Another gang threat is unfolding thanks to Biden’s open border, but this time they’re going after American elites…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Another gang threat is unfolding thanks to Biden’s open border, but this time they’re going after American elites…

2 Apr 2024

As you’ve probably caught wind of, Joe Biden’s border disaster is really putting America through the wringer. It’s not just the border towns feeling the heat anymore. With Biden’s border invasion cranking up, the ripple effects are hitting every corner of the United States, touching more than just the working and middle classes. Now, even the upper crust of American society is starting to squirm as some fresh “gang” creativity shows up at their doorstep.
Trump’s been saying (and getting slammed for it) that we’re not exactly getting the cream of the crop. It’s like some places are just clearing out their jails and psych wards and sending them our way. And the Democrats might as well be holding the door open with welcome baskets as these dregs of humanity flood in.



The only slight silver lining here might be that once the elites themselves start feeling the heat, we could see some real change. It seems like the media turns a blind eye when the unwashed peasants are the ones facing harm. But when members of the Biden Regime and their elite circle begin to bear the brunt, suddenly, everyone’s paying attention. The wealthy have no problem putting your rights and safety on the line to advance their progressive agenda—as long as they’re not the ones making the sacrifices.

Chickens coming home to roost.
The Democrat Neo-Marxist elites think they are immune from the problems they are importing on the rest of the country.
They're fools to have ever thought this wasn’t going to come back to bite them.
They cannot control the monster they have un leashed.
We certainly saw how the elite of Martha's Vineyard handled illegals.
Let's see how they handle the invasion of South Hampton this summer?
Benjamin Franklin said it best.


When this invasion first started the Biden administration said Venezuelans would not be granted asylum... at the time I thought hmmm I wonder why... now we know why because its a nation full of murderers and thieves and one of the most deadly gangs in the world...
So what changed?... why are they now letting them in?... I'll tell you why... the polls numbers... Biden is losing and needs every vote he can get...
I doubt it, most of the homes of the elite are not occupied year round.
Sounds like some luxury digs await the illegal squatters. It will be nice if the hordes of wealthy liberals return from their winter homes in Naples and Palm Beach to find Jose, Marcos, Jorge, Ricardo, and Pablo have taken over their McMansions.

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