Another Mars mission waste of Money. 2.46 Billion dollars for a dead planet.People in need hr on Ear


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.
I wonder if Spanish idiots said the same thing about financing Columbus's expedition.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.
Don't sweat it, I give you my personal guarantee that not a single penny will be spent on Mars. Every cent will be spent on this planet exclusively.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

You have an extraordinary limited view of things.
What Mars has to offer is off the charts to the continuation of our species.
We need to learn better about long distance space travel
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

Because we have to go to Mars. If there are three-breasted women there like in that "Total recall" movie I saw, I want to know about it..

Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

....or the Obama's can buy 2 websites from Big Mikeys college roommate
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

You have an extraordinary limited view of things.
What Mars has to offer is off the charts to the continuation of our species.
We need to learn better about long distance space travel

A mission to Mars will be a suicide mission for humans. There is no oxygen, its to cold , and there is just to much ultravilolet radiation for humans to be exposed to. And once you land , you become to heavy to lift back off to get back to Earth!!.Not feaseble at all for humans to visit.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.
Where does that 2.46 billion go if it is spent on the mission? where has it gone previously [ie. when it was not being spent on the mission?] where will/would it go instead of the mission?
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

The drive to explore is part of what it means to be human.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

You have an extraordinary limited view of things.
What Mars has to offer is off the charts to the continuation of our species.
We need to learn better about long distance space travel

A mission to Mars will be a suicide mission for humans. There is no oxygen, its to cold , and there is just to much ultravilolet radiation for humans to be exposed to. And once you land , you become to heavy to lift back off to get back to Earth!!.Not feaseble at all for humans to visit.

You do know that there were those who said of Wilbur and Orville Wright, "Man will never fly", don't you?

And it was subsequently only 66 years before a man walked on the moon.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

You have an extraordinary limited view of things.
What Mars has to offer is off the charts to the continuation of our species.
We need to learn better about long distance space travel

Where's my Holtzman Drive? They promised!
A mission to Mars will be a suicide mission for humans. There is no oxygen, its to cold , and there is just to much ultravilolet radiation for humans to be exposed to.
Kinda makes ya wonder about NASA's sense of humor doesn't it?...what you're saying is either NASA is intentionally engaging in homicidal behavior or they just do not have access to the information you possess.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.

You have an extraordinary limited view of things.
What Mars has to offer is off the charts to the continuation of our species.
We need to learn better about long distance space travel

Where's my Holtzman Drive? They promised!
ION thruster is the most promising, get to Mars in a little over a month. Once perfercted it is believed it can get to 400,000 miles an hour, could get to Mars in under a week.
Here we have another Mars rover mission waste of money. To the tune of 2.46 Billion U.S. Dollars. Could this money not be spent here on Earth to feed many that need food and clean drinking water.? When is this waste of money to explore a dead red planet going to stop. How many of these rovers do we need.? Your thoughts on this matter.
Are you kidding me? You could say the same thing about the wars in the middle east. Where is your outrage on all the money we wasted there over the past 18 years?
Canceling a mission to Mars would not put one biscuit in the mouth of one homeless person.

Some people reason like children.
OP also fails to understand that many high tech good paying jobs are created through all the various contractors connected to any project.
That's a lot of biscuits folks can provide for themselves.

Each step we take brings us closer to being a true space faring species. Despite the naysayers, I believe it is an inevitable that humans will eventually occupy Mars, and the several moons of the gas giants known to contain water. Eventually mining the asteroid belt for resources.
They lack vision and imagination, but can never stop the dreamers and doers and the driven instinct within many that screams...
"I wonder what's over there?"

We haven't got this far on the ideology of Can't be done.
Canceling a mission to Mars would not put one biscuit in the mouth of one homeless person.

Some people reason like children.
OP also fails to understand that many high tech good paying jobs are created through all the various contractors connected to any project.
That's a lot of biscuits folks can provide for themselves.

Each step we take brings us closer to being a true space faring species. Despite the naysayers, I believe it is an inevitable that humans will eventually occupy Mars, and the several moons of the gas giants known to contain water. Eventually mining the asteroid belt for resources.
They lack vision and imagination, but can never stop the dreamers and doers and the driven instinct within many that screams...
"I wonder what's over there?"

We haven't got this far on the ideology of Can't be done.
Like I said earlier, There is no air , no water, and the Gama, and deep space radiation on Mars will kill off any would be colonizers in a matter of months.!! And once you land on Mars the gravity is such that you can not bring enough fuel to lift you off of Mars to get you back to Earth!! You people have been brainwashed by science fiction movies with this Mars colonization idea. Nothing will grow on Mars, and when the colonizers run out of food they will all starve to death, if the radiation or lack of oxygen doesn't kill them off first.And that is if they make it to Mars!, they were a few probes that skipped off the atmosphere because the telemetry navigation was off a few degrees.
You have to wait 3 to 6 years to reach optimal orbit just to get there. Do the research before you submit these fantasy posts.
It is part of human nature to explore, but there will always be frightened old women among us whose inherent weakness overrides this urge. I guess someone has to stay behind in the village and weave baskets.
It is part of human nature to explore, but there will always be frightened old women among us whose inherent weakness overrides this urge. I guess someone has to stay behind in the village and weave baskets.

"If man was meant to go to outer space, he have been born with rockets in his ass."
- said someone in my 1950s memories.

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