Another round of Mexico’s worst headed towards US


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Thanks to the state of Border Security under Biden Harris, another round of Mexico’s worst is headed our way. Sleep tight.

"Sleep Tight"
"Democrats applaud the Destruction!"

See how the whining never ends......but NEVER a thread on doing a damn thing about it that matters.
There are literally thousands of legal things that you "could" do to help cut the head off the Elitist Snake, but no one cares.
If you dare to try to get people involved with any reasonable discussion of actually doing something meaningful it will be the loneliest quietest thread ever.

WHY are Americans so dedicated to losing?

You NEVER, EVER see so much as an attempt to go there.
Americans are histories most profound LOSERS ?
What Biden has done on our border is the single dumbest thing I've ever see any President do. And I'm an old fuck.
What Biden has done on our border is the single dumbest thing I've ever see any President do. And I'm an old fuck.
It might even be in violation of his oath to defend and protect the United States and could be grounds for dismissal.

And there is no benefit to America in welcoming in millions of low-class, uneducated, unskilled, semi-literate foreigners who lower the caliber of the schools and the value of the properties wherever they settle.

And before libtards say that they “do the jobs that Americans are unwilling to do,” yeah sure…..we are giving Americans $50,000 and more in welfare benefits to refuse. Cut off ALL welfare to those not working a full-time job (and without pre-school kids), and watch how many high school dropouts are willing to work.

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