.

What does an ounce of pot cost where you live, Joey? Saying it's inexpensive is laughably inaccurate. Pot is expensive. It's why if you don't have a job there are pretty much only two ways to get it. You either steal or you sell enough to pay for yours. Judging from the social media interplay between "No Limit Nigga" and his little buddies I'd say that Trayvon was doing both.

I wouldn't know. I don't think it's that much. little old ladies can buy it for their glaucoma.

But man, dude, I think you are starting to sound like one of those anti-drug PSA's... just a little unhinged...

You yourself have characterized George Zimmerman as a pussy. His martial arts instructor characterized him the same way. Yet you think he WANTED a confrontation with Martin? He could have had that back when Martin circled his SUV closer to the front gate yet Zimmerman stayed inside of his vehicle and as he describes what Martin is doing he sounds scared. It's only after Martin takes off running and the police dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see where he went that Zimmerman gets out of his vehicle and tries to keep him in sight.

All of which Trayvon doesn't know. He just knows some creepy guy he doesnt' know followed him in a car and then on foot.

Florida, United States
High Quality: $299.43 / oz. (n=10007)
Medium Quality: $215.89 / oz. (n=8928)
Low Quality: $155.14 / oz. (n=737)

Gee, Joey...that's a whole lot of money! Think "No Limit Nigga" was smoking the good shit or the low quality shit?

As for how far it is from Brandy Green's townhouse to where the fight took place? You tell me how far you think that is...;_ylt=AwrB8qDbNQZVrX4AOC2JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyODBjMXZmBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjZDBiZWRjNDcyZjEyYjUwYmJjZWJhZTNiNWZmMDQ3ZgRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=|+Published+April+17,+2012+|+Full+size+is+1000+×+862+...&p=schematic+diagram+of+the+trayvon+martin+shooting&oid=cd0bedc472f12b50bbcebae3b5ff047f&fr2=&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&tt=By+sundance+|+Published+April+17,+2012+|+Full+size+is+1000+×+862+...&b=0&ni=96&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=1493sdgpr&sigb=15u85fnm6&sigi=12od6ot59&sigt=125t02ai9&sign=125t02ai9&.crumb=RbsyrzoClm6&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003&hspart=iry

Is this like when you declared that there were no bushes? Remember those...Joey?
How can you use the excuse that you hit someone because they were "stalking" you when it's YOU that had to walk back several hundred yards to confront them?

It's several hundred yards, now? That fish keeps getting bigger with each telling.

What does an ounce of pot cost where you live, Joey? Saying it's inexpensive is laughably inaccurate. Pot is expensive. It's why if you don't have a job there are pretty much only two ways to get it. You either steal or you sell enough to pay for yours. Judging from the social media interplay between "No Limit Nigga" and his little buddies I'd say that Trayvon was doing both.

I wouldn't know. I don't think it's that much. little old ladies can buy it for their glaucoma.

But man, dude, I think you are starting to sound like one of those anti-drug PSA's... just a little unhinged...

You yourself have characterized George Zimmerman as a pussy. His martial arts instructor characterized him the same way. Yet you think he WANTED a confrontation with Martin? He could have had that back when Martin circled his SUV closer to the front gate yet Zimmerman stayed inside of his vehicle and as he describes what Martin is doing he sounds scared. It's only after Martin takes off running and the police dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see where he went that Zimmerman gets out of his vehicle and tries to keep him in sight.

All of which Trayvon doesn't know. He just knows some creepy guy he doesnt' know followed him in a car and then on foot.

Florida, United States
High Quality: $299.43 / oz. (n=10007)
Medium Quality: $215.89 / oz. (n=8928)
Low Quality: $155.14 / oz. (n=737)

Gee, Joey...that's a whole lot of money! Think "No Limit Nigga" was smoking the good shit or the low quality shit?

As for how far it is from Brandy Green's townhouse to where the fight took place? You tell me how far you think that is...;_ylt=AwrB8qDbNQZVrX4AOC2JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyODBjMXZmBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjZDBiZWRjNDcyZjEyYjUwYmJjZWJhZTNiNWZmMDQ3ZgRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=|+Published+April+17,+2012+|+Full+size+is+1000+×+862+...&p=schematic+diagram+of+the+trayvon+martin+shooting&oid=cd0bedc472f12b50bbcebae3b5ff047f&fr2=&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&tt=By+sundance+|+Published+April+17,+2012+|+Full+size+is+1000+×+862+...&b=0&ni=96&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=1493sdgpr&sigb=15u85fnm6&sigi=12od6ot59&sigt=125t02ai9&sign=125t02ai9&.crumb=RbsyrzoClm6&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003&hspart=iry

Is this like when you declared that there were no bushes? Remember those...Joey?

That is all he does, he state lies as facts, then when called out, and proven he is a liar, he ignores it and moves on.

He has had his ass so badly beaten in this thread, it's pathetic, and yet he continues his stupidity.
See here's your problem, Joey...if Trayvon Martin really WAS scared of the "creepy guy" then why would he walk back from Brandy Green's townhouse to confront him? You're at the townhouse! You open the door...step inside and lock the door behind you. You're safe!!! You can call the police and report the "creepy guy". You can let them take care of him. That's what any "scared" person would do. Yet it isn't what Trayvon Martin did that it?
This is a young man who plays wide receiver on his high school football team, Joey! In the State of Florida where colleges from all over the country send coaches to recruit "speed" positions like defensive back and receiver because the schools in Florida have such a plethora of fast young men. Yet Trayvon takes off running...goes around the corner and has 70 yards to cover before he would be at Brandy Green's townhouse. Let's say Trayvon isn't as fast as the average Florida receiver...let's give him lineman type speed just to be fair...offensive lineman speed since they aren't usually as fast as defensive linemen. For a big ole' offensive lineman they can lumber a forty yard dash in an average of 5.5 seconds. Trayvon's got a whole lot more time than that! He's got several minutes that are unaccounted for. In that amount of time he could have run forty yards and CRAWLED the additional 30! Let's be honest here...if Trayvon doesn't want fat George to catch him...FAT GEORGE ISN'T CATCHING HIM!!! The only way that Zimmerman "catches" Trayvon is if Trayvon stops and comes back to confront him.
This is a young man who plays wide receiver on his high school football team, Joey! In the State of Florida where colleges from all over the country send coaches to recruit "speed" positions like defensive back and receiver because the schools in Florida have such a plethora of fast young men.

I'm sure by the time you're done, the kid is going to have super powers.
That is all he does, he state lies as facts, then when called out, and proven he is a liar, he ignores it and moves on.

He has had his ass so badly beaten in this thread, it's pathetic, and yet he continues his stupidity.

No, stupidity is celebrating the murder of a black child because you are a gun nut.

Joe, another lie, we are up to 10 or 11 in what four posts. No murder, sorry, that is a fact. I don't own a gun, another fact. Two more lies.

Your emotional lies serve no purpose. Cry all you want, you lie in almost every post.

I also see how you keep changing things up, you are way to predictable.

You are beaten badly in this thread because your stupidity keeps you on the path of lies.
Joe, another lie, we are up to 10 or 11 in what four posts. No murder, sorry, that is a fact. I don't own a gun, another fact. Two more lies.

Your emotional lies serve no purpose. Cry all you want, you lie in almost every post.

I also see how you keep changing things up, you are way to predictable.

You are beaten badly in this thread because your stupidity keeps you on the path of lies.

guy, all I've seen on this thread are a bunch of people absolutely pissing themselves over the thought of a 17 year old boy.

I mean, seriously, if you want an example of white anxiety, it is this thread.
Joe, another lie, we are up to 10 or 11 in what four posts. No murder, sorry, that is a fact. I don't own a gun, another fact. Two more lies.

Your emotional lies serve no purpose. Cry all you want, you lie in almost every post.

I also see how you keep changing things up, you are way to predictable.

You are beaten badly in this thread because your stupidity keeps you on the path of lies.

guy, all I've seen on this thread are a bunch of people absolutely pissing themselves over the thought of a 17 year old boy.

I mean, seriously, if you want an example of white anxiety, it is this thread.

Want to see a liar that twists facts, look at your posts. Sorry, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean you get to twist facts and lie. With your hatred for Zimmerman, I could draw the conclusion that you are a racist toward Hispanics. Is it your anxiety toward Hispanics that drives you to lie?
Want to see a liar that twists facts, look at your posts. Sorry, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean you get to twist facts and lie. With your hatred for Zimmerman, I could draw the conclusion that you are a racist toward Hispanics. Is it your anxiety toward Hispanics that drives you to lie?

Zimmerman doesn't sound like a "hispanic" name to me. But anyway, yeah, I am bothered by this outcome. It shows how little progress we've made since an all-white jury acquitted Emmet Till's murderers.
Want to see a liar that twists facts, look at your posts. Sorry, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean you get to twist facts and lie. With your hatred for Zimmerman, I could draw the conclusion that you are a racist toward Hispanics. Is it your anxiety toward Hispanics that drives you to lie?

Zimmerman doesn't sound like a "hispanic" name to me. But anyway, yeah, I am bothered by this outcome. It shows how little progress we've made since an all-white jury acquitted Emmet Till's murderers.

You're looking for retribution for someone that was killed 60 years ago???
Zimmerman wasn't even born until almost 30 years after it happened!
BTW, Zimmerman identifies himself as "Hispanic" when he registered to vote.
OR do you just hate ALL "non-blacks"?
You DO have a problem!!!!!!!!
At least Zimmerman is alive, thanks to the concept of "self-defense".

The universe is not a better place by George Zimmerman's continued existence, given what he's done since.

The world is a better place, thanks to the concept of "self-defense".
Honest, law-abiding citizens are better off, thanks to Zimmerman using self-defense when he was viciously attacked by a criminal thug.
The universe IS better place with less criminals in it. :)
Want to see a liar that twists facts, look at your posts. Sorry, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean you get to twist facts and lie. With your hatred for Zimmerman, I could draw the conclusion that you are a racist toward Hispanics. Is it your anxiety toward Hispanics that drives you to lie?

Zimmerman doesn't sound like a "hispanic" name to me. But anyway, yeah, I am bothered by this outcome. It shows how little progress we've made since an all-white jury acquitted Emmet Till's murderers.

Sound like? What the heck does that mean? Martin doesn't sound like black name to me.

It wasn't an all white jury that acquitted Zimmerman, but nice spin to make it sound like it was. I like how you try to infer or slip crap into the conversation.
See here's your problem, Joey...if Trayvon Martin really WAS scared of the "creepy guy" then why would he walk back from Brandy Green's townhouse to confront him?

You mean lead the creepy guy back to where you and your little brother live? Yeah, that's so much smarter.

I've always been amused when Trayvon apologists use that excuse to try and explain why Martin goes BACK to confront Zimmerman!

You have to come up with something I suppose because if you can't come up with a reason Martin retraces his steps then it's obvious that Martin is the one who is now "stalking" Zimmerman and not the other way around.

Two things make that explanation rather ludicrous. First of all given the speed of Trayvon Martin and the time it took Zimmerman to get out of his SUV and attempt to follow...Martin could have easily been inside Brandy Green's townhouse before Zimmerman even got to where the sidewalk T'd. In the dark from that far away? There is no way that Martin would "lead" someone anywhere. He's lost Zimmerman when he has his "breathless" conversation with Dee Dee. He's outside of Brandy Green's townhouse while George Zimmerman is headed towards the back gate having totally lost the man he was trying to follow.

And if he DID not want to lead the "creepy" man back to the townhouse then why didn't he keep running AWAY from where he'd last seen Zimmerman? Why would he stop and then go back in the direction he'd last seen the man that you now insist "scared" Trayvon?
Want to see a liar that twists facts, look at your posts. Sorry, just because you don't like the outcome doesn't mean you get to twist facts and lie. With your hatred for Zimmerman, I could draw the conclusion that you are a racist toward Hispanics. Is it your anxiety toward Hispanics that drives you to lie?

Zimmerman doesn't sound like a "hispanic" name to me. But anyway, yeah, I am bothered by this outcome. It shows how little progress we've made since an all-white jury acquitted Emmet Till's murderers.

Funny how you bring up Emmet Till, Joey...but ignore the fact that Zimmerman wasn't a racist. Zimmerman is the guy who protested against the Sanford Police Department when they didn't charge a young white man for beating a homeless black man!

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