Another insurrectionist bites the dust

Ok. So the guy who gave a thirty minute speech in court was a plant from whoever. But not the FBI. Got it.

I don’t suppose you guys sell a program to keep track of the players in your little production of it isn’t us. The Trump Supporter Chronicles.
For one thing, the guy that gave a 30 min speech probably was offered a reduced sentence if he'd read off that statement. It's kind of strange because no lawyer worth his salt would let him say anything that might incriminate himself.

For another, I'm sure that the CIA makes a habit issuing an email to everyone letting them know exactly what their mission statement is, (and alert the media to their methods) when they're in the middle of any black ops. :auiqs.jpg:
They tend to be pretty secretive about their methods, which explains why most of the video footage still hasn't been released.

Clearly you're too retarded to understand psychological operations (It's something I learned in the Army), or you simply refuse to admit you've been duped.

The Deep State is pulling hoaxes all the time. We're being bombarded with psychological operations 24/7 in the news and on social-media.
That mess in Russia last weekend was another one, only that one blew up in their faces.
They were hoping it would last more than a few days.

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I'm sure that the CIA is always issuing an email to everyone letting them know exactly what their mission statement is, (and alert the media to their methods) when they're in the middle of any black ops. :auiqs.jpg:

Clearly you're too retarded to understand psychological operations (It's something I learned in the Army), or you simply refuse to admit you've been duped.

The Deep State is pulling hoaxes all the time. We're being bombarded with psychological operations 24/7 in the news and on social-media.
That mess in Russia last weekend was another one, only that one blew up in their faces.
They were hoping it would last more than a few days.


Funny thing about Psyops. They rarely work as expected.

Your asinine argument is that otherwise law abiding patriotic people were duped into breaking into the Capital and causing problems. That is a silly and really idiotic notion.

First it means that your argument is that the people who showed up to support Trump are a hairs breath above Forrest Gump on the intelligence scale. These are not the people smart enough to pick wisely. They are not even smart enough to know you don’t go places where you are told to stay away.

Second. It means the Trump followers are quite literally sheep. Easily able to be manipulated by a handful of instigators who use the same rhetoric as the true “leaders” of the Conservative Movement.

These assessments are the exact opposite that people like you claim all the time. The Trump supporters are smarter because they think for themselves. The Trump supporters are dedicated patriots who can see the truth of what is going on, and are dedicated to stopping the Left/Socialists/Communists or whatever.

So are you saying that the Trump Supporters duped by a handful of plants are really nothing more than mind numbed robots able to be manipulated in a few short minutes into violating the law?
Funny thing about Psyops. They rarely work as expected.

Your asinine argument is that otherwise law abiding patriotic people were duped into breaking into the Capital and causing problems. That is a silly and really idiotic notion.

First it means that your argument is that the people who showed up to support Trump are a hairs breath above Forrest Gump on the intelligence scale. These are not the people smart enough to pick wisely. They are not even smart enough to know you don’t go places where you are told to stay away.

Second. It means the Trump followers are quite literally sheep. Easily able to be manipulated by a handful of instigators who use the same rhetoric as the true “leaders” of the Conservative Movement.

These assessments are the exact opposite that people like you claim all the time. The Trump supporters are smarter because they think for themselves. The Trump supporters are dedicated patriots who can see the truth of what is going on, and are dedicated to stopping the Left/Socialists/Communists or whatever.

So are you saying that the Trump Supporters duped by a handful of plants are really nothing more than mind numbed robots able to be manipulated in a few short minutes into violating the law?
When the cops start shooting Tear Gas behind's easy to get upset. :eek:

What I heard is they let a bunch of people inside.
They had feds dressed up as Trump Supporters opening the back door letting people in. Then they let them walk around awhile while the guys outside (like Ray Epps) were encouraging people to go inside. He was out there helping rile up protesters.

I heard that most of the people started leaving, and that's when they started shooting gas and concussion grenades into the crowd. The wind forced people into the Capital to get away from the Tear Gas.
That caused a panic.

Somebody else planted a couple of fake bombs outside, and if they couldn't start a riot, they were going to clear the Senate Chambers with a bomb scare. The main thing was to prevent any evidence of election fraud being presented before they voted on certifying the election. They had the guy who planted them on video but never tried to find out who it was.

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