Another Star Wars thread. This about where the plot could be going, and it could be good.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
There is a possibility they could save things with the next film. My personal hope or "theory."

We have been given a few repeated statements about "the force." How often have we heard there has to be a balance. Meaning between the dark and light.

The force, seemingly has a will of its own, and its will is there is always a balance. When there is an imbalance it makes it so balance happens.

When Palpatine told his story to Anakin about Darth Plagueis the wise. That he learnedhow to cheat death. Also, it seems that in order for pupil's journey to the dark side be complete the pupil must kill his master.

Darth Sidious killed Plagueis and he was completed by that. Remember when the emperor was enticing Luke to take his saber and strike him down so that his path to the dark side would be complete.

Also, the prophecy was that Anakin would bring balance to the force. Well, according to the prequels, the sith had not been around for at least a millenia. The Jedi were countless and there was a great imbalance. Yes, the light side dominated and Anakin brought balance by eliminating most of the jedi.

In the end, you had two on the light and two on the dark side. Yoda, Obi wan, Emperor and Darth Vader.

Well, when you see the interaction between Snoke and Kylo, you can actually see he was enticing Kylo to kill HIM. Not her. He wanted Kylo to strike him down with the saber so that his journey to the dark side would be complete.

He is Plagueis and he is doing the will the force by bringing balance to it. He cheats death by reincarnating somehow. He was the one to entice Darth Sidious to kill him in his sleep AND he enticed Kylo to kill him.

Now, there is balance again. Rey and Kylo. That was why the force took Luke. So, the story of Rey and her Mary Sue character could be explained that it is the will of the force that she be found in order to bring about BALANCE and that is the word of the day.



So, the summary. The force is ONE entity that has its own will. There is simply always a balance. The yin yang of the universe. BTW, lets look at this whole story. The Jedi are made after the Samurai warriors. There are many inferences to this Asian philosophy in the Star Wars story.

The Yin and Yang concept came from Taoism, a Chinese religion/philosophy that had much exposure to Buddhism in China. The Chinese term “The Three Teachings” represents Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, and the three saw a kind of harmony and cooperation that is mostly unheard of in western cultures.

Didn't Rose carry that one of side of the Yin Yang with her that her sister had?


Basically, there is an eternal battle and there will always be balance between the good the bad, the light and the dark.

There, what do you all think of my "theory?"
Interesting. I always thought that the Force Prophecy mentioned in the Prequels was the force using the "chosen one' (Anakin/Vader) to destroy both the Jedi and the Sith because it was tired of being manipulated.
They have ran out of juice.


The last Jedi stole parts from the original Star Wars and Empire Strikes back.
I literally laughed out loud when Kylo Ren held out his hand to ask Ray to join him and rule together. Holy Cow...the whole storyline of Ray going to meet him because she could feel he is conflicted and wants to be end with him killing the emperor and turning on her....Gee...where have I seen this before???
Interesting. I always thought that the Force Prophecy mentioned in the Prequels was the force using the "chosen one' (Anakin/Vader) to destroy both the Jedi and the Sith because it was tired of being manipulated.
In the end Anakin did bring about balance. I am convinced that snoke is Plagueis and he actually enticed Kylo to kill him.

So that Kylos journey to the darkside would be complete. Everyone thought Kylo was good since he killed Snoke, but that is what actually transformed him and made his journey to dark side complete.

The other interesting thing is when darth vader "saved the emperor" when Luke grabbed the saber to kill the emperor.

Darth vader stopped him and actually prevented him from becoming dark. So vader basically saved Luke and not so much the emperor. Yeah, that is pretty far fetched.

The bottom line to me is force itself is not dark or like. Evil or good. It is one and it is always balanced and it reflects in every aspect of life itself.

That is the point.
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I'd rather see Ray go to the Dark side. And Kylo turn to the light side...
They have ran out of juice.


The last Jedi stole parts from the original Star Wars and Empire Strikes back.
I literally laughed out loud when Kylo Ren held out his hand to ask Ray to join him and rule together. Holy Cow...the whole storyline of Ray going to meet him because she could feel he is conflicted and wants to be end with him killing the emperor and turning on her....Gee...where have I seen this before???
Yeah, true. That in itself is like real life anyway. You know how history keeps repeating itself?

Actually, I like Mark Twains quote.

"Life does not actually repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Meaning, in that yin yang symbol, it illustrates that life is circular and things keep happening just like that.

It does seem absurd, and I was disappointed by the film. Especially their SJW crap.

However, if it turns out to be what I am saying, it may tie together pretty well.
Disney has destroyed the franchise at any rate. Now there are potentially two StarWars universes. The original, legitamite canon. And the new Disney spin... Disney simply proclaiming that the books and lore prior to their acquisition, are now apocrypha is ludicrous, and the fans of such will never accept that.
So that leaves tbe younger generation exposed only to the films.
Maybe they can pull it off for the new generation; but realizing their mistep may have come too late. Rejoining the two now may be a bridge too far. I guess we'll see...
Disney has destroyed the franchise at any rate. Now there are potentially two StarWars universes. The original, legitamite canon. And the new Disney spin... Disney simply proclaiming that the books and lore prior to their acquisition, are now apocrypha is ludicrous, and the fans of such will never accept that.
So that leaves tbe younger generation exposed only to the films.
Maybe they can pull it off for the new generation; but realizing their mistep may have come too late. Rejoining the two now may be a bridge too far. I guess we'll see...
That is the nightmare version that I fear is true
Is it me or is the character Kylo Ren a joke?
I did not like the character from day one. So obviously a Vader wannabe to the point of ludicrous.
Maybe the problem with Star Wars is that the universe itself is so limited.

"Hey, let's get the bad guys!"

"But that's what we do in every movie".

"I know, let's get the bad guys on a planet covered with Salt!!!"

Maybe the problem with Star Wars is that the universe itself is so limited.

"Hey, let's get the bad guys!"

"But that's what we do in every movie".

"I know, let's get the bad guys on a planet covered with Salt!!!"

They started to enrich the dynamic with Rogue One, and I hoped they would continue down that path. But Disney got cold feet. If you remember, in Rogue One the "good guys" weren't squeaky clean. Right off the bat the "good" guy offs his own informant, just to save his own skin. The alliance even shunned forest whittakers character for being a violent extremist. All they needed were a couple legitimately driven imperials who truly believed in the cause, and the would have had the space opera fans deserved. But they blew it.
They could have developed the story such that we could at least understand the complexities of the ideologies they were fighting for.
But they pussed out, and went back to the black, and white; good, and evil cookie cutter Disney bullshit. But really... What did we expect?
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I've not yet seen "Jedi" but in reading comments here and there the negative fan reviews seem to be simply that the filmmakers took the story in a direction that differed with all the theories the fanboys had concocted since the previous film, and they are disappointed that, as Luke says in the trailer, "It's not going to go the way you think."

The critical reception has been good, and widespread. It would be a little difficult for Disney to pay them all off.

I'll probably see it sometime this week.
They started to enrich the dynamic with Rogue One, and I hoped they would continue down that path. But Disney got cold feet. If you remember, in Rogue One the "good guys" weren't squeaky clean. Right off the bat the "good" guy offs his own informant, just to save his own skin. The alliance even shunned forest whittakers character for being a violent extremist. All they needed were a couple legitimately driven imperials who truly believed in the cause, and the would have had the space opera fans deserved. But they blew it.
They could have developed the story such that we could at least understand the complexities of the ideologies they were fighting for.
But they pussed out, and went back to the black, and white; good, and evil cookie cutter Disney bullshit. But really... What did we expect?

The problem is, Rogue one doesn't fit with the rest of the universe, that's the thing. But it's more of the same. Bad Guys have a weapon, and we got to stop them.

Now- imagine if they took out all the Star Wars connections, and just called it a "Destructo-Sphere" instead of a "Death Star"? So you'd have a movie about a bunch of boring characters who all die and the weapon isn't even destroyed at the end.
I've not yet seen "Jedi" but in reading comments here and there the negative fan reviews seem to be simply that the filmmakers took the story in a direction that differed with all the theories the fanboys had concocted since the previous film, and they are disappointed that, as Luke says in the trailer, "It's not going to go the way you think."

The critical reception has been good, and widespread. It would be a little difficult for Disney to pay them all off.

But here's the problem. Critics are kind of all of a mind set that is different from a fan. They all go to film school and learn the "art" part of film making without learning the entertainment part.

Now, to a degree, this wasn't a good film because it would never meet expectations you had in your head. Come to think of it, the Prequels kind of had the same problem. Your imagined story of how Darth Vader turned evil was always going to be cooler than some rambling about sand.
I've not yet seen "Jedi" but in reading comments here and there the negative fan reviews seem to be simply that the filmmakers took the story in a direction that differed with all the theories the fanboys had concocted since the previous film, and they are disappointed that, as Luke says in the trailer, "It's not going to go the way you think."

The critical reception has been good, and widespread. It would be a little difficult for Disney to pay them all off.

But here's the problem. Critics are kind of all of a mind set that is different from a fan. They all go to film school and learn the "art" part of film making without learning the entertainment part.

Now, to a degree, this wasn't a good film because it would never meet expectations you had in your head. Come to think of it, the Prequels kind of had the same problem. Your imagined story of how Darth Vader turned evil was always going to be cooler than some rambling about sand.

The problem with the prequels was poor casting, shitty acting (even Neeson and Portman sleepwalked through it), poor direction, silly dialogue and a weak story featuring Anakin's Mom issues.
I've not yet seen "Jedi" but in reading comments here and there the negative fan reviews seem to be simply that the filmmakers took the story in a direction that differed with all the theories the fanboys had concocted since the previous film, and they are disappointed that, as Luke says in the trailer, "It's not going to go the way you think."

The critical reception has been good, and widespread. It would be a little difficult for Disney to pay them all off.

I'll probably see it sometime this week.

I disagree. I am not a Star Wars fanatic. I was at one time when I was a kid. I was 12 when the original came out and was in love with it.
Then came ESB...even better!...terrific!...whoohoo...then came ROTJ...meh...okay...underwhelmed. But awesome to see how it all played out.
Then came the prequels...boring, loooong drawn out meaningless dialogue...terrible acting, bad characters...the worst IMO being Clone Wars...was painful to get through it.
But wait...Phantom Menace...much better, still poorly acted because let's face it - Hayden Christensen is a bad actor. Period. Ruined the chance of it being a great film.
This film is weak. Because it absolutely and obviously stole story lines from the original first two. Inarguable.
Was it a good movie on it's own? Depends if you saw the original series. If you haven't - it is good because it is a story you haven't seen before. If you have - it was practically a remake of SW and ESB combined.
The problem with the prequels was poor casting, shitty acting (even Neeson and Portman sleepwalked through it), poor direction, silly dialogue and a weak story featuring Anakin's Mom issues.

I think that the prequels are better movies than you give them credit for. Leaving aside all things Jar-Jar Binks, they weren't that bad. Better than the Disney Sequels to sell more toys. At least they TRIED to tell a story.
If you played the game The old Republic you'd see it's more complicated than that. Star Wars shows you a tiny piece of the Universe. There are other groups that use the force differently. Good and Evil and neither. Old empires of cyborgs that used the force. Mystics that use the force, weakly. It's the Jedi who turned it into a religion and the Empire who turned it into a force of power.

The force is the force. It's what makes the Universe work. It is simply there to be used or not used. It is neither good nor evil. It's what you do with it, like any tool, car, gun, that makes it good or evil but it itself is neither. It is just a tool to be used by those who can. Use too much of it you upset the balance of the Universe. Everything in moderation.
The problem with the prequels was poor casting, shitty acting (even Neeson and Portman sleepwalked through it), poor direction, silly dialogue and a weak story featuring Anakin's Mom issues.

I think that the prequels are better movies than you give them credit for. Leaving aside all things Jar-Jar Binks, they weren't that bad. Better than the Disney Sequels to sell more toys. At least they TRIED to tell a story.

I think they outright stank, and aside from some interesting visual sequences, worthless. I gave them another try years ago, and came to the same conclusion. Yoda and Palpatine's fight had all the good lines.

I consider Rogue One to be the opening chapter of the series. With the film industry being the way it is today, I'm not surprised at the sequels being in the main a regurgitation of the originals.

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