Another Paedo Cover Up

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Private Eye | Church of England : Suffer little children

THE Rt Revd Peter Forster, Bishop of Chester, is the longest-serving bishop in the Church of England. He has frequently spoken out about the evils of pornography.

“There is growing evidence of a direct and potentially permanent impact upon the brain itself,” he said in a Lords debate in 2015, adding: “I have had two of my clergy prosecuted for downloading child sexual abuse images, usually called child pornography. Both these priests were given custodial sentences and both are unlikely ever again to exercise the Christian ministry for which they were trained.”

Entirely penitent
Unlikely, but not certain. Giving evidence under oath at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) last week, Bishop Forster revealed that he had personally intervened to prevent one of those clergy, Rev Ian Hughes, from being banned from ministry for life.

No doubt Yaxley will be on this when he gets out.
So, you are defending the brutal gang rapes of THOUSANDS of children by dredging up an example of two priests who did not even touch a child?

I don't think I have ever encountered a poster so obsessed with child sex, before, much less one who focuses so much rage against a public figure trying to protect the victims.

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