another Smollet hoax/school praises a lie!!!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..we have another Smollet hoax and the school PRAISES the LIE!!!!!!!

the school says--bold mine:
. ''''''We also saw many positive outcomes. I want to acknowledge the actions our students took as a result of these incidents. Students proactively led walkouts at multiple Parkway high schools and in these moments, many students shared personal experiences of racism'''''

--------HHAHAHAHAHAHA yes, racist experiences like this one !!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA = LIES
POSITIVE!! hahahhaah this HURTS the blacks and the community

so they PRAISED the kids for protesting for a LIE !!!!!!! AND that PRAISES the RACIST black that did it
so they praised the DUMBASS kids for RUSHING to judgment [ guilty before innocent - just like the hitlerjugend ]
..if a white had done this, it would be all over the news
====== most racism claims are BULLSHIT

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Here we see her fans in the negro hall of fame lining up to welcome her induction.

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